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Colorado Smash - MVG Presents: REVELATION 2 - MIDWEST NATIONAL! MVG QUALIFIER! May 16-17


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2009
I have 1 chance to get something I really need for free this year, since my birthday is the 20th. After that, I have to buy all my **** again. If I don't get a stick now, I might never.

so I would appreciate it if Tim or Tony or Jam could respond to my Q. before the 20th!!!!


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
I like UTD Zach. Every time I see the red in his name, I get ready to flame, but then I see his posts and my heart melts. Or at least he's pretty chill.

edit: whoa, you guys post pretty quickly now. Tony? call? what for? My phone is lost in the depths of my room at the moment. At least I think it is. Also, in Brawl, you forgot that Ganon has like a 250% learning curve. But I guess you were only referring to tourney viable chars, in which case I agree with you.

and lol Tim.

hey BB guys,

I'm buying a stick off ebay, but I need to know what they're selling. Does "PS3/PS2/PC USB" capatability include the 360, cuz they're not mentioning it.

like the one right here


does that work with 360?

I'm just looking for a stick that I can play BB on in tourneys.
It was a joke about how all teenagers are bi-curious, inferring that both of us are, in fact, interested in sexual intercourse with males. Don't hurt yourself, kid.

That stick won't work for x360. Also, it looks like garbage.

How much are you looking to spend?

And does this mean you don't want to buy from us? D: D: D:

I wanna put time into TvC...but it's not really worth it if no one wants to play it with me :'(

I wanna put time into BB...but I don't have a 360 / PS3 or the money to get one.

etc etc

tl;dr: more fests
I'll play it with you. Only reason I stopped was because I had no one to play it with. Roll OTG combos for the effin win!

Also, there is no Rockman. Only an imposter. D:<


And just ask for money. Don't get a cheap little stick. Get money towards a good one.

Hey, you!

Buy a stick from us! We're pretty much ready for business. I just hafta check the prices of MDF and some other woods/plastics/etc, and we'll be good to go!


Smash Cadet
Jan 16, 2007
I think anyone who plays brawl needs to come to my smashfest. It doesnt matter if you suck. No offense, but its like this in every game. If you are not able to actually play the game, you arent able to appreciate it. So what im saying is, all you brawl players, come to my smashfest and mabe you'll see what melee has to offer. Like i said, im personally up to the challenge of training anyone. So let me know.

And yes ferdi, 06 was bamf. I remember eatin chipotle ha. Im sure if we all tried, we could get melee back into the swing of things. just takes a lil effort.

OH AND FOR ALL THOSE PPL WHO WANNA COME BUT DONT HAVE A RIDE. PM ME if you live near me. OR pm someone thats near you. I am sure we can hook u up with a ride.
Heyyyy, when i was all playing hardcore u werent playing which sucks cus I never got to play you. Whens this smashfest cus i'm definately down.


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
Okay, so that's one Tony recruited. Everyone should at least give the game a shot if they like traditional fighters. It's Wii exclusive, so :/

ALSO. Tony, how the hell does a fight stick plug into a Wii? Does it plug into the USB port, the Gamecube port, or does it use some wireless black magic?

And more importantly, would you be able to make a stick that works for the Wii?

And yeah, that is NOT Megaman...maybe Zero will prove to be legit.

Needs more separated thoughts...


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
Please do, the more the merrier.

Yeah, I just checked play-asia, and a Wii stick is like 80+ dollars. So if Tony and pals could somehow assemble a usable stick for under that budget, then I'd be happy to buy from them.


Smash Master
Aug 25, 2008
I would LOVE a stick for the wii. I have a job, so I can pay. Takers?

I still don't even want to take your fifty dollars, Tony...
You keep saying how much of a scrub/ kid I am. Man up and do the 50 on 50 with your rules of don't. That's what we're sticking too.

I am NOT a melee scrub. I know a LOT about melee(but not as much as you and I never claimed so), and can DO nothing. You need to play melee to be a melee scrub.

And I offered to do a 1 stock match vs UL to see who got first game. He unplugged my controller and pushed me off of my seat. Now let this **** die.

That's it. Take the MM this way or don't. You ARE being an *******. Saying you aren't doesn't make it true. You have a false belief that I either insulted melee or claimed deep knowledge of it when I did neither. What are you 24? Grow up or don't. I just want to go back to liking you, which isn't hard for me to do. All you have to do is accept the MM with these rules or drop it.

I don't see how this isn't fair. If we must go further in arguing, pm me or something.

Last thing, say whatever you want about brawl, but play Tink and then say there is nothing technical to learn and no reason to practice.


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
My sig is old. Very old.

Seems that Hori made a pretty decent Wii fighting stick, but it's kinda hard to come by nowadays from what I've seen.

Edit: MOBLIN AND YANG, YOU SHOULD TRY TvC. Moblin likes non-Brawl fighters, and Yang likes MvC2. Sooooooooo....


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2009
I will spend up to 100$ on a stick. Someone should link me one since I have no idea what I'm doing.


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
Well looks like we found a new side event for Cutthroat tournies.

