Some notes about Smash Factor 8, particularly the two biggest things to come from it:
1. After trying to catch up to MKLeo for so long, Marss

finally managed to win a Grand Finals tournament over him, and at an A tier tournament no less; MKLeo looked a little out of his element during GF (particularly when he anticlimactically SD'd at the end), but major props to Marss and ZSS for that matter. Does this mean that ZSS needs a nerf? Maybe, but for now, I do recall Shaya writing up a post on developing counterplay against Flip Kick; if Flip Kick isn't nerfed in patch 4.0.0, I think we should focus on that first and foremost, kind of like how people have been developing counterplay against Joker and Arsene. I do think she is probably a top tier character now, or at the very least the lower end of it (where I'd also put

). She's only got one major rep, but that rep is mad good, and just dethroned the King of Smash Ultimate.
2. The other major story, and the one that I've noticed hasn't been getting nearly as much attention, but there was not only one, but TWO

's in the Top 8, and one of them made top 3, at an A tier event. And even more, Maister only dropped both of his sets to MKLeo of all players, the best Smash Ultimate player around (or maybe not? Eeeehhhhh, we'll see). I don't know if I can say G&W is a high tier; part of me doesn't want to make a knee-jerk reaction, but at the same time... he didn't JUST beat Abadango and Gluttony: He pretty much mopped the floor with both of them, two-stocking Gluttony twice, and outside of MKLeo, he only ever dropped one game against Regi Shikimi, the other

player that made it into top 8. This could've been just because of a lack of match-up experience, but it doesn't change the fact that this has probably been GnW's best performance at a tournament yet. Some notes watching some of Maister's and Regi's sets:
a. NAir is a REALLY scary ledge get-up option; it's not always going to work, but against players trying to read neutral or jump get-ups, the move WILL land, and when it does, chances are the opponent will most likely be eating 40~60% damage off of non-stop strings of NAirs and UAirs. That, and GnW can use the move to cross-up on shields and then return to neutral thanks to his nutty air acceleration. This isn't a get-up option you would want to throw out all the time, but it certainly works as a mix-up option to condition players to get off your grill.
b. This sort of leads me into my second point: GnW has some potentially really insane damage output; whether it's off of a grab or NAir, the little guy is netting so much damage off of either in the forms of strings consisting of NAir, UAir, Fire, especially against giant heavyweights like

(poor LeSou, Regi just did NOT let him play the game); ledge-trapping in the form of Chef can net him potentially ~20% damage, because outside of pretty much Fire and his throws, GnW's damage output is actually pretty generous for someone of his weight class: NAir does 15.6% clean, UAir does 14.4% clean, FAir does 18%, FTilt does 14.4% clean (why is the move frame 8), the list goes on and on. It can be a bit crazy sometimes to see that 20 seconds in, someone's already at kill percentages.
c. Up B is a really strong option, not just as an OoS, but as a combo breaker and pressure breaker tool: this happened a lot in Abadango's and Gluttony's sets: Everytime Gluttony got a hit with FAir at low percents, Maister would just Up B out of it to stop whatever he was doing. Whenever Abadango tried to followup Wario's or Palutena's strings, GnW would just Up B out of it. And the thing is, Fire is punishable, but is also scary to punish because the move only lasts for 36 frames, has Mr. Game and Watch go high up in the sky in any of the three directions you can launch him in, and ALSO has a DAir that kills at 110~120% at mid-height because the move had its power jacked up from Smash 4. His DAir is a large part of why challenging GnW can be dangerous, and when auto-canceled, it's hard to punish as well.
d. GnW still has generally limited approaching options, but a lot of that is mitigated by NAir, which was honestly become a lot better in terms of approaching then I first realized. The move catches jump-ins very well thanks to its hitboxes completely covering GnW, it crosses up larger bodies and is quite fast (frame 7), and jump + NAir looks like a really decent option to answer opponents grounded aggression. I noticed this when Abadango tried to hit GnW with down tilt, but Maister jumped over it and landed with NAir, which you can do because the move just has really massive reach on any side that's not below him and because once again, Mr. Game and Watch has a really nutty air acceleration.
GnW does have major problems, and I think the biggest one (aside from his obvious frailty) is a lack of a consistent anti-air kill move: NAir and UAir are too weak to kill at reasonable percents, BAir and DAir only hit directly behind and below GnW respectively, and FAir isn't exactly the most reliable move out there. It's why I've always been suggesting a buff to his UTilt over buffs to his FAir, because I still think that's easily the worst move in his toolkit right now.
But I think G&W's best strength is that whatever the opponent's doing, he always seems to have an answer for it. If you try to hog the ledge, he'll ledge trap and either 30% damage off of it, or get a kill confirm off of it. If you try to throw projectiles at him, he'll reflect or absorb it with Oil Panic. If you try to shield against him as he's landing, he'll double FAir you and reduce your shield to a size of a pea. If you try and attack his shield, he'll Fire out of it and get his own combo off of it. If you try to land anywhere near him or a roll around him to get away from the ledge, he'll DSmash and get a kill at 70%. If you try to spotdodge against him after blocking an aerial, he'll throw an USmash to get a kill at 90%. If you try to jump, he'll throw out an NAir and get a ton of damage off of it. If you try to grab the ledge against him, there's a possibility you'll be two-framed by an FTilt or a Dash attack. I don't think this is enough to make him a really strong character, but I think it mainly contributes to why fighting against G&W can feel like such a frustrating experience.
I don't know if I'm ready to call him a high tier threat just yet (I would probably place him around the top of mid tier or the bottom of high tier), but there's no denying Maister was on his A-game this tournament, and he's definitely upper-mid tier at worst. If he does do as well at EVO as he did here, I could definitely see it.