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COMPETITIVE Brawl+: Code Agenda


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Its funny how little attention the Up b glitch gets. It is incredibly noticeable with the new ledge codes and IMO is a must code...

Also, keep this in the back of everyones minds:

New code lengths when combined

ASL 45 lines
lagless ledges 44 lines
Auto l canceling 25 lines
Dash canceling 20 lines

(plus 7 shared lines)


MAD 84 lines
Hit stun 29 lines

(plus 4 shared lines)


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
check out my last post, I edited it. Thanks! What up B glitches? the triple jump glitches? I'd love for those to be removed. Also, I'd love to keep invincibility frames when dropping off the ledge. That would absolutely perfect the code.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2007
Can you hook me up with a rsbe.txt that has the combined codes? :D


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
Who does the combining? how? I have something that muba gave me... a file that explains how to combine codes.. but I thought it was only for action modifier codes. hmm???


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
check out my last post, I edited it. Thanks! What up B glitches? the triple jump glitches? I'd love for those to be removed. Also, I'd love to keep invincibility frames when dropping off the ledge. That would absolutely perfect the code.
yes the triple jump glitch in CF, marth....
I don't think MuBas code should be in there in the final code set. It removes the punishment for missing a DD if you have no halt animation
Can you hook me up with a rsbe.txt that has the combined codes? :D
There is none. I was just posting that so ppl know what can be combined to save lines when the time comes as Paprika killer said


Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2007
I think ideally you should be able to DD at any point in your dash. (Either at the beginning or the end)

Also, without Muba's code or WDing, there's really no way left to execute sliding jabs. =/


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
Yeah, Kupo, I do notice the triple jump glitch more than ever. It's far more noticeable with the far faster pace of the game. With that said... I want it fixed so badly.

I wonder if we'll ever see a code that truly fixes this.

I'm not for a code that removes the locks however, as I believe that you should be penalized for missing a tech. Realizing the potential danger of missing a tech will force people to improve their tech timing. :) Locks aren't locks if the enemy techs.


Flute-Fox Only
Feb 7, 2007
I agree with SGX and Wind Owl. It would be really fun/possibly competitive to try out DDing at any point in dash.


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2007
In a dream
Isn't muba just you can turn at any point? It would be nice to dash dance turn at any point, and not exit with a pivot turn. I would love if Muba's code was edited to enter the dash dance animation at any point rather than the turn animation.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
Muba's code causes you to enter the standing animation....

kupo said:
I don't think MuBas code should be in there in the final code set. It removes the punishment for missing a DD if you have no halt animation
Not really. The skid animation acts like a regular run... you can still shield, jump, usmash, or dash attack out of it. If someone "messes up a DD" then they'd be returned to the standing animation anyway, since if you're not still holding the direction of the dash after an initial dash animation you just stop right there. The only way to get the skid animation is to actually initiate a run.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Muba's code causes you to enter the standing animation....

Not really. The skid animation acts like a regular run... you can still shield, jump, usmash, or dash attack out of it. If someone "messes up a DD" then they'd be returned to the standing animation anyway, since if you're not still holding the direction of the dash after an initial dash animation you just stop right there. The only way to get the skid animation is to actually initiate a run.
Yea, if you mess up a DD, you should not return to the standing animation. You should suffer the skids and limited options


Flute-Fox Only
Feb 7, 2007
But we're suggesting that there is no messing up. Give the player unlimited dash dancing.


Flute-Fox Only
Feb 7, 2007
Why not? If we have the freedom to give the player more mobility, why not?

Also, leafgreen386 is correct. In Vanilla Brawl, there is no such thing as skid punishment. Although you can't move very well for that half of a second, you're still fully capable of any action. This is the entire reason that RARing exists.

Edit: Additionally, it would likely cost fewer lines of code to just remove the restriction on DDing rather than adding another restriction back in


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Why not? If we have the freedom to give the player more mobility, why not?

Also, leafgreen386 is correct. In Vanilla Brawl, there is no such thing as skid punishment. Although you can't move very well for that half of a second, you're still fully capable of any action. This is the entire reason that RARing exists.

