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Colorado Smash - MVG Presents: REVELATION 2 - MIDWEST NATIONAL! MVG QUALIFIER! May 16-17


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Ferdi - Good stuff. Don't choke against Eric next time, and get those busters down.

Or just go Slayer. D: D: D:

Steve - Didn't get to play you much, but it's nice to see you getting those loops down. They hurt. D:

Get the three reps, ftsadface. D:

Tim - Omg, get corner ***** by Jameson. Good jorb v Ferdi the first time. Second time... D: D: D:

I lurve the Faust.

Jamaal - Sorry to have been so grumpy after our match. And to john about the motion. It's not like the matches weren't INCREDIBLY close either way. Get those FRCs down, so you can really bring the pain.


Erg - Freakin' fun watching you, especially with how much you airgrab. Play with us more, and learn some SRSLY combos.

Also, upper on wake-up more, and ground missle on oki more. ♥

Heibrahi - EITHER GET THOSE LOOPS DOWN, OR PICK UP A NEW CHARACTER! I'd prefer the loops, personally. Sorry to have underestimated you. Combos or no, you're still a smart player. Good matches, sorry I SUPER overreacted. I need not to fixate so much.

Stop whale-shielding. Doesn't work anymore.

Rafa - Sweep, Sweep, Dust. Get a new overhead. Good job beating Steve. Proof that teh mindgames cause teh mindgrains.

Learn some combos, *******.

Ken - Pick a main, and start playing with us.


Chap - Sooooooooo high.


Yang - Sooooooool Badguy.

Catch rides with Jamaal to play with us. Hell, play with him.

Overall, good tournament, even if the turnout was almost nothing but smashers. Let's get more practice sessions set up, so we can start to sweep NorCO before dominating the souf as well. I want us to really start getting EVERYTHING down, so that we can beast the old players and show that a willingness to travel IS necessary for improvement.

Side note, anyone want to go to Season's Beatings 3 with me? They'll have GG, and I do believe Brawl. Double the ownage, and practice. We'd prolly hafta fly, though, unless we get a HUGEASS carpool.

EDIT: Also, I really really REALLY apologize for my Sinz-esque conduct. I just get really heated about performing poorly, and I really want to be good at this game. Like, if I'm not at school or doing homework/sleeping/posting on these here boards, I'm practicing and playing. Then I just fall apart come time to play people. Makes me kinda sad.

Still, no johns. Sorry for being an asshole.


Smash Cadet
Apr 14, 2008
Oregon City, OR
Copy pasted from Tony to save effort at 6.45am.

Ferdi - ****ty I didn't get to play you much till the end of the night. But I want those videos up ASAP. So i can learn how I get ****ing owned and I can prove I actually won something that night lol.

Tony - Stop Sinz-ing, we are all getting good and might win sometimes, cept for me right Rafa?!? Aside from that you did a lot better when we were recording ****, and thanks for making us all sit down and play some matches on that TV. Hopefully I can watch myself and work on my approaches.

Tim - Needs more stupid super combos lol. The Steve-Combo has been permabanned and shall never be talked about in public evar again.

Jamaal - Too Black For Video Games strikes again, your Baiken gets scarier and scarier every time I play it. Now if I could stop running into that God **** Mother ****ing Piece of **** in a Cockgobbling ***** of a Dust I would be ok.

Erg - Lol Self-Destruct, Stop using it when you have less than 25% life left, this is not pokemon. Otherwise fantastic showing today sah.

Heibrahi - Sadly I dont think I played you once again, sad how that keeps happening, grats on doing well tho.

Rafa - OMG Get owned, oh wait, that was me. You *****.... lol

Ken - When we gonna do our money match lol?!

Thanks for coming out guys, hopefully we can do it again.


Smash Rookie
Mar 12, 2008
Highlands Ranch, Colorado.
I...I've never done this before. Be gentle... <3~

Jamaal - God**** you're dope

Tim - I see you've come back from the moon again... and again... and again. Yet it never EVER gets old. Keep coming back for battles! :D I love playing against you!

