I'm having a bit of a character crisis but it's more of a competitive gaming crisis in general. For a while I was doing good and getting 9th out of 119 players but I never reached or exceeded that peak since. I've hit a glass ceiling. Or many glass ceilings truthfully. Part of it is I'm really feeling

's limitations but the larger part is me.
Let's start with the character crisis. YL is a solid high tier but damnit if he isn't technical as hell and balanced by poor stats. I get how void feels about Pichu; it's hard playing a character who, although with good tools, has to outplay most opponents 3 times as much as they outplay you.
YL has to work harder to to the same things as top tiers too. Last weekly I didn't know how heavy Joker was and my Fair1>land popped him up too much at 110% for Dsmash to combo and I lost 2 kill confirms simply from MU inexperience. You have to take into account the floatiness and %s for optimal combos. Wolf can simply Bair and be done with it. This is why YL will never be flavor of the week, it's the same for Shulk, he has to work harder to do the same things as better characters. In a competitive fighting game this is a real crutch. It's hard enough outplaying opponents without having to keep track of a bunch of factors. Rather than optimize my combos I'm developing a system to simplify them so I can preform bread and butter combos from muscle memory. It's better to get a little less reward than miss entirely.
YL has amazing projectile zoning but at the cost of CQC. Yeah he looks awesome when preforming his combos but he really needs the opponent to be off balance to get to that point. His jab is f6, slower than the standard swordsman jab of f5. His tether grab is F12 and this is a huge disadvantage when faced with shields. You have to go for a risky read anytime you grab. Despite sub-average frame data, YL's sword is short and gets out-zoned by actual swordsmen and heavies. His strikes don't have good option coverage as all his aerials either stab out in a line (Uair) or swing on the Z axis (Fair) so he gets blind spots unlike Lucina. This is what balances zoners! There's a circle around sword characters like Ike, Lucina or even DK that they're better at CQC in. Rushdowns suffocate you with far superior frame data once they get in. Zoners are given projectiles because they have to zone. If you think projectiles are OP you try playing YL in a 128 man tournament and see how far you get.
I don't want to get too down on YL; he has an amazing neutral that transitions into good combos. His f4 Nair is awesome; it out-buttons the majority of the cast and only has 6f landing lag so it's hard to punish. Like I said YL is a solid high tier.
So am I blaming YL for my losses? Yes and no. If I really wanted to win I'd pick up a top tier. And I don't blame anyone for doing so; Salem was smart to drop Link for Snake and I'd be smart to do the same. But at the same time I'm not just losing to bad MUs. I got beaten by a DK and Ganon who were very good at shielding.
So why am I beating 2-4 people before getting taken out of bracket. Lets put YL aside for a minute. 1 I'm getting too wrapped up in my own head about optimizing YL's combos (that didn't last long did it?) and trying to integrate things like Fair1>Dtilt>jump>upB like Tweek does that work out if all the stars align. In the meantime I'm throwing out unsafe CQC options on block. This is a trap that a lot of technical character players fall into: neglecting fundamental spacing and safety for optimized advantage states.
2 I'm trying to imitate Tweek's playstyle and pressing lots of buttons. But are the buttons meaningful? This is what separates the top players from mid level players. Yes they might throw out smash attacks but as calculated risks. Their attacks mean something and aren't just for the sake of pressing buttons. Unfortunately there's no easy solution to this issue as it comes with experience and in a game with 70+ characters it is hard to be consistent, even for top players. You have to do the best you can but you have to do something. Which brings me to...
3 how well am I adapting? You have to adapt to new situations and MUs. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. This is another tricky issue that comes with experience. One thing I do know is it's important to reflect in between games, especially ones you lose, and make a conscious effort about it.
4 let's not forget bracket luck. If I get the Wolf player who places second at big tournaments it kind of sucks (this happened to me twice). The important thing is that I learned something.
So, where do I go from here? I could pick up a high tier main but I've always been a Link loyalist because he's the most fun to play. I'm not making my money off tournaments so it's important I enjoy them.
I could get a secondary. YL is appearing to be more and more of a polarizing character so a secondary isn't a bad idea. Maybe I'll use Link or maybe I'll be smart and learn Lucina. It depends on who's the most enjoyable to play. Either way, this is worth pursuing.
I'm trying to find someone to help me practice in between weeklies. Practice, with good people is always a good option.
Or maybe I'm spending too much time writing ****ing essays on video games :/. But Esports are as legit as as other table top games like Chess or ping pong. This is the 21st century. Games are important socially and culturally. If I enjoy them and don't go too far overboard, what's the harm?
In the end, I've got a lot to think about.