Edit: Additionally, it would likely cost fewer lines of code to just remove the restriction on DDing rather than adding another restriction back in
There should be some punishment. IMO We shouldn't make DDing more powerful than it should be. The game is exciting when you have options with limits so that you can figure out how to do something within the limits, not have one thing that does everything for you... Can you imagine how easy tech chasing would be with an unlimited DD code? Teching sucks as it is....

And we are not adding another restriction, just modifying the current one so it should only be like 6 lines...


Flute-Fox Only
Feb 7, 2007
So you want to hack in a helpless state to the turnaround? Because currently there isn't one.

Also, I thought we'd given up on the attitude of punishment for missing a tech with the use of ALC? Same arguement, right? A pro would never miss an L-cancel, why mess up a DD? Or is this different?

How can movement be overpowered? How can there be a better option for dashing than dashing?

Tech chasing takes place over a relatively short distance. Being able to DD at any point in the dash won't help you there. That's more limited by dash speed. Tech chasing is hard because with most characters you need to predict what they'll do before they do it. DD would help you change directions, but it can't help you predict the opponents actions.

In Melee, you could acheive the same result as unrestricted DDing by mixing up dash dances with wave dashing. This was indisputably balanced, and I fail to see how it would be any different in Brawl.

Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
Initial dash length varies from character to character and thus by making dash dancing only possible in this time it will create more character diversity. Also I do not want to lose the turn around animations that can sometimes be useful for certain characters (namely Squirtle).


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2007
In a dream
Is there a way to make the dash dance animation longer? Like say all characters dash opening animation lasts 2x as long? This would let people have more freedom dash dancing without taking away from normal dash stuff like RARing.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2007
I've noticed that if I'm holding R when I get hit, I won't be able to tech.

If we do get some sort of teching code, I hope this is fixed with it.

I also thought of something. Maybe there are 2 windows. One for missing a tech, one for getting a tech.

This would make sense, because if you try to block an attack a split second too late, it will count as a missed tech, and you'll be unable to tech when you land.

I don't think the game should register that you are trying to tech until you are actually falling downward. This would make a lot more sense. (Especially since most other fighters work this way)


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
So you want to hack in a helpless state to the turnaround? Because currently there isn't one.
DDing exists, we just need to make it longer
Also, I thought we'd given up on the attitude of punishment for missing a tech with the use of ALC? Same arguement, right? A pro would never miss an L-cancel, why mess up a DD? Or is this different?
They are quite different but they share one thing in common. The only thing going for MLC is that if you miss an l cancel, you lose a combo. If you miss a DD, you lose the tech chase. But you can't just remove all punishment for missing everything.

How can movement be overpowered? How can there be a better option for dashing than dashing?
A better option is changing directions on a dime at any time
Tech chasing takes place over a relatively short distance. Being able to DD at any point in the dash won't help you there. That's more limited by dash speed. Tech chasing is hard because with most characters you need to predict what they'll do before they do it. DD would help you change directions, but it can't help you predict the opponents actions.
your wrong. If you send someone outside of DDing range and run up to tech chase, they can roll behind you and escape since your stuck in the turnaround animation. Being able to DD at any point during the run which includes in the middle of it means you don't have to rely on predicting as much. If you predict wrong, you can still tech chase since the "DD at any time" allows you to change directions on a dime.
In Melee, you could acheive the same result as unrestricted DDing by mixing up dash dances with wave dashing. This was indisputably balanced, and I fail to see how it would be any different in Brawl.
Because in melee, you had 10 frames of lag before moving. Here, you would have 0 lag..

Is there a way to make the dash dance animation longer? Like say all characters dash opening animation lasts 2x as long? This would let people have more freedom dash dancing without taking away from normal dash stuff like RARing.
Thats the point. That is the code we want....


King of the Ship of Fools
Jun 22, 2003
Can I just ask again why the 11.75% is "settled" on?

As discussed in the podcast, I really feel like this is far too high if we're doing awesome combos immediately after it is set. "Feels right" is not particularly scientific. Even at 10%, which we played for a large amount of time, we felt was too high.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
Houston, TX
Can I just ask again why the 11.75% is "settled" on?

As discussed in the podcast, I really feel like this is far too high if we're doing awesome combos immediately after it is set. "Feels right" is not particularly scientific. Even at 10%, which we played for a large amount of time, we felt was too high.
you are use to brawl?


