It's probably not my place to say anything but- seeing as i still have my v-card and am quite proud that i've been able to resist all the cumtraps and dishonest *****es in the past through pure will alone- I must say you really shouldn't be criticizing someone for choosing to play video games and browse interests other than women. For all we know he could just be a closet troll and unwilling to accept that or he could be a true asexual and not have any real necessity in needing to get his **** wet; as well as he could just be a very insecure guy and unsure of how to approach the situation-regardless people lose their virginity eventually. However, I on the other hand, as much as i love playing vidgames and getting good and slaughtering my opponents have had enough of sitting there just getting good at games and ignoring the social aspects of life such as relationships and sex etc. So I am choosing to delve into that boat just for the sake of getting the "i'm a virgin" off my conscious. And believe me- IT NEEDS TO BE DONE!!! LIFE IS MORE OF A GAME THAN YOU THINK. if you can master brawl and college and everything else you can master relationships and sex and stuff- but put the effort into it cus it's worth it. You'll feel better about yourself and you'll understand life a whole lot more- you'll probably also not even think about it anymore once it happens unless you find someone that you're able to be sexually active with-without much effort. But masturbation just isn't enough for anyone TRUST ME.
So to Bees who i've only met once- I'm going to have to say you should probably go out and try and get laid- no joke it needs to happen so you DON'T get butthurt when someone brings up that're just digging yourself a bigger hole if you SAY you get butthurt when someone plays that card: so just do yourself a favor and go get a magazine from colorado and order some fuc king escort service and get your d ick wet so you don't have to get offended when someone plays that card.
tc, I've met you once and I gotta say you're a pretty chill guy from what I remember. Maybe you went a little overboard but, honestly, I don't blame you. Because if it wasn't for people like you (and myself when it comes to bringing up incredibly valid points) guys like Bees wouldn't even ever try to get joke...they'd just sit there thinking that because they finished college, are really good at video games, "think" they can make music off a program and do all this other stuff; that they don't need to get laid...but the sad truth is- everyone needs to. If they don't and they aren't very manipulative people are going to ride them all their life and they'll just feel bad when someone brings it up.
so to all the virgins on here, myself included. Take a moment, reflect on past failures and triumphs, learn from your mistakes and persevere on your successes. Don't just STOP trying entirely you're digging yourself a bigger hole and it's very unnecessary. It really isn't THAT hard to get laid. I had long hair in highschool and was at least 60 pounds overweight and no joke I still had oppurtunities to get laid with BEAUTIFUL dishonest women...If standards are an issue lower them. I on the other hand don't feel that I need to lower them. Because i'm so manipulative (SORRY GUYS, sociopath in the making ohnoes) I have the ability to snag any woman that I want as long as I put the effort into it. I can read people really well and I can adapt to ANY situation without much effort. The problem I have is pride...and I don't think that's necessarily a vice but it definately hinders my progress in my quest to get laid- cus I refuse to use manipulation for personal gain.
But really- this is supposed to be a pretty chill scene and I don't feel very many people on the colo smash scene have beef with very many people; let's try to maintain that record. We're all human and we all work at our own pace.
some of us are very outspoken, some of us mask our true feelings, some of us are completely introverted even when we feel comfortable in the presence of others, while others are very outgoing and not afraid to say what needs to be said.
also- let's get some smashfest going this week ya ya ya ya?????