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Code Geass Mafia: OVAH

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
vote count

blue yoshi (3) - kevinm overswarm meta-kirby
overswarm (1) - summonerau
meta-kirby (3) - exn sworddancer. blue yoshi
gheb_01 (1) - omni
sworddancer. (1) - gheb_01
summonerau (2) - adumbrodeus sephiroths masamune

not voting (2) - -rei- rockin

with 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch!
deadline is the last second of 6/6 est!

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
Could mods prod Meta Kirby... or at least remind him that he is in a mafia game? If he doesn't post here, I'm fine with a Meta Kirby lynch. Coasting is one thing... not posting at all is another.

I'm either up for a Meta Kirby lynch or a SAU lynch (though at this point, I would prefer a Meta Kirby lynch).


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
adumbrodeus, are you saying that I should have had outside knowledge that all neighbourhoods bar mine were PRs when I answer that question? At the time, I would have had to have lied for no particular reason at all to 'be protown'. Hey man, if you're going to lynch someone based on LAL, don't tell them that they should have lied to be protown, that's just silly.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I'm still at MLG.

My brain is dead.

Omni, can you give me a quick recap and our two lynch options for the day so I can just vote for one of them? I'm going to be busy tomorrow too.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Could mods prod Meta Kirby... or at least remind him that he is in a mafia game? If he doesn't post here, I'm fine with a Meta Kirby lynch. Coasting is one thing... not posting at all is another.

I'm either up for a Meta Kirby lynch or a SAU lynch (though at this point, I would prefer a Meta Kirby lynch).

But honestly, sorry guys, I've been having a hell of a week.
Adum, I'll get to your question soon. I'm not dead, I swear >_<;
I don't like Omni, Blue Yoshi claimed.....so much to catch up on.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Hey, sorry I kinda vanished for the past few days. During the time OS asked me to do that report, I was focusing on DBZ mafia as well as other stuff. It was harder to post some content without doing that big project (since I hardly have the time till now. today's my day off). so, I'm going to do part of the project first, comment on stuff I missed, then go to the 2nd half. alll of this follows D1


Light confrontations:



Sword dancer
Sephiroth Masune





Slightly buddying/pairing up with:
Gheb ( http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=10287122&postcount=361 )

Openly buddying/pairing up with:

Openly defending:

Who has KevinM interacted with:

4. overswarm
5. sephiroths masamune
7. adumbrodeus
8. sworddancer.
9. -rei-
10. gheb_01
11. rockin replaces gustave d1
14. blue yoshi


- Immediately tells his dislike towards swords, as well as mindset of Adum going from either town or scum. Quickly notes to both Frozen, OS, and Adum that the point was made and it's time to move on, as well as telling OS that he wasn't too keen on buddying people, even if it was slight (due to clouded judgement). Also shares his dislike on the the discussion of neighbor claiming.

- Still shares his dislike towards Sword dancer

- Notes on sword dancer doing psudo scumhunting by picking on his PBPA

- Irritated on Vult's post due to idioticy. Feels that there should be a Sword dancer lynch

- Notes on Sword dancer's AtE in terms of providing a better case

- Feels that not only SWF hasn't changed much. Sarcastically likes the fact that people are know noticing something that was obvious (in terms of neighborhood), as well as people (mainly Rei) claiming prs on D1

- Feels it's odd that sword dancer described him not knowing he's in a neighborhood 'Anonymous'

- My question of recent developments say from Kevin that Gheb is in a good light and he wants sword dancer dead

- considers seph not a main lynch choice, but is more focused on a sword dancer lynch

- mentions if town is going with 'ahh **** it,' attitude, he would rather lynch Xonar, praying for a mod kill with Blue Yoshi (also showing his frustration with Blue Yoshi's inactivity)

- Notes that several are hopping on the 'easy inactive lynch'

- says to rei that it's not good to speculate how the game works atm, due to it having little to no information in terms of flips and results from night actions.

- questions rei on why he's confirming that he's in a neighborhood with adum, as well as points out seph has been hopping easy wagon after easy wagon

- Hopes that if we have a vig, that he rids town of the 'fodder'

= Notes that swords or sephy are his lynch choices.

