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Code Geass Mafia: OVAH

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
vote count

blue yoshi (3) - gheb_01 kevinm overswarm
overswarm (1) - summonerau
meta-kirby (4) - exn sworddancer. adumbrodeus blue yoshi
summonerau (1) - sephiroths masamune

not voting (4) - meta-kirby -rei- rockin dark_ermac

with 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch!
deadline is the last second of 6/6 est!

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
I decided to check how many posts people have made in this thread, and excluding the people who replaced out / replaced in, these were the results:

(25) Meta Kirby
(27) Dark_Ermac

(38) Frozenflame (dead)

(42) KevinM
(43) Blue Yoshi (will be 44 after this post)
(45) Sworddancer

Anyways, point is, Meta Kirby and Dark_Ermac not only have not contributed much at all this game, but... well, have the least posts by a long shot. I'd be happy lynching either one of them.

Any thoughts or opinions on this?


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
my internet is a piece of ****.

#105: Jumps onto the Vult wagon. He thinks it's because he edited his post.
#111: Responses to Seph's vote on him. States he voted Vult to get more information out of him. He then compares himself to another player(Gustave). Adds some questions at the end of the post.
#115: Replies to adumbrodeus' question "Why did you jump on the bandwagon?". With "I saw Vult was new so I wanted to see his experience on mafia tbh".. Why wouldn't you be telling the truth about it Rei? "He had 0 posts so maybe he didn't know about the no edit rule" well whatever. "I wasn't expecting to be ninja'd by Gustave" He wouldn't have voted Vult if he saw Gustave had? I think that's a little strange.
#116: double posts just to give his stance on the questions he previously asked. Makes me think he might be trying to change the topic.
#118: Restates that his vote was just to get information and for Rei's edit. Makes me think why he wouldn't have voted if he'd seen Gustave's vote.
#124: I can't really say much about this that Seph hasn't already said about it. I thought it was pretty suspicious.
#127: Could be signs of a frustrated townie or a scum trying to look for a way to talk themselves out of it.
#137: Adds more to reasons for voting Vult. Why didn't he add the "could have withheld information" to his first fewposts. Looks like an afterthought. Also says he voted to add pressure to Vult, but has also said he wouldn't have voted if he has seen Gustave's vote before he posted. He must have thought that the bandwagon needs 1 and only 1 more vote for the prssure it needed.
#138: "confusion on the town" doesn't include himself in this. Potential slip? "adding more pressure has some help" Why wouldn't you have voted if Gustave voted?
#142: Responses to Vult's question. Says that his idea behind the edit was just a suggestions and not what he was thinking at the time(that's how the question goes and he didn't reply to that half). So he voted Vult just because he edited, not because he thought editing was scummy.
#273: big gap between posts. tells people he was out.
#285: "okay from what i see is vr claimed some sort of masonry and voted for one of his neighbors. " umm that was kinda out while you were active. whee, only person he explicitly states as suspicious is Vult and Gustave. He also thinks adumbrodeus is town. Most of the things here are observations with "this could possibly mean" and only really says "this is scummy" when Vult or Gustave are concerned. I'll refer back to this post if I notice something in his future posts about something he said in here.
#302: Says he's away but logged on. I don't really know why he added the logged on part. Is he trying to avoid suspicions from people metaing him? If so, why does he care that much about appearing suspicious?
#330: Address Vult, Frozen and adumbrodeus in this post. I get the feeling that Rei doesn't want to say that he's voting Sworddancer just for inactivity.
#333: Lists the games he's played.
#393: I think this is a little bit of parroting mixed in with neighbourhood confusion and neighbourhood information fishing.
#394: replies to Rockin's post about his vot on Vult way back
#395: brings up being ninja'd by Gustave again. I'm not quite sure what he's saying but I think he might be changing his story on wy he voted Vult?
#423: Replies to Vult, Rockin, Overswam and adumbrodeus. "also question to vult: what time of the day are you allowed to speak? during the day or night phase of the game?" wheee. Also mentions he finds Sworddancer, Vult and Frozen suspicious. Replies to adumbrodeus' questions oddly. Adds that he voted Vult because he was also claiming to be in a neighbourhood, something he didn't mention when he was actually voting him.
#430: avoids claiming to be in a neighbourhood
#433: asks me why I voted him
#444: (Rei seems to be getting the tripple numbers posts) Claims tracker and to be in a neighbourhood.
#445: blah
#447: says tracker is another name for cop. Provides a link to the cop article. My thoughts "sif not search for tracker while you're there"
#450: says cop and tracker have the same ability. I don't even know what's going on. Looks like he then searched tracker there.
#452: checks rules to see if he can name claim.
#454: claims Suzaku
#456: tries to answer Overswarm's question.
#458: confirms that it's tracker.
#466: confirms that his neighbourhood can only post at night (wheeee)
#473: blah
#562: Pretty big gap in posts. Talks about sworddancer again.
#565: confirms adumbrodeus is one of his neighbours
#567: why he confirmed it.
#576: Brings up Meta-Kirby (funny thing that Meta-Kirby started posting just after Rei brings him up)
#579: blah
#622: still pushing Vult and Sworddancer
#690: blah
#794: votes Seph, but only because Swords isn't an option and Vult claimed Euphy.
#795: blah
#820: "if he is vanilla as he claimed that would make britannia to be the town while the japanese the mafia and vice-versa" Rei has claimed someone that is Japanese. He stopped talking about this once Frozen and Vult flipped though.
#829: replies to Vult.
#948: wants to replace out
#950: says he tracked someone but won't say who it is or if they did anything.
#972: gives reasons why he won't reveal

