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Colorado Smash - MVG Presents: REVELATION 2 - MIDWEST NATIONAL! MVG QUALIFIER! May 16-17


Smash Rookie
Mar 12, 2008
Highlands Ranch, Colorado.
Real talk, does anyone else allow themselves to say their stupid thoughts, just to see if others find your little inner re-re moments as funny as you find them?
Facebook and Twitter don't get that pleasure. I only deal that out to friends I actually talk to.

So I'd post them on here. Not there though.

Probably like most people probably in this whole board, I started gaming when I was young. Around 3 year I had my NES and loved it. Honestly, it turned into a sort of crutch growing up. My parents were very often busy with work. My mom had a simple 9 to 5, and my pops was just always out of town doing district manager-like stuff. So not getting any sort of bonding with my parents, I just began locking myself up in my room just to play video games. This was kinda bad because Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy scared the living daylights out of me. D:!

Early on, this put me WAY ahead of the academic scale. I learned 5th and 6th grade math in 2nd grade. Then video games was the reason that also diminished cause then I found out what a REAL game is, not these number bull****s. :laugh:

Regardless, I, obviously, became a huge introvert, and it eventually affected my grades. Parents took my games away like good parents should, and I worked harder just for the sake of getting them back. It was quite the tug-of-war! :laugh: Also, I began RPing for the longest time... :embarrass: Still, I had to fill the social void in some way, shape or form...


...**** that I'm still embarrassed and ashamed about it!

So eventually I saw DDR at an arcade/restaurant, Holoworld (lasted a whole 6 months!) and my mom bought the home version. She knew I needed the exercise, horribly (Exhibit A: http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b135/Ryyudo/BigBoys.jpg . :laugh:) Unknowingly, this turned out to be my first, and longest running competitive game. I only got first once (and this was in a "people who stopped playing" tournament. And there's lolvideo proof) and second and third a handful of times. Still, some people I met form playing DDR, Tony<33333333, BlueThunder, SexyMike, CrazyJ, are ones who got me actually INTO fighting games. Originally Smash Melee, which eventually lead to other games, and meeting new people.

Tony though DDR. Tim and Mikez0r through Jump Ultimate Stars. I think I first saw Ferdi at a SmashFest, be it Brawl or Melee. The rest of y'all was through Brawl though, IIRC. Mystikz beating LoVo, me beating Chap, I think it was, at the first in-home Brawl tournament where everyone began dropping like flies. My Ike was a beast, you know! :bee:ast.

Fun fact: I always thought Tim was a super serious because I only talked to him online at the time, and he doesn't use many smilies. That or he just hated me major. It wasn't until I met him that I found out Tim was a super cool fella who didn't afraid of anything, except non-lols.

And that's my crazy story!


Smash Master
Aug 25, 2008
Smashfest at my house tonight!11!!!!!

4007 Hawthorne Circle
Longmont, CO

It'll start at 3ish and end whenever, so come and bring stuff, k?


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
This is called Twitter.

Twitter is where you post random phrases and shiz

What I mean is like

When I speak to someone, I'm normally thinking about what reactions I'll get from what I say. If the reaction is "wtfwhyareyousostupid?" I generally avoid doing whatever would bring it about.

But sometimes, if I'm bored, I'll ask really really stupid things (most of which I already know the answer to), or say something stupid just to get a "wtf?"

It's not trolling, cuz for the briefest moment, I actually DO have the question/stupid idea (before common sense takes over).

I guess

tl;dr - do you guys sometimes ignore common sense/stuff you already know, just to see people's reactions?

Example :

Tim - Okay, now I just need your MAC address
Me - But I don't even have a Mac...

Was due Chap putting a Mac sticker on my Vaio, and a lot of morons asking me why I got a Mac cuz of it. I realized what Tim was actually saying before I responded, but still let my first response go out, just cuz Tim gets to deal with stupid people all day, and I wanted to see how he would respond if I actually didn't know what he was talking about. Many lulz were had because of it.

So yeah, anyone else do this?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 29, 2009
Yay fun chats and learning time!

Mother actually introduced me to video games at the age of 3. I remember being at a military base exchange and watching Mother buy my very first Nintendo Gameboy. I still have it, and it's in mid condition. The screen is still great. The only problem with it is I got a gash on the side of it (I think it was when I threw it...). Since she was military, she was transferred to Kiva Air Force Base in Albuquerque, NM. Mother didn't want me to go 7 hours without any kind of entertainment, so that's why she bought it for me.

After moving down to Albuquerque, I remember coming home from kindergarten and seeing Father playing Pac Man. I think he got the system used, because we had about 2 weeks of taking it to the shop to get the 2nd controller port working. Fun times, sitting mindlessly in front of the TV, playing Pac Man.

Fast forward.... SNES, N64, Gamecube acquired... Moved back to Colorado somewhere between those 3...

Competitive melee never got to me till I was about 17. Of course I played melee ever since it came out, but it wasn't until my friend and I looked at youtube videos of Break the Targets. We thought we got a pretty good score (grant it, it was in the 15's for Luigi). The first video we saw was a whole BtT time attack, and our minds were blown. We looked into all the new techs that we just saw. In 6 months, we were using them. Sadly, my friend is still an introvert in his grandparent's basement, playing WoW.

Around this time as well, I got into DDR. I don't know why, I just did.

Now I was going to college at DU, and I met a good friend named Nate. Some time over the first semester, we traveled to Aurora mall. That's where I met Tony for the first time. Tony! You were a an ******* to me back then! But that's fine.