Just putting this out there, I'll bring a setup to fests and play TvC with anyone who's serious / wants to learn / wants to have some fun. If I can get (steal) a TV at tournies, I'll probably play there too, although not as much seeing as I'll have to focus on Brawl.

And hell yeah ZMan. Just bring your stick / controller / wiimote? when NM decide to come up north for a tourney again, I'll play any time.


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
The default button mapping could be kinda wonky if you use a converter.

But unrestricted button mapping makes things a lot less complicated. Thanks for the idea.


Feb 5, 2009
Make that 3 buttons. Turns out one of the buttons is the same as the default.

And BB is too cool for the Wii, DTL.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
Tony, I thought everyone quit TvC because my megaman camped the **** out of them. And because I discovered the full screen joe infinite. And because True Tech played it.

I guess I'll give it another try, even if my precious megaman has been nerfed. If I remember right joe is really boring to play though, so I'll have to find a 2nd.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
I'm rushing to class, so I can't do my usual megaposts.


I have 2 things for people who want Wii sticks.

I have my old NGC SC2 stick. We'd just have to buy new parts and upgrade it. Pretty easy to do, and pretty affordable. I'll give prices.

I can order PS2>Wii converters, too. Really cheap, and then you can also play on PS3/360 later on down the road.

Never start with a Wii only stick, because it will likely ALWAYS be Wii only. D:

DTL, we'll hug later. G2g


Smash Cadet
Jan 16, 2007
*pokes tony's e-bubble* hehehehe

But rearry, are people planning on going to the springs this sat?

I dont have saturday off unfortunately but i do have sunday off if someone wants to host a fest?


Smash Master
Aug 25, 2008
I really wanna stay over saturday for the smashfest.
JVCD: Gig? Like in a band? I'm a half decent drummer, so if you have a setup, we should try to play while I'm there.


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
EvoZ im still working on the smash date. Prob gonna be 1st or 2nd week in october. I gotta get work cleared and do some traveling so i can get up to speed. I plan on having a secret meeting with someone for some practice :D. Also i should have the smashfest date confirmed in the next 1-3 days. I wanna say something thats really important first tho:

I want as much car pulling as possible. The main reason is, since brawl is out, i may get a 1000 random people here in my home and i dont wanna have cars parked down the street. So please try to do some car pulling. Its not that hard, it requires losing 1 extra hour of sleep. Simply fixed by going to bed an hour earlier :D.

Last comment, i want some of you brawl players to seriously think about getting into melee when you see it at my smashfest. I can sit here all day and piss everyone off with my point of view but, im just asking you guys to consider it. thanks


Smash Master
Aug 25, 2008
As long as you consider ours.

Car pulling? Pooling?

I think I can make most october things. I'll bring a Wii and TV setup for brawl. You'll get more of both types if you have brawl also.


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
Ill consider brawl when i see you guys play.

On another note, i dont want everyone to bring their copies of brawl. If i wanted this to be a brawlfest, id just go to a gamestop. I specifically said this is melee. So dont bring your copies of brawl unless i say. Ill allow just a few copies of brawl but not much. DTL you can bring yours. Depending on how many tv's we will have, i will configure the amount we can have running brawl.

I will say that 90% is gonna be melee. I dont care if all of you hate it and only 3 ppl show up. Im saying this for 2 reasons, i am trying to encourage melee and due to brawl being a new game, i dont feel like having a huge crowd of people. I mean 15-20 ppl is fine but i am not asking for 50. This is my house, and i live here so its just common sense to keep things undercontrol.

So Heres how ima set this up.
2- meleemarth
1- DTL


If we do a tournament, it will probably start around 2pm. Otherwise the smashfest will start at 12 30p.
Oh and

DTL- " I'll bring a Wii and TV setup for brawl." I just wanna point out that im looking for melee and brawl is defeating the purpose. So if you wanna play brawl, please bring a melee copy as well. The main reason why im saying that is because if we do have somekind of tournament, i want all the tv's to be able to run melee since it is the first priority. If there is no tournament, then brawl can be played. Know what i mean?

car pulling= pooling.... sorry

And if for anyone getting pissed at me cuz im so strict about the melee rules: The reason why i came back to the smash scene is so i can meet all my old friends again. I miss the good times. So anything said against my smashfest is totally irrelavent so there is no purpose. Along with meeting all my old friends, i wanted to throw it so mabe if there was anyone who wanted to learn, could be taught.

Oh check this out. Remember when i went to oc2? i came back with this! some sig's!
front: Ken and Isai

Kentaross(the japenese guy who taught my doc)
I forgot who it is, but i think its hoshino kirby

Captain Jack (japenese player)

you can still see chudat's sig but he wrote it on the side. I had to use it during the tourney so it sorta wore off. lol it pretty much just said Yahuuuuz all over it


Smash Cadet
Jan 16, 2007
heyyyy, meleemarth name is victor right? Anyways, i'm always down for driving as long as it's not to the springs/pueblo (unless it's tourney and i have days off ofc!) But, i'm for frickin serial. Sunday is like the perfect day, i swear even if its just me and like one other person i wanna melee, /wrists due to lack of cube sighhh....

Also, those pics hella cool, you met good japanese players- /envy you
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