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Colorado Smash - MVG Presents: REVELATION 2 - MIDWEST NATIONAL! MVG QUALIFIER! May 16-17


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
We need more practice is what the problem is. Most other scenes consider a long time between tourneys/smashfests to be around a month. We have a tourney like every 2 to 3 and same with smashfests. If people will make it down to Pueblo West ever I can host monthly smashfests. Also for more access we can get someone in Denver to do biweeklies and then have Zournament be our proving ground...so to speak.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
We need more practice is what the problem is. Most other scenes consider a long time between tourneys/smashfests to be around a month. We have a tourney like every 2 to 3 and same with smashfests. If people will make it down to Pueblo West ever I can host monthly smashfests. Also for more access we can get someone in Denver to do biweeklies and then have Zournament be our proving ground...so to speak.
not enough people care anymore :/


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
The mundane is just fine, if you're living your life right.
Right is such a subjective term when referring to the presence of a video game in someones life and how much they are into it/ enjoy playing it competitively. But thats okay. If mundane is right for you then that is fine. But I want to get better and make Colorado a better scene. Just after Supercon there was this huge amount of hype in our scene...Where the **** did it all go? You mean to tell me in 2-3 months the scene went from hyped to absolutely dead? Am I the only one who cares anymore? really I wanna know. and I don't wanna hear school johns or anything like that. I am aware that many people here are in College full time and holding down a job. I won't get into that. I just want to know who actually cares anymore? Has Colorado Smash Scene really lost its competitive spirit?


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
I honestly am enjoying melee and blazblue a lot more than brawl right now. jussayin.
I am playing a lot of melee too now with Chicken Tenders being my roommate(he wants to get good at it again and so do I) But I still dislike the game physics when compared to Brawl. and as for BlazBlue its a lot of fun. Even so its still second to Brawl for me. But thats just me. and I am aware that you are tired of the game. You have made that clear 3 months ago and every time we played it since before Supercon :/

Honestly I want to know about people I don't already know about...I mean we can't be dead.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
more than anything I'm tired of taking brawl competetively. I LOVE the FFA dittos we have on banned stages in brawl. Playing with tourney rules has kinda lost any appeal it had tbh :/


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
more than anything I'm tired of taking brawl competetively. I LOVE the FFA dittos we have on banned stages in brawl. Playing with tourney rules has kinda lost any appeal it had tbh :/
You see I am the complete opposite about this the only time I enjoy the game is competitively or with a competitive ruleset. FFAs are chaotic and not very enjoyable, I would rather play 1v1 or teams with no Items on than do FFAs anyday.

Again though I am asking if anyone actually cares anymore(I already know how you feel Steam so you don't have to elaborate.)


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
It's very obvious no one cares anymore jo...
You don't care. stop speaking for everyone if they don't care then let them speak. Meno was making flyers for new players to come here so you are wrong in the assumption that no one cares. Do me a favor and go play some BlazBlue or something because your negative attitude is kind of starting to annoy me.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
I'm just going off of what I see from most of the rest of the community lmao. I'm not trying to be negative. It's just an observation.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
I'm just going off of what I see from most of the rest of the community lmao. I'm not trying to be negative. It's just an observation.
But you always are negative with everything that happens. I don't think you have a clue about it either. In fact I think that you will encounter something in BlazBlue that will be really hard for you to overcome and you will john about it and quit and go on to the next flavor of the month.(just like you did with Brawl) Whatever comes along. Which is fine I know how you are and how you take competitive gaming. I really don't care if people aren't into competitive gaming. But if we are a scene that
1.)has a PR for this game
2.)has tournaments for this game
3.)Has a thread for our scene that has factors 1 and 2 then obviously we take the game somewhat competitively.
If not then remove me from the PR. Its a joke if that is the case.
I mean ya our scene is bad at the game I know
but until now I saw such determination and promise...where did it go?


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
I don't see how I can be negative when I don't really care either way... if the scene dies, oh well. if not, cool.

one of the biggest things is that we've lost tons of randoms/ unranked people. that's the downside to having house tournies rather than overpriced venues. But maybe stapling those fliers to everyone's face will get us some people idk.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
I don't see how I can be negative when I don't really care either way... if the scene dies, oh well. if not, cool.

one of the biggest things is that we've lost tons of randoms/ unranked people. that's the downside to having house tournies rather than overpriced venues. But maybe stapling those fliers to everyone's face will get us some people idk.
The way you are negative its not just in this. Like with Brawl. You encounter a problem with maybe even the tiniest skill curve or that requires you to adapt. You john, you whine then you say the game is flawed, gimmicky, a party game, ect. You slap a "impossible" sticker on it so you don't have to feel bad about your failings in the game or for that matter try.
Also Apathy doesn't mean that you aren't negative lol. Most of the time it means the opposite ;o


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
you're really trying to start a flame war lmao.

I don't see how apathy means negativity. being negative would be if I like truly cared about the scene but thought it was just going to die anyway. or something like that.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
you're really trying to start a flame war lmao.

