Smash Rookie
That explains why you're always so cocky. Yet it explains a lot, regardless. You're one guy who I thought would be a hella early gamer. Nope, you're just some crazy insane genius of lemonade who tripped upon gaming.T.T where the **** did yang get all those good looking pictures in the video
God **** nostalgia.
My video game history started a lot later (like 6-7) then everyone else i bet since we grew up hella poor in some california apartments. I was known as the guy that is just good as hell at games ( This was before i even knew that people played games competitively)
but i still feel im a natural at games xD I'm just lazy and barely train
I would give more detail but i dont have much time left. I must return to my planet soon![]()
Yes. Needs more details.
Why does your grandma become cooler every time I hear about her? I miss your grandmomI've been playing them since I was born
Not even joking
Well, maybe a little bit of an exaggeration
But I was hooked up to the Atari when I was 1 or so. I kinda remember playing Wing Commander, and not understanding a **** thing, but that could have been from as late as 3 years old.
I remember us getting the SNES, and me being all hyped up. I beat SMW before I turned 4, I remember that much.
When I was living in the shelter with my Mom after we ran from her husband/my siblings' dad, I remember calling my Gma every week and having her update me on how far she was in Mystic Quest.
Fffffffuuu, I have a lot of video game related memories from that place.
Didn't beat Sonic 1 till I was like... 5, tho. I didn't have the ability to change pace, so I was always trying to beat things as quick as possible, and you kinda hafta be patient for the first Sonic boss fight evar.
I might have actually beaten Star Fox before I beat Sonic, come to think of it.
Nvm, Venom ****ed me up. And I never actually beat hard mode on the SNES Star Fox. Hrm..
Actually, my life might be easier to summarize based on the games I played at the time.
Platformers/simple games - kid/elementary school
rpgs - 5th grade and up, super-nerdy know-it-all
pokeymangz - pokeymangz
rts - hs, slacker in academic areas, wallflower
ddr - midway thru hs, loser/weeaboo/laaaameass (but is how I got into comp gaming)
fighters - end of hs-now, loud as hell/pretty confident/dead brokelol
pokeymangz2 - ****ilovepokeymangz
Soul Silver is the ****, guize.
geez though, I'm hella humbled to your ability to complete stuff at young ages. I don't think I "beat" a game until I was 6+. Though it seems since then, my ability to complete games have only gotten better. On the other hand, you still need to finish No More Heroes.
I miss my wallflower Tony. He was so pretty.
Actually, lemme try that again.
OHHHH I LOVE MY WALLFLOWER TONY! HE IS SO PRETTY!! (Looks like it's time to oil up!)
I think I beat Star Fox once. And that was some time in High School when I did a summer of seeing how many games I could beat. Man, what a lame way to spend a summer.
Hell, Sonic didn't even come until Sonic Mega Collection. I dunno how I had the patience for that game. Dying to Robotnik made me rage so hard. D:
I need to try beating Sonic & Knuckles. And Sonic 3. S&K I could never get into for some reason.
And eff Pokemon. Srs. With NEW(!!!) games like Final Fantasy XIII, what you need that same ol' podunk for?
Gaming- well unfortunately it's losing it's interest as the years go on....maybe it's the standards that have been set for games or just losing general interest.
The sad thing about it is i've been playing games probably my entire life
Games all started probably ever since i was like 2. I just remember playing gauntlet for the nes and that was the **** even if i had no idea what was happening.
The best memories of games I have though are from the SNES- that system is just so ***** good omg.
Super Metroid is the best game ever made and it took me 7 years to beat. Started playing it when i was like 6-7 and didn't beat it til i was like 12-13. Then- because I finally did beat it I got so good at it that I can speed run now without much thought... SC however-has caused me much pain and joy
That game changed my life and I definately am a much faster thinker because of that game and how long I played it...although I troll IRL because of it. I didn't really start getting good at SC though until I was 14-when I went to a lan tourney and mopped the floor of every kid there that i played-I ended up winning a free 5 hours every day for 1 year at that lan place... Then from there I started doing online tourneys in WGT and WCG and eventually went to California for an invite through a tourney I won on WGT when I was 15. Unfortunately i placed 20th and top 16 got invites to Seoul... SIGHHHHHH
I wish I could go on and on about my entire gaming life because I'm pretty sure i've spent at least 5 full years (time wise) playing games...that's a lot...
But games have also ruined many things in my life such as ambition and thinking about things in a realistic sense. Especially WoW...ever since I quit that game like a year and a half ago I really haven't had as much desire to play games as hardcore as I used to...It just seems like there's so much more to do...
I like DnD because it's a very social game and requires a lot of thought and dedication as well as i'm able to decide EVERYTHING about it-I don't have to worry about pissing someone off as much through random acts that I can take out through that game as well as I can show a little of my evil side and be done with it after a good sess. DnD can be a very frustrating experience though because most of the time not everyones on the same page and some enjoy it more than others in the groups and there's usually drama... dnd drama....wow......
but I guess that's just some briefness on games i could go on for way too long and then it wouldn't even be worth posting because it would be like I might as well had written a graphic novel.
You, on the other hand, was someone who I expected to be into gaming way late. Starting around or with Starcraft.
/tries googling "WGT"
Well I assume it's not "World Golf Tour", so I give up. Still though, I like hearing you talk about your Starcraft days. It's awesome to hear about someone who got extremely far in any contest to be that notable. That really tight. Sucks that you can't get that sort of drive from competitive gaming now. At the same time I can sort of understand it. They say your first is your best. (I hope this doesn't apply to sex, in my case)
Your story is like many of athletes' stories. They were at the peak of their game. But after they fell short, they resorted to drugs and alcohol (WoW in your case.) But after coming clean, you are living a good life, on the road to straightness! Which just happens to be DnD.
I've never actually gotten to really sit down and play a real game of DnD. I've played some other rendition of it. I think it was acronym'd BESM. Basically an anime remix on the game. It was fun, and I actually wanted to try another session sometime in my life. Still hasn't arisen yet. I blame Tim, because he's unable to defend himself for another half a day or so.
Super Metroid is meeeeeega tight. And don't sweat it. I'm going on 15 years for Zelda I, and I'm trying to beat it now. I'm realizing that I actually really suck at Zelda now. I'm trying to avoid using a guide as much as possible but...
I can't find the second dungeon D:!!
I'll get back to it after FFXIII.