Ya thats pretty much what I'm saying. =]The problem is that it's much easier to do and much harder to screw up in Brawl. Whoops, you mistimed and didn't grab the ledge, quickly, Up B and auto-sweetspot for invicinbility! If you mess up, you no longer have to panic possibly messing up your timing, not sweetspotting and getting punished for it since most Up Bs auto-sweetspot now.
No one is saying new players won't get good at the game, lol. I encourage everyone to play Melee/Brawl. Anyone with practice can get good at this game. But the people who think they are automatically going to be good and play even with the competitive players as soon as Brawl comes out.... they are highly mistaken lol. Its going to be the same thing thats happened in Melee, a good competitive player that has experience with the game will play a casual gamer....the casual gamer will get 2-4 stocked call everything that the other person was doing "cheap" then come on the boards and complain about competitive smash and how it ruins the game.Edit: And while this "new players won't get good at this game" is probably true to a great extent (and i am sure most of the people sounding confident that they will be the best won't get close) there will for sure be some new people that will come up on top. If not completely new to competitive gaming then at least a few people with no past experience from exactly smash, but has been playing other games competetively.