- Notes that town should take the 'lynch swords' approch

- Feels town should lynch sephy over swords, but would switch back to swords if there's no further switching.

- mentions that swords is obviously a better lynch choice, but feels that sephy is the best lynch candidate.

- Pushes the sephy lynch a bit

- notes to Gheb that he isn't town, but if he is, he's 'uselessly wagon hopping'

- pushes the seph lynch more, dislikes lynching claimed tracker as well as anyone who isn't swords and sephy.

- In twilight, notes that adum is either scum or worthless town. He doesn't want him to be in a lylo situation. Notes to seph that the way he played D1 is scummy. Notes MK for not voting as well as trying to avoid suspicion (which he classifies as classic scum tell). Still considers sword as a lynch canidate

- tells adum he dislikes just voting without a reason.

- Feels that adum is reaching at this point as well as feeling that he's putting seph in a bad light.

Now, onto posting


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Ok, so you have at least one suspect, try applying some pressure.

Also, any scum possibilities that aren't in the spotlight atm?
I would've had I not been busy for the past days.

as for scum possibilities, not sure. Before, I wasn't really finding anyone truly suspicious except maybe Sword Dancer (but that suspicion has been recent).

Ugh... I really did not want to reveal anything from my neighborhood... but seeing as I have no other choice to live, I think I'll reveal a bit (I'm going to try to reveal the bare minimum I need to). I will not reveal who is in the neighborhood, but... well, that said, here we go.

Our neighborhood consists of 3 people (me included in the three, so me and 2 others). Our neighborhood has a power role... we are watchers. Every night, we can watch someone if we have a majority vote (and one of us does the watching). Last night, me and one other person ended up voting to use the power role (the other person was inactive all night, as said previously). I ended up watching Rockin, and I did not see anything (which I assume to mean nothing happened to him).

Let me remind you, I am revealing the bare minimum of our neighborhood (there is much more). And... well, one thing I thought of was we need a majority. If there is scum, then... well, 2 town and 1 scum means town can get a majority, making the scum not control the power role to himself (that would be disastrous). If the ratio goes down (1 town 1 scum), then scum can control the neighborhood power roles, and at the very least prevent the town to do certain actions. So that said, although many people will disagree with me, for the sake of keeping the power roles in town control, then all of our neighborhood should stay alive (I do believe one person in particular to be scummy, but for reasons stated above, I do not want to lynch this person just in case he turns up town and the other guy was scum).

So that said, lynching me or anyone in my neighborhood would be bad for town.

That said, remember, this is the bare minimum I've revealed about our neighborhood (there's lots more I don't see I need to reveal at the moment).

Sorry if this sounds stupid... but... well, keeping the three of us alive will actually help town.
I'm a bit curious as to why you watched me, so I hope you can answer this before the day is done.

Sorry for inactivity, I had work.

@Rockin: Okay, the reason I stated suspicion towards Gheb was because I found it odd how he managed to get two town reads on the two most likely lynch candidates. Two reasons why I find this a bit odd.

1. It helped led to a no lynch.
2. If either one of them was lynched (assuming Seph is confirmed town for a moment) and either one of them flipped town then it would make Gheb look good. That's the main thing that bothers me about him. If Gheb were scum, then he would already know who is town, and it would be easy for him to just come in when there was a wagon on the two players who out of them one of them was probably going to be lynched and say "Hey these two guys are town".

Of course I don't know rather or not Seph is town, but my suspicious of Gheb actually make me a little bit more willing to believe that he is.
Your reason for suspecting Gheb is pretty crappy IMO. It seems you're only going at him because he guessed right on who was town and not cause he did anything truly scummy. Several vet players can sometimes deduct who's town and who's Mafia (great example: in Tree stump Mafia, Marshy noted that if Mentos pussyfoots on votes/stances, then he should be lynched, cause that's what scum mentos does. Sure enough, he was right).

Until he starts posting and being active in this game, I will leave my vote on Meta Kirby.

