Smash Rookie
Facebook and Twitter don't get that pleasure. I only deal that out to friends I actually talk to.Real talk, does anyone else allow themselves to say their stupid thoughts, just to see if others find your little inner re-re moments as funny as you find them?
So I'd post them on here. Not there though.
Probably like most people probably in this whole board, I started gaming when I was young. Around 3 year I had my NES and loved it. Honestly, it turned into a sort of crutch growing up. My parents were very often busy with work. My mom had a simple 9 to 5, and my pops was just always out of town doing district manager-like stuff. So not getting any sort of bonding with my parents, I just began locking myself up in my room just to play video games. This was kinda bad because Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy scared the living daylights out of me. D:!
Early on, this put me WAY ahead of the academic scale. I learned 5th and 6th grade math in 2nd grade. Then video games was the reason that also diminished cause then I found out what a REAL game is, not these number bull****s.

Regardless, I, obviously, became a huge introvert, and it eventually affected my grades. Parents took my games away like good parents should, and I worked harder just for the sake of getting them back. It was quite the tug-of-war!

...**** that I'm still embarrassed and ashamed about it!
So eventually I saw DDR at an arcade/restaurant, Holoworld (lasted a whole 6 months!) and my mom bought the home version. She knew I needed the exercise, horribly (Exhibit A: http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b135/Ryyudo/BigBoys.jpg .

Tony though DDR. Tim and Mikez0r through Jump Ultimate Stars. I think I first saw Ferdi at a SmashFest, be it Brawl or Melee. The rest of y'all was through Brawl though, IIRC. Mystikz beating LoVo, me beating Chap, I think it was, at the first in-home Brawl tournament where everyone began dropping like flies. My Ike was a beast, you know!
Fun fact: I always thought Tim was a super serious because I only talked to him online at the time, and he doesn't use many smilies. That or he just hated me major. It wasn't until I met him that I found out Tim was a super cool fella who didn't afraid of anything, except non-lols.
And that's my crazy story!