Votes: Vult, Sworddancer.
Finds suspicious: Vult, Gustave, Sworddancer, frozenflame

Confirmed Neighbours:

People who have talked to/questioned Rei:

People who did funny things once Rei mentioned them:

People who are Summoner:

<note: I got hit with network outages during the middle of doing connections. I ended up only doing connections that I typed in my comments on posts. I was planning on shamelessly stealing the format from your post, but whatever. I'm sure you'd prefer something sooner rather than later. I don't even know when this is going to clear up either. I'm also going to be making comments on things from memory but I'll add something to show those parts>

[] = memory stuff

I find Rei's posts regarding his claim strange. I also remember my first game of mafia where I played a mafia tracker and wonder if it could be a similar thing here. [I found it odd that Sworddancer hadn't really said much about Rei even thought Rei had been saying he was suspicious. When Rei confused cop for tracker Sworddancer was there to prompt him to correct his mistake straight away.] I found Rei's posts before his claim to be fairly scummy, especially with the changes he made to his reason for voting Vult. I also think a lot more of Rei's posts make 'sense' if you read them from the perspective that he's scum instead of town. For example, the mix up with his claim could be a mixup in a provided role claim from a scum buddy. His refusal to even say if the person he tracked last night did something could also be a scum member trying to avoid saying something that would come back and bite them. With that said, all of these things can plausible be explained if Rei is town. I just think they fit together much better if he's scum(Another thing, did the mafia really see Frozen as that much of a threat as to overlook Rei?). Rei has also avoided attention for particular people [Ermac, Kevin, Exn, BlueYoshi, Meta-Kirby]

This is a copy paste from wordpad. I would normally tidy things up and make things more readable but I don't even know if I'll be able to post it at all. I'm still in the middle of a huge network outage so I don't know when I'll next be able to reply to things. Almost everything after the note is from memory and from what I've written down as notes. Those that are mentioning names have been bracketed to indicate this.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Uh OS, Rei made the role error not me. Rei thought he was the cop and it turned out he was a tracker.

Are you just skimming?
I found repeated references to you making the role error. My bad, maybe? I'm not entirely sure. About to read Summoner's massive post so that might fill me in.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
I would say more scum than town, but I don't have the balls to lynch someone claiming tracker when it isn't close to endgame.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005


@ Summoner

Well, tracker can be confirmed, can't it?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I'm not either, but it means when our numbers are dwindling and we get down to the point where everyone claims we can easily see if Rei was telling the truth.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Sorry. Difficult to contribute when I don't find a lot of people really scummy or dunno where to look. >>

As far as scum, I can only give out one. Sorry, I just can't find anyone else I have found strikingly odd (I Blame the fact that this is the first/second time I'm playing against said new people).

Meta Kirby - I'm not liking how he's responding to something that should be a simple question. It just seems like he's either trying to dodge it or something. The attitude tone doesn't help me believe he's town.

however, as far as town

Gheb - Liking how he's contributing into the game as well as the way he's been playing seems town to me. Nothing thus far has striked me as odd

KevinM - also good contributer. The guy is moving around in terms of votes, but makes not of who he mainly feel is scummy (so far it's swords. Still waiting for his reason about wanting to lynch OS).

Argh...don't know anyone else that I know/feel is town. I want to say Exn, but's too early. I gotta see how he plays a bit more. Everyone else is neutral.

sorry if the amount of town/scum you wanted to know is small. I can't get a read on a lot of people T_T;;

Ok, so you have at least one suspect, try applying some pressure.

Also, any scum possibilities that aren't in the spotlight atm?

Well... I have a thought on my neighbors... but I don't want to reveal who they are. One I find to be town for reasons I don't want to explain (neighborhood reasons), and one I found suspicious at the time (he was not active at all during the night... meaning he did not take part on conversations at all). He made maybe one useful post during the night... but nothing otherwise. We had some pretty important conversations as well, which he knew about but took no part in it. So... basically useless that night. But what makes me even more suspicious of him is that as soon as night is over, he's one of the most active people in this thread, making many town-like posts... so... where was he during the night? I can see him going either way... but... well... don't know.

I'm not revealing who either one of these two are, as I see no need to reveal my neighborhood... (but... well, at least my neighborhood will know where I stand on each of them).
Ok, that sounds interesting.

While I understand the dangers of revealing your neighborhood, if it gives us enough information to put somebody else in the