Tony - I dunno what to say (mom mom mom mom). I feel bad for winning, sorta. And that's why I sometimes gotta keep saying stupid stuff. But once you take the calmness well, you flow a lot better it seems. Keep with that.

Steve - Sorry for the perfects D: But be ready for the critical analysis from any and all of us. I know it can bother you and piss ya off, but it's for the better, fo realz.

Erg - **** your air grabs and kick spam during Electric Barriers. **** 'em

Ken - Lol you're a funny guy with lots of trash to talk despite the situation. You're gonna go far, kid.

Rafa - What?!

Albuquerque - Learn something cool. Whale Shields are so last month.

Ferdi - I need to play YOU more. Especially the Slayer, but I need to play YOU a LOT more. I still can barely touch you. :(


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
http://www.divshare.com/download/14955-4a6 When this link works, this should be the software for the gamebridge, Ferdi. You'll just have to mount the iso and install it. Sadly, says it won't work until the 1st, and I don't know where else to find the file.
Ferdi - ****ty I didn't get to play you much till the end of the night. But I want those videos up ASAP. So i can learn how I get ****ing owned and I can prove I actually won something that night lol.
Fail copypasta lulz.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
Whatever, it's where I got the software. You could always just record it off the tv with your camera if you want it up right away.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2008

hopefully, when i can afford it, im going to buy a camera that can epically record matches. and not my ****ty one.

Ranbats this Sat. Right?


Smash Cadet
Jan 16, 2007
Yes, Tim. I am very much up for that. I'll need to know who all is going though soon since that's like really close to black friday and it's going to be really difficult for me to get some time off if I don't figure it out now.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 22, 2007
Denver, Colorado
Lol! Low tier face off sounds interesting. I might just see if I can make it to that...

On a side note, what do you guys play Guilty Gear with controller-wise?


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2008
Lucky you guys then, I dont have work that day :D And i get paid this thrusday. So it shouldnt be any problem getting to it. Who else is going?

Low tier. Hahah.... Oh god.

They are discussing Samus as being the lowest of the low because of her "learn" curve


Smash Cadet
Jan 16, 2007
Okay, seriously guys. Let's start thinking about OH snap the oklahama tournament. I'm going as long as I can get 4 other for sures

Tim? Tony? Steve? Heibrahi? Ferdi? Jamaal? Moblin? anyone?


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
Okay, seriously guys. Let's start thinking about OH snap the oklahama tournament. I'm going as long as I can get 4 other for sures

Tim? Tony? Steve? Heibrahi? Ferdi? Jamaal? Moblin? anyone?
I second this. Participation has exploded in the last three or so days in the midst of all this HOBO hype. A majority of Texas' best players will be coming, and Kansas just joined the fray two days ago. We're looking at an 80-man tournament at the moment, and we have almost a full two months to feasibly clear the 100-people mark. This will easily be the biggest tournament Oklahoma's ever seen, and very easily the second-biggest Brawl tournament in the Southwest (behind this next HOBO 11, which is looking to smash their record of 120 people due to M2K and Azen's appearance).

Seriously, we would love to have you guys come.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
First we need to figure out how many people are interested. Then, I need to know whether or not we'll have low-tier, as that's my primary reason for wanting to go.

After that, I can type up our budget, and we can start planning.


Smash Rookie
Jan 9, 2008
Centennial CO
Okay, seriously guys. Let's start thinking about OH snap the oklahama tournament. I'm going as long as I can get 4 other for sures

Tim? Tony? Steve? Heibrahi? Ferdi? Jamaal? Moblin? anyone?
i'd be willing to go if i'm not busy

anybody have a link to the tournament?

I'm at metro right now doing some homework... been busy lately with all that school stuff hence the not doing anything plus that hunting trip threw me off.
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