At this point though, games had a grip on me like none other. No, not fighting games, or even melee. I was addicted to MMO's. And again, not WoW. Up until last semester, I was playing that **** MMO since the start of college. I failed out each semester I attempted while playing.

Despite games screwing me up, I can say that because of games, I can do math like none other (except for calc... I'll conquer you yet!). The drawback? I read at a 6th grader level... Never cared for reading, and the only reading I did was the books in ESIV: Oblivion.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 29, 2009
tl;dr - do you guys sometimes ignore common sense/stuff you already know, just to see people's reactions?

Example :

Tim - Okay, now I just need your MAC address
Me - But I don't even have a Mac...

Was due Chap putting a Mac sticker on my Vaio, and a lot of morons asking me why I got a Mac cuz of it. I realized what Tim was actually saying before I responded, but still let my first response go out, just cuz Tim gets to deal with stupid people all day, and I wanted to see how he would respond if I actually didn't know what he was talking about. Many lulz were had because of it.

So yeah, anyone else do this?
If I had a witty mind like that, I'd probably do it to my friends only. I try every now and then, but I drown in it :/


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Smashfest at my house tonight!11!!!!!

4007 Hawthorne Circle
Longmont, CO

It'll start at 3ish and end whenever, so come and bring stuff, k?
Cool, I'll bring a wii if no one else can bring a better one. Mine's not hacked.

What's with the 11?


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
DTL wanted me to stress that the fest doesn't start till 3:30, so avoid arriving early for whatever reason.

I'll be heading up around that time. Anyone wanna tag along? I could prolly pick someone up.


Smash Master
Aug 25, 2008
So who's coming today? Just Meno and MES? Maybe Dan?

IMO Everyone should come, but that's just me. Also, I'm home now, so yeah. People?


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
If someone has a hacked wii, bring it.
You have 2 or more TVs right, Dylan?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2009
it's always been too far away for me. Guess I'll have to pass, can't get a ride there when I live in, like, Lakewood.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
Is Sad That He Can't Make It To Dylan's House :( :( :(

I wish I could have went! But my car is having overheating problems. Next week I am going to try and get it fixed from that.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Good games, to the people I played. Next time I'll try to stay longer.
@ Meno: Good match, sorry I ended it by missing that edge tether. Next time I won't go easy on you (aka I totally sc***ed myself).

Edit: Fixed

Brown NITE

Smash Apprentice
May 23, 2006
Aurora Co.
T.T where the **** did yang get all those good looking pictures in the video
God **** nostalgia.
My video game history started a lot later (like 6-7) then everyone else i bet since we grew up hella poor in some california apartments. I was known as the guy that is just good as hell at games ( This was before i even knew that people played games competitively)
but i still feel im a natural at games xD I'm just lazy and barely train

I would give more detail but i dont have much time left. I must return to my planet soon :(


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2009
My first video game was Donkey Kong for the Game Boy, but my first home console was the n64 when I was like 10. So I started waaaaaay late. And it makes sense, since I suck. lol

MES! is such a good kid. He even sensors words that aren't censored by the forums.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2009
Meno been workin' out

The majority of it with his tank top on lol

Meno's one of those guys that girls would be extremely disappointed to find out about


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Lawl, indeed they would.

That photo's kinda outdated too, I've put on 10 pounds of muscle and a lot of definition since then. :D


Smash Cadet
Jan 16, 2007
Gaming- well unfortunately it's losing it's interest as the years go on....maybe it's the standards that have been set for games or just losing general interest.

The sad thing about it is i've been playing games probably my entire life

Games all started probably ever since i was like 2. I just remember playing gauntlet for the nes and that was the **** even if i had no idea what was happening.

The best memories of games I have though are from the SNES- that system is just so ***** good omg.
Super Metroid is the best game ever made and it took me 7 years to beat. Started playing it when i was like 6-7 and didn't beat it til i was like 12-13. Then- because I finally did beat it I got so good at it that I can speed run now without much thought... SC however-has caused me much pain and joy

That game changed my life and I definately am a much faster thinker because of that game and how long I played it...although I troll IRL because of it. I didn't really start getting good at SC though until I was 14-when I went to a lan tourney and mopped the floor of every kid there that i played-I ended up winning a free 5 hours every day for 1 year at that lan place... Then from there I started doing online tourneys in WGT and WCG and eventually went to California for an invite through a tourney I won on WGT when I was 15. Unfortunately i placed 20th and top 16 got invites to Seoul... SIGHHHHHH

I wish I could go on and on about my entire gaming life because I'm pretty sure i've spent at least 5 full years (time wise) playing games...that's a lot...

But games have also ruined many things in my life such as ambition and thinking about things in a realistic sense. Especially WoW...ever since I quit that game like a year and a half ago I really haven't had as much desire to play games as hardcore as I used to...It just seems like there's so much more to do...

I like DnD because it's a very social game and requires a lot of thought and dedication as well as i'm able to decide EVERYTHING about it-I don't have to worry about pissing someone off as much through random acts that I can take out through that game as well as I can show a little of my evil side and be done with it after a good sess. DnD can be a very frustrating experience though because most of the time not everyones on the same page and some enjoy it more than others in the groups and there's usually drama... dnd drama....wow......

but I guess that's just some briefness on games i could go on for way too long and then it wouldn't even be worth posting because it would be like I might as well had written a graphic novel.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
MES! is such a good kid. He even sensors words that aren't censored by the forums.
I just like S*T*A*R*S*.

* ** *** **** ***** ****** ******* ******** ********* ********** *********** ...etc.
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