And, for the same reasoning as when I claimed a neighborhood power role, I think we should not lynch anyone in a neighborhood that contains a power role. My thoughts is that it is very unlikely that, in a 3 person neighborhood with a power role, that 2 or more would be mafia. So that said, either 1 or 0 mafia would be in each neighborhood. (well... if there were 2 or more, then the mafia would control that power role... that wouldn't make sense in my opinion). So... if there is 1 mafia and 2 town, town controls the power role (though mafia can influence their decisions). However, if we lynch one town, then it's 1 and 1 (and I'm assuming all neighborhood power roles is like mine, a majority vote to use the power role). At this point, mafia can control the power role (or at least refuse to do certain actions). So... using that logic, even if there is a mafia in the neighborhood, if there is a power role, I think it would be in our best interest to keep all three neighbors alive, thus ensuring that the mafia player does not control the neighborhood.

That said, if it seems very likely that someone is scum, then lets lynch them. If we can out the mafia player from a power neighborhood, then that will be great for us. However... for the reasons stated above... lets try to keep the power role neighborhoods in-tact.

Hopefully my logic makes sense...
I read this over and over, and somehow I read it as either

1) you either don't want to lynch anyone IN CHARGE of the said power in a neighborhood

2) you don't want us to lynch anyone in a neighborhood, thus you wanting to no lynch.

Please explain this post.

also, good tosee Omni replacing Dark Ermac. I now know he'll be useful :p

the little bout between Omni and Gheb is...meh. To early to tell, but I'm going to still believe Gheb is town. Still need to see Omni, but so far, it looks just like how Omni plays.

while I agree lynching summoner would give up plenty of info, I'm not in agreement to lyncing said person JUST for the info. I've seen spat going between him and OS/Adum, but meh...

Right now, I'm down with either sword dancer or Meta Kirby. Vote: Sword Dancer


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
I don't want to vote Meta Kirby because we get LITERALLY no information on D2 and that is stupid.

I mean he's scummy as ****, but assuming there is a vig in this game I would rather him just SHOOT MK, and if not we lynch him soon.

However getting no information from a lynch two days in a row would be complete and total fail, and I refuse to take part of it.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Kevin, if you intend to switch your vote, could you revote with fixed formatting, your vote change didn't go through.

adumbrodeus, are you saying that I should have had outside knowledge that all neighbourhoods bar mine were PRs when I answer that question? At the time, I would have had to have lied for no particular reason at all to 'be protown'. Hey man, if you're going to lynch someone based on LAL, don't tell them that they should have lied to be protown, that's just silly.
Since when is "no comment" a lie?

Refusing to answer a question on the grounds that it could hurt town is often a pro-town response, depending on the question of course.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Your reason for suspecting Gheb is pretty crappy IMO. It seems you're only going at him because he guessed right on who was town and not cause he did anything truly scummy. Several vet players can sometimes deduct who's town and who's Mafia (great example: in Tree stump Mafia, Marshy noted that if Mentos pussyfoots on votes/stances, then he should be lynched, cause that's what scum mentos does. Sure enough, he was right).
I do think that there are bigger fish to fry atm, but I wouldn't call my reason crappy. I do think managing to get two town reads on scummier people is odd. Also, if you're going to defend Gheb by assuming that he might be meta gaming then you're going to have take into account how often Gheb has played with everyone here. You also have to figure how useful meta can really even be

Even if my reason for suspecting Gheb really is crappy your defense for him is equally crappy.

Also, another small thing I noticed Rockin:

- Feels it's odd that sword dancer described him not knowing he's in a neighborhood 'Anonymous'
That wasn't me who said that, iirc it was Adum.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Anyways I feel we're not getting anywhere with this. I'm going back to C.E.O soon so I'm relying on you guys today to get some scum lynched. I'll be back later tonight.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
I do think that there are bigger fish to fry atm, but I wouldn't call my reason crappy. I do think managing to get two town reads on scummier people is odd. Also, if you're going to defend Gheb by assuming that he might be meta gaming then you're going to have take into account how often Gheb has played with everyone here. You also have to figure how useful meta can really even be
I never assumed he metaing. I'm saying clear fact that, as him being vet player in DG (meaning he's deducting from experience playing Mafia in general, not by how he previously saw players in past games), that he could've deducted/guessed right to who he felt was town.

Also, I found both Vult (Honestly, I thought Vult was maf at first, but soon got a town read off him) and Frozen to be town Day 1. Why havn't I gotten flake from you in terms of that?
Are you even going to go after me because of this?

