There is nothing subjective about removing specific character disadvantages and keeping character specific advantages. I hate wario, but with this I would have him getting a frame reduction to whatever keeps every character in the game from comboing him off a grab release except for those who have lower release times (I know he has a 50 frame air release, but he still gets ***** regardless since he doesn't go anywhere).
Are you planning on saying that we should just leave wario in his grab release predicament alone? If every character has to have the same number of frames for the release, and we leave air releases at 50... then wario gets screwed over. Your method is just as subjective as mine (meaning it's not), but mine actually fixes what is broken in the game, instead of killing something that gave a few (non-broken) characters a slight advantage against the rest of the cast.
Grab releases single out certain characters that get screwed almost universally. It also singles out a few characters that benefit universally. I see no reason to remove the advantage that some characters have, although I think that characters who got screwed by that mechanic should be fixed.
Ummm... my method does the following:
ALL Ground Releases : 30 frames
ALL Air Releases: 30 frames
ALL Grab Breaks: 30 frames
So every single issue is resolved and the release game is left neutral as it should be. No one is advantaged OR disadvantaged.
How is that not more balanced, proper, and ideal than having arbitrary advantages under the veil of "uniqueness"?
It looks like from the start you were misunderstanding my goals?
I don't want uniqueness gone, I want arbitrary things gone.
What is it about DK, exactly, that makes him, uniquely and specifically, the character who gets a 20 frame release?
Why him? Can anyone tell me why/how that was a developmental balance choice and not an oversight?
Even in vBrawl he's hardly below mid tier. Why doesn't Mario get that advantage instead? What basis is there for this sort of decision? Why not just go ahead and start changing release values as a way to balance characters?
And so on... you see the problem with arbitrary things like that?