No. We don't want to affect the character's attributes because they really are fine. Its an artificial speed increase to the game thats not needed when we have the source problem to fix
Umm...why not? People that have tried the code really seem to like it (including myself).
And reducing the effect of DI is also changing the character's attributes. You are changing the range of trajectories that any particular move a character has can send you at.
Yea, because captian falcon is soo slow he cant catch up to people.
Relative to the hitstun and trajectory of his moves!!!
And out of your list here are the viable options comprised of good and bad approaches to deal with this IMO of course
increase the hitstun
increase the speed of the characters
decrease the ending lag of the moves
decrease the knockback
decrease the DI's influence
Hitstun doesn't need to be higher
We already halved the landing lag of all moves, it doesn't need to be more
We shouldn't change the kb of moves
We could increase the speed of characters but that would be changing the characters attributes which is something we should avoid when we have the mechanic responsible to fix thats OP atm.
If you had read my post a little more closely, you would've seen that I acknowledged that some approaches are preferable to others. I'm disputing that your method is the
best one to be implemented.
No I'm not talking about vertical stuff. I mained marth in melee and he didn't really have to move around that much especially to combo spacies. Maybe a jump here or there but he didn't have to run 3/4th the way of FD to combo with a dash attack, then run 1/2 way the other way to continue to the combo. Most of the combos at lower percents involved you staying relatively the same distance between yourself and the opponent. The combos were controlled and awesome because you didn't have to run a marathon to catch up to people when they had 10% damage on them!!
You do realize that you're talking about spacies at low percentages right? And that
chaingrabs and tech chases are much more effective for racking damage at those low percentages right (as in, you should not be comboing them because they are at too low of a percentage to combo anyway).
And for characters like Samus, Marth, Peach (you know, foatier characters). you
did have to chase them halfway across the stage over the course of 4 or 5 hits.
And heck, a lot of Marth's "combos" didn't even have the opponent locked in hitstun the whole time, but rather a combination of him outranging or outspeeding any form of retaliation (this is especially true of Samus, Luigi, and Jigglypuff). One of the first thing I had to learn about comboing
non falcons/space animals was that my combos would be much more effective if I made sure that I started the combo when they had no second jump. The opponent escaping your combo when they DI
correctly is no big deal.
But the approach game doesn't really need faster dashes!!
Why not? Dash dances get faster, more characters get dash cross ups, and overall it becomes harder to simply
react to your opponent's approaches.
We already buffed the approach game with several codes!!
And we already buffed the combo game with several codes!! What's your point?
We still have the problem of running around at 15% damage and we should attack that by fixing the mechanic responsible instead of using an outside mechanc to do the job that arbitrary speeds changes the characters attributes!!!
Using that "outside mechanic" you kill two birds with one stone. You get more combos and you get a faster approach game.
The thing is, even at those times when you have to chase people a bit more to continue the combos, the DI was in check with the air speed of the game. What you have in brawl is the DI well surpasses the air speed of the game and if that can get fixed, fine we don't need a DI nerf. But if we can't and I fear that we really can't seeing how there is no mechanic built in the game to work with, DI should be the fix for the problem since that is the reason for the problem...not run speed.
I just explained that there are
several reasons for the problem and how addressing any one of them would fix it. Increasing dash speed is not grabbing at some outside mechanic like you claim, since part of the reason that you can't follow up your combos is because your character does not move fast enough to reach them. You're trying to make them go less far in a certain amount of time, I'm trying to make you go farther. Don't act like we're initiating some kind of taboo with our fix, as it too addresses the problem directly. The problem is
not that their DI carries them to far, the problem is that you can't combo. Their DI is a
causes of the problem, but it is not the
only cause.
If it turns out that there is no way to increase airspeed (which I highly doubt),
then I might support DI increase (heck, I currently have no problems comboing at all. And Sonic has terrible airspeed, meaning I have to hit them, land, run to them, and then attack all before they get out of hitstun).