Even if my reason for suspecting Gheb really is crappy your defense for him is equally crappy.
So that means you honestly know you wasted both yours and my time in relation to Gheb.

Also, another small thing I noticed Rockin:

That wasn't me who said that, iirc it was Adum.
I was reading posts from KevinM and it sounded like he was talking in terms of you. My mistake in that regard.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I never assumed he metaing. I'm saying clear fact that, as him being vet player in DG (meaning he's deducting from experience playing Mafia in general, not by how he previously saw players in past games), that he could've deducted/guessed right to who he felt was town.
So you're saying that it's just because he's a good player that he was able to town reads on Vult and Seph. Okay, fair enough, but suck up to Gheb a little more please. ;)

Also, I found both Vult (Honestly, I thought Vult was maf at first, but soon got a town read off him) and Frozen to be town Day 1. Why havn't I gotten flake from you in terms of that?
Are you even going to go after me because of this?
When did you state this?

So that means you honestly know you wasted both yours and my time in relation to Gheb.
No, what I was saying that even IF my reasons for suspecting Gheb are bad (which I didn't believe, now I'm starting to rethink it), that your reasons for defending him are still bad themselve, if that makes sense. Sorry if I was unclear there.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
No, what I was saying that even IF my reasons for suspecting Gheb are bad (which I didn't believe, now I'm starting to rethink it), that your reasons for defending him are still bad themselve, if that makes sense. Sorry if I was unclear there.
Meh, I figured. I thought I just bust your chops on that part. lol

in anycase, here it is. It was actually my first post in the game where I spoke about both of them


the question remains. Do you still find me scummy for having a town feel on them?

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Nah let's just lynch Sworddancer and if he flips scum adum toMorrow.

Theres no time at all, and I don't want two days without a lynch, so since I'd rather lynch someone than no one.


Vote: Sword

I'd rather have everyone extend the deadline so we could lynch SAU, but seeing that no one is posting thats not going.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
This is frusturating. No one is active, and wagons will never go through.

Vote deadline extension

So to give us more time to decide on a lynch rather then just rushing mindless into it. If anything it will get us out of having our deadlines on Sundays, an awful day for activity.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
the question remains. Do you still find me scummy for having a town feel on them?
1. I never did find find you scummy for these reasons (as I didn't even know you had these reads).
2. I would of, but now I am questioning it a bit.

Something else I noticed btw. This

I never assumed he metaing. I'm saying clear fact that, as him being vet player in DG (meaning he's deducting from experience playing Mafia in general, not by how he previously saw players in past games), that he could've deducted/guessed right to who he felt was town.
does not fit with this previous example of yours

Your reason for suspecting Gheb is pretty crappy IMO. It seems you're only going at him because he guessed right on who was town and not cause he did anything truly scummy. Several vet players can sometimes deduct who's town and who's Mafia (great example: in Tree stump Mafia, Marshy noted that if Mentos pussyfoots on votes/stances, then he should be lynched, cause that's what scum mentos does. Sure enough, he was right).
The example you gave features a vet pointing out scum through meta gaming, thus suggesting that you were meta gaming.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
vote deadline extension

KevinM, who should I vote for and why, cuz I just got back from MLG and am brain dead


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Argh, confirmed lier and NOBODY is down for a lynch, this is sad.

Dysfunctional town is dysfunctional.


Oh well, back to swordsdancer who can't seem to bring himself to scumhunt.

vote: Sworddancer.


Vote: Deadline extension.


Vote: Deadline is never EVER on a sunday again.

Nah let's just lynch Sworddancer and if he flips scum adum toMorrow.

And I'm connected to swords, how? I've agreed that he's suspicious since d1, my opinion has only been that there were more relevant targets.

I honestly can't take you seriously as long as you don't follow LAL, and the fact that you pick seasoning random people as lynch targets with no real case behind it doesn't help.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Should keep the extension for later in case of a mucky lylo which is quite possible with that roster.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Wow another NL? Vig shoot sword / exn / rei / meta / scummoner. KevMo / Seph should join the alliance toMorrow [or mafia just kills me >=( ]


#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Deadline: 6/6

Today's date: 6/7

Pay attention people. Although if we could possibly get a deadline extension that would be great.
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