I'm all for Bowser having faster, stronger attacks. And he's not the only character that could use a buff to his specials.
Capt Falcon in Beta 3 lives longer (due to his grav mods) and hits harder and faster than Bowser. Yet it's also perfectly OK that he also has godly speed and combo ability. Both characters have terrible priority. Given that, how can we justify keeping Bowser as terribly slow as he is?
Ahmen... I posted this rant on the brawl + forums (before beta 3 came out)
"I really know how you feel man. Sometimes I feel like my please for char balance falls on deaf ears. I think just becuase Link or bowser has always been bad dosen't mean they have to be that way until the end of time. Like why does falcon need a faster falcon punch? why does shiek need a better fair? THERE AMAZING CHARS!!! Yet it's said that we should keep the chars crappy recovery or crappy shields because thats how its always been. This doesn't make the game more fun. I dont play link bowser and samus becuase there bad (compared to mk, snake, G&W, kirby, ect...) I play them because I love the way they play, and I love the chars themselves.
Marth has Nothing bad about him. Every attack is good. I could say the same for many other chars. So why do bad chars have to keep there ****ty moves and broken "techniques" just so they can be different? The answer is they don't.
No matter how much we buff bowsers abiltiy to take damage. He will still be out speeded and out comboed bye most of the chars,and Completely destroyed by the marths, G&W, and MKs of the game. What thats saying is if you play bowser your only option is to Get completely ***** until you get 1 good hit in, and continue like that until you MABYE win.
What happens when your fighting a char with a comboable spike? I'll tell you. you get ****ed, or ya get lucky. No amout of defense is gonna save you from a spike when you have a terrible recovery. Why is it so difficult to let him have Better kill moves. A better recovery AND make him an attack sponge? Snake has all of this! He will still have slow easily punished moves and die off the top quicker than the fast falling chars ( with the new fall speed code that is)
For yoshi why not give him better kill moves, a better recovery AND jump out of shield. This will not break him! He still probley won't be that good. He will still have a relatively bad recovery, a useless side B, and a mediocre projectile...
>_> I could go on but this is a long kinda pointless post, thats probley not gonna change anyones opinion. I know the majority of you play hightiers because you like the way they play. I'm sure all of you aren't tier whores, but think about it. Why should your char be better than mine when we can change that, and be on a more even plain?
Edit: I really dont want to hear the obligatory "get better" or "mabye you just suck" because you all know that the chars I main are some of the worst in the game.
and I'm not saying everyone is of this mentality, but I do hear these things alot, and I'm glad there are people like mookie rah and cape working on the buffs. "