I think we had pixie fighters since the beginning. Not sure about 64, but melee was fox and falco, brawl was metaknight (lightweight), S4 had sheik, diddy, etc.
Initially, I didn't think of Footsies being categorized as a playstyle, since everyone plays footsies. But then, I realized you were just specifying characters that dominated the mid-range and dominated the neutral (which existed since marth was introduced).
My main thing is, I see a lot of comments on youtube, here, reddit, etc that talks about how different ultimate is, how balanced it is, how diverse it is, etc, and I can't help but be very leery of these comments. There's also a lot of comments that downplay and trash S4, and I don't understand the slander.
S4's balance was good.




). This was the list of characters that were considered viable. possibly 36/approx 60 ish characters. I forget the exact number.
The ones in parenthesis are ones I'm not sure on, based on the verdict. I forgot what was the conclusion for them, though I remember

getting results towards the end of his career,


looking toxic due to their grab combo,


falling lower, but out? Not sure. T was making moves with


got buffs, but I don't think many was doing anything with him (besides San) since


was hype due to Kameme, but fell a bit I think since Kameme switched to


was getting plays with Locus and Trela, but Locus changed characters, and Trela played everyone,

didn't have someone to really show his potential iirc, but his frame data and moves keeps him from being entirely unviable, the


didn't get plays since they didn't kill good enough? People used to say they were too average and boring, but then opinions changed to them having amazing landing coverage and speed, but lacking in kill options and possibly a vulnerable recovery (I think Chainz said this). Maister played

and beat Tyroy who played

in combo breaker 2018 grand finals. A really cool achievement, but safe to say,

been getting plays thanks to Maister in some form or fashion,

was played by Fatality, but didn't get enough plays to keep him from falling. I think if ZeRo played more

, he would've risen.

was always hyped up, but then disregarded due to no results. Then Darkwolf and someone else starting making plays with him to solidify he has some sort of muscle. Raito, You3, and Brood all played

, with Raito to lead the pack and make the most plays with him. He still got success towards the end of the game. Same with Gluttony, though

was more reliant on waft, and didn't have the normals to beat his weaker MUs (I think


were particularly nasty to him).
I say all this, to point out S4, particularly because it gets the most hate based on recency bias, was pretty well-balanced and had pretty much every playstyle we see in ultimate.
Like, S4 was a good competitive game. Rage was dumb. Grabs were preeetty strong, and did everything. Bayo was dumb. There were a lot of dumb things in the game, like there's dumb things everywhere. At least imo, it was a very solid game.
oh, and I think people forget that balance is very subjective in perspective. Smash ultimate looks super balance because people are still developing their very rough gameplans, MUs, etc, but once skill levels start to rise and separate, balance is gonna look more skewed. And there's little the developers can do about it.
lmk if I should delete this or not. Not sure about its relevancy to the thread. Or if it's not quality. maybe due to lack of statistics, but that'll easily take a long time to go through, and the way this thread be moving, the relevancy of the issue I have will be gone. Unless there's nothing to worry about.