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2007
In a dream
Can I just ask again why the 11.75% is "settled" on?

As discussed in the podcast, I really feel like this is far too high if we're doing awesome combos immediately after it is set. "Feels right" is not particularly scientific. Even at 10%, which we played for a large amount of time, we felt was too high.
I was actually at 10% also, and due to the majority switching to 11.75% that is what I shifted to lol. Someone actual posted on my combo video at 10% "please use 11.75% next time". I honestly don't care which is used, and there are combos on both with most characters.

I do think 11.75% lets you do a bit too much. Hell I landed a few dair to falcon punches at 11.75%, and couldn't at 10. I also think that with the faster fall rate code it should be 10% now, if not even lower.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2007
I don't think 11.75% was ever "settled on"

It felt like a good value to use before we had faster falling codes. Now that we have that, hitstun should definitely be lower.

I think we should decide on a fall rate, and THEN decide on hitstun %.

I think anything higher than 11% hitstun and 1.25 fall rate is too much, IMO. This is what I'm testing now.

Don't forget, there are plenty of values between 10% and 11.75%, lol.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Can I just ask again why the 11.75% is "settled" on?

As discussed in the podcast, I really feel like this is far too high if we're doing awesome combos immediately after it is set. "Feels right" is not particularly scientific. Even at 10%, which we played for a large amount of time, we felt was too high.

I loled during the podcast around there.

Here is the my view point. 12% in normal brawl gravity and normal brawl AD seemed pretty good for the combos but it felt like there were a couple of guaranteed combos at certain percents. 11.75% I feel has the same combo potential but it eliminated these guaranteed combos by making you more weary of percent, location on the map and spacing. It doesn't look any different but it sure does feel different since hit stun is calculated in fractions.

In response to your "we are already doing good combos now, therefor its too high" I see what you mean but I disagree and would like to know what you think about this. We have been playing this game for 9 months now and we know a lot of what our characters can do. We have been dreaming up of theses combos in vanilla brawl and now they are a reality. They seem easy because we know how to play our character through gimmicks to help us to combo without hit stun so hit stun will naturally make comboing feel easy when we can use these gimmicks along side of moves that actually combo.

Brawl+ is a "new" game but it feels very much the same. The reason I feel that combos in the beginning of melee was harder was because we were learning melee and how to combo. I'm sure if melee had no hitstun and after 9 months of having no combo game that we were able to put in melee's current hit stun value that ppl would react the same way. It feels easy because compared to what we were dealing with, it is ; Also we are using our previous knowledge to help us with combos. How do you know that there is a decent combo system at a lower percent when its hard for some characters to combo decently there?

Another thing that is undeniable is that brawl is naturally an easy game. Its characters were based on a floaty game and no matter how much competitive codes we put in it, I still feel that brawl+ will be easy to do because that's the way the game is made.

What characters were you using at 10% to determine it was too high? If it is Fox or CF then sure, they will make it seem so but I think that 10% only helps the naturally gifted comboers but limits a lot of other characters combo potential. Do you have any matches online that might help demonstrate your point? I would love to see them!

(and your using s cancel for your tourney? I personally would go with auto l canceling to keep things familiar....hope it goes well)

EDIT: 11.75% is for no MAD and no Gravity changes and ALC. It will obviously be lower with anything else.

EDIT: Looking back at melee and playing it, hitstun seemed to be higher than 11.75% in brawl+ so the only thing I can think of as to why it feels so easy is because the game is slower paced and floaty. Your not as pressed for time.


Flute-Fox Only
Feb 7, 2007

Regardless, I think that you're too eager to clip unrestricted DDing at the bud. If someone is making one code I don't think it would be too difficult to also make the other. I would ask one of the hackers myself but I know how frustrated you'd be if someone other than yourself requested a code.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee

Regardless, I think that you're too eager to clip unrestricted DDing at the bud. If someone is making one code I don't think it would be too difficult to also make the other. I would ask one of the hackers myself but I know how frustrated you'd be if someone other than yourself requested a code.
lol, Im not a control freak even though I may seem like one. If you ask a hacker that makes a code, excellent. Im just afraid that too many ppl bombarding a hacker with code requests will result in no help.

And Im just trying to stick with what worked before, seeing how the game is before remaking mechanics. I feel you and others are too eager to completely change this game with unnecessary codes. This is my opinion of course.

