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Colorado Smash - MVG Presents: REVELATION 2 - MIDWEST NATIONAL! MVG QUALIFIER! May 16-17


Smash Master
Aug 25, 2008
Abortion. Let's talk about it. Personally, I'm pro-abortion and believe every girl must have a practice baby before carrying out a real birth.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2009
No, let's not talk about abortion. Let's talk about space sex.

Apparently it's really difficult because it's hard to get a boner in zero gravity.

...well, that was quick.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Why are you guys talking about duct tape?

There are a million better things to talk about besides duct tape :|
Duct tape can solve any problem, it has millions of uses! Quieting annoying talkers, securing hostages or siblings, taping ducts, packing, amusing rolling tricks, good source of fiber, taping paper, taping styrofoam, taping backpacks, taping cell phone antennas, taping any solid or gelatin, making carpet smooth, licking for a buzz, licking because the taste of stamps isn't enough any more, a cheap bracelet for small wrists, ending war, collecting lint, making foam swords, patching tent rips, collecting MORE lint, ripping off someone for your personal amusement, cheap hing substitute, subject to talk about where you're too tired and brain dead for sane conversation, livening parties, creating playful boobytraps, sealing lobster claws, sealing ceiling cracks, attaching pads to trampolines, trip wire for the largely unaware, attaching object 'A' to object 'B', attaching object 'C' too, keeping egg cartons and cracker boxes shut, fun family activities, arts and crafts aid, artillery repair, attaching object 'C' to object 'D', making a wad, tape-wad-dodgeball, quickly applying sticky coating to a surface, making your car look c*appy, a subject for a droning list of uses, collecting even MORE lint, seat cushion patch, reason to visit a hardware store, a segue way to talk about ducks, patching any solid or gelatin... the list goes on, and on, and on!

WTF this thread
You spoke too soon.


Jan 26, 2010
Peyton, Colorado
No, let's not talk about abortion. Let's talk about space sex.

Apparently it's really difficult because it's hard to get a boner in zero gravity.

...well, that was quick.
I think it would be pretty enjoyable though. Just think of all the amazing positions you can do when your floating!

I guess you can say space sex is...

*puts on sunglasses*

Outta this world!


Feb 5, 2009
let's talk about space sex which leads to abortion.
More like sex IN SPAAAAAAACE that leads to abortion IN SPAAAAAAAAAAAACE.

I don't think space abortion should be legal. I mean, that baby could grow up to be a star someday!


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I'm going to let it fly, but you don't realize the impact this could have. We should have stuck with duct tape.


Smash Rookie
Mar 12, 2008
Highlands Ranch, Colorado.
Awww :( No wonder I cannot talk to a Moblin :(

Those were really fun game and ridiculous on many accounts!

My tips for you:
Start countering more (you did this very near the end and I feel like an *** for having to leave when you started doing some awesome counter work)
Combo consistency (of course, we all have problems with this, esp. online)
Slightly better Zoning (you're doing really good on this for the most part. Keep me out if you're ahead HARD)
Better Mix-ups and pattern breaking (I started to catch on, IB them, and punished the next move that I knew was gonna come out. Even with an IAD crossup j.b is how ahead of the moves I got)

But I love playing with you Moblin, just seeing how much you've grown is crazy awesome. I definitely think you're the best Hakumen in Colorado, and reaching the better players in general, and I want another big tournament to happen so you can start whooping some *** on these other guys. But furthermore, you start getting keen and smart on some things I do against you and I get scared at random moments cause I remember the last times I did something (minus DPing and you dashing and airDPing through it. I never learned except once. :( )

<3 Moblin.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2009
<3 Jamaal

Yeah, I realized the only way I was going to win a few were through counters.
My combos really do need some work, you're right. Esp the DP combos, since it's really hard to hit confirm for me.

Yeah, I'm still learning how to zone so that it creates a good wall. You make it really hard to zone when there's the constant threat of getting counter hit by your flying stick. >.<

and I agree on the mixups thing, in addition to just guessing on your blockstrings, I never once hopped --> overhead by surprise. I definitely need to work on that.

and yeah, I'm still just trying to get used to BB in general. Every match I try to pick out a major thing that seems to be getting me hit and try to understand/improve on it more. When I was playing you it was when you DP'd after I hit you with 6a, and trying to predict and get around that.

Best Haku in CO? man... I get ***** by so many people online that it doesn't even feel like I'm that good at BB.


Jan 26, 2010
Peyton, Colorado
Hmm moblin, your a hakumanz? :>
Would ya mind battling me sometime dood? I need some haku practice. I swear, haku players **** me so hard no matter what character I am so I could really use the MU experience~! I think im just obvious with how I approach and attack. D: I main a nubby Tsubaki and BAAAANG. Just hope I can help ya too in someway vs these two.... :<


Smash Rookie
Mar 12, 2008
Highlands Ranch, Colorado.
<3 Jamaal

Yeah, I realized the only way I was going to win a few were through counters.
My combos really do need some work, you're right. Esp the DP combos, since it's really hard to hit confirm for me.

Yeah, I'm still learning how to zone so that it creates a good wall. You make it really hard to zone when there's the constant threat of getting counter hit by your flying stick. >.<

and I agree on the mixups thing, in addition to just guessing on your blockstrings, I never once hopped --> overhead by surprise. I definitely need to work on that.

and yeah, I'm still just trying to get used to BB in general. Every match I try to pick out a major thing that seems to be getting me hit and try to understand/improve on it more. When I was playing you it was when you DP'd after I hit you with 6a, and trying to predict and get around that.

Best Haku in CO? man... I get ***** by so many people online that it doesn't even feel like I'm that good at BB.
Yeah, you gotta make your opponents fear attacking you by countering, but not so much that you get countered trying to counter. But you definitely could use more and in bolder spots (2nd or 3rd hits into Blockstrings will always get people at least a couple of times). As you know, Hakumen doesn't take pressure well if he doesn't use counters to get 'em off.

Like I said, you're pretty good at the zoning. You hit the stick often, creating the void and boning anything I have long range against you. And if the stick hits you from full screen it's a little less to worry about because I have to preemptively run into the fray if I wanna get good damage off of it. And the fact that you hit my stick so consistently makes me just throw the stick a lot and not follow up, just for the sheer sake of being ahead in life and making you approach me. So you're a lot safer than most characters and just people I play, and you don't know it... well, now you do lol.

Yayayay Mixups!

Yayayay punishing my stupid tactics!

Also, I'm back from the gym if'n you wanna play mores. Actually after I eat, I'll probably hop on regardless.

Sunny also has BB and XBL? How come I don't know these things :(


Feb 5, 2009
Ted is too busy eating shellfish at Red Lobster right now and probably complaining about how it's too spicy.

Jamaal, why don't I have you added yet?
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