I don't see how apathy means negativity. being negative would be if I like truly cared about the scene but thought it was just going to die anyway. or something like that.
I am not starting a flame war I am trying to see if this scene still has some fight left. I really don't care what you have to say anymore. Also apathy doesn't mean negativity. But most people who are apathetic are negative. Its a lot easier not to care than to give your hopes up in thinking optimistically over something that might not happen.
Also this is the last time I will respond to you because I still wanna hear from other people. I already know what you think and how you feel on this matter. So I really wanna hear from other people especially smashers from the "Power Rankings"

Which reminds me...
What was the point of having a Power Ranking again? does anyone even remember? :(


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
I don't know where you got that idea from... maybe you have a different definition of apathy than me. because in my mind it means "not caring". so there really wouldn't be a positive and negative from an apathetic person's point of view.

and there's really no point to a PR if the scene has roughly 10 people in it.

oh and for lulz- Steam's taokaka likes to instant block 4 moves in a row from dan's pressure string yet not punish it. I'm 2 gud. He also warlock punches Dan to death all the time in melee yet gets 3 stocked in the end.

and car combos 2 gud. that is all


Smash Apprentice
Oct 29, 2009
I don't know where you got that idea from... maybe you have a different definition of apathy than me. because in my mind it means "not caring". so there really wouldn't be a positive and negative from an apathetic person's point of view.
Dictionary.com said:
  1. Absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement.
  2. Lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting.
That's how I've always seen it as well. Just having no concern.

oh and for lulz- Steam's taokaka likes to instant block 4 moves in a row from dan's pressure string yet not punish it. I'm 2 gud. He also warlock punches Dan to death all the time in melee yet gets 3 stocked in the end.

and car combos 2 gud. that is all
Was so used to Falcon's Falcon Kick's distance that the Wizard's Kick didn't go as far... As a result, I got punished hardcore by a Warlock Punch. 4 separate times...

Also, get moonwalk knee'd.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
He is a negative person in general though. You know I am right about that and so does he. That is why he is hung up on that and hasn't addressed anything else I said. Because he cannot dispute it. Also my comment applied for people who do care. go back and read my posts I made it clear that its "Who still cares" If he doesn't care why the **** does he keep responding to me? Also Dan don't reopen this up I am tired of dealing with this.
This scene just isn't worth the hassle anymore I guess. Let me know when you guys feel like stepping it up again.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
since when did the unimportant parts of the smash scene get the right to argue with each other?
like the definition of the word negative (ya disputing that distracts from anything else I said)

and this isn't a smash scene. Melee is near dead. and Brawl is apparently so too
This is a LoL thread and a Blaz Blue thread. That is all.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
We need more practice is what the problem is. Most other scenes consider a long time between tourneys/smashfests to be around a month. We have a tourney like every 2 to 3 and same with smashfests. If people will make it down to Pueblo West ever I can host monthly smashfests. Also for more access we can get someone in Denver to do biweeklies and then have Zournament be our proving ground...so to speak.
I'm just saying, if you were aiming to stay involved in Brawl/smash and keep the scene alive, moving to Pueblo was a terrible decision. Especially since there's a convergys in Denver. :/

Denver won't be having much cuz all of Denver's players worth anything either have gone to college (mainly in FtC), or moved on to better games.

CSS has its "competitive spirit" still, but they've moved on to games that are actually competitive (for the most part).

And I back what mikezor said 100%. Another huge reason why CO Brawl "sucks" is because it lost what made it good in Melee: A huge crop of super-talented players (lovo, jeris, ferdi, mikezor, yangzzz) who, in turn, made the rest of the scene not complete garbage.

Also, we played like... daily. And our game had competitive merits.



Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
The point of the pr was to inspire people to try and force their way up the ranks. It worked once I think.

But I digress.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2009
As much as I enjoy the ganging up on Bees... wait, I don't.

Leave him alone. It's not like it's his fault that he likes Brawl more than competitive games. And this site was kinda made for Brawl/melee anyway, so nobody can really tell him to leave. And Meno, DTL (kinda) and UL are smashers that still like Brawl, and probably always will. And that's cool.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 8, 2008
Fort Collins, CO
- C moves have less proration, C>6C loop does more damage
- gravity is actually better than it was in CS
- D, 6D, 4D, more recovery
- act pulsar A, super fast escape move from the corner
- 6A, big buff
- J214D, longer untechable time, much easier to combo
- throw, only dash 2D combos afterward

Lol so basically I'm now playing a russian roulette character. I either hit you once and do a 4.5k meterless combo or i run away the whole game and get chipped to death with no reversal and maybe only 6A/236A as an escape mechanism.

Edit: And from what Goro is saying there's almost no use to trying to spam swords anymore, it's like you very carefully pick and choose what ones you're going to use and hope they land o.o


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
He is a negative person in general though. You know I am right about that and so does he. That is why he is hung up on that and hasn't addressed anything else I said. Because he cannot dispute it. Also my comment applied for people who do care. go back and read my posts I made it clear that its "Who still cares" If he doesn't care why the **** does he keep responding to me? Also Dan don't reopen this up I am tired of dealing with this.
This scene just isn't worth the hassle anymore I guess. Let me know when you guys feel like stepping it up again.
I'm not adressing it because It will start a flame war if I do. I just reply to the parts that deserve a reply
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