EDIT: We may not be talking about the same thing


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2007
Has anyone noticed anything odd with snake when applying the no ledge sweet spot code or fast fall? I don't play against snake often but it seems like he gets knocked out of his up B easier than I recall.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
videos where?
I should have some this weekend

Has anyone noticed anything odd with snake when applying the no ledge sweet spot code or fast fall? I don't play against snake often but it seems like he gets knocked out of his up B easier than I recall.
I haven't tried recently but that could be a number of things: increased hitstun, no decay or weakened decay....
I doubt the ledge codes would affect that but ill test it now. Remember, anything that deals over 7.01% in a single hitbox knocks snake off


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2007
In a dream
I finally have a code set for brawl+ I am happy with. I would like to see a dash dance code, but a short one is not likely, and it would bump MAD/HAD. I do want to see some work done to the MAD code so that brawl fans can still have moves after the air dodge instead of just dead in the air like melee. I think this would do a lot to help branch out to brawl retail's fanbase. I would hate to leave wavedashing out just because brawl doesn't have it and people need to mod wiis to practice it on. It's 15$ for a SD card, easy to do, and plenty of info on how to do it here. After we have a set standard for codes it will be even easier.

Codes I am using atm:

Short Version:
Hitstun - 10%
Rise/Fall - 1.05/1.25
Ledge cancel
No Auto Sweet Spot
No Replay Limit
No Trip

Long Version:
Histun - 10% - With the faster fall speed this feels right. I can connect some combos on harder characters to use, and on fox/falcon/sheik it's not high enough to create inescapable combos or link moves like side B to falcon punch lol.

Auto L Cancel - While I like manual L cancel a lot, it's simply not as presice on a shoulder button without analog set up. I don't want to go on about S cancel at all, so I'll just leave it at the point it breaks most laggy moves bad. Ike is a good example with fair.

Rise Rate 1.05 / Fall Rate 1.25 - The fast fall's seem quick enough to speed up the game's pace a bit on this setting, and vertical KOs aren't dramatically effected. After trying 1.3 and up I noticed the impact fall rate had on KOs a whole lot more. The 1.05 there is to help jumps back on stage due to the faster fall rate. It's not a dramatic height change to affect a lot on stage.

Melee Air Dodge - Simply put, it adds movement/speed/variety to brawl's ground game. HAD would also be fine here (I am in favor of HAD in fact), but after trying these settings with brawl air dodge... I just dislike its attributes. I am totally in favor of dash dancing + HAD if possible, but due to code space I highly doubt it. In the end MAD offers a lot to the game which I like. It could use some minor tweaks though.

Ledge Cancel - I love this code. It helps the edge game stay fast pace, and makes it harder to keep them from getting on stage by allowing the person returning to drop then hop up instantly. This code is amazing, but 51 lines long sadly. If I was going to take out anything to keep MAD in this would likely be it.

Auto Sweetspot Off - This is the must have after hitstun for me. It brings back the need for spacing on up Bs, and allows for edge spikes. If there was any single code other than hitstun that added technique back to brawl without just finger speed being needed, this is it. I could not play without this in anymore, it works so well, and makes brawl feel a whole lot more dangerous on returns.

No Replay limit - Simple... lets us save full real matches lol.

No Trip - Fixes the worst thing to be added to any fighter... a completely random element that can lead to KO's. Can be awesome when it's not you though hehe.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
Guys I think the decay codes mess with lucarios power or something his shadow balls are on steroids at like 50 idk maybe its just my game.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2008
why speed character modifier is in beta? it has a lot of glitches??? Can I use this code and No sweeetpoint code now? or they have glitches?
Just use it and watch characters do weird stuff.
But yes it has glitches.

No sweetspot is good.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
osi said:
Rise Rate 1.05 / Fall Rate 1.25 - The fast fall's seem quick enough to speed up the game's pace a bit on this setting, and vertical KOs aren't dramatically effected. After trying 1.3 and up I noticed the impact fall rate had on KOs a whole lot more. The 1.05 there is to help jumps back on stage due to the faster fall rate. It's not a dramatic height change to affect a lot on stage.
Huh? A higher number means they don't go as high... it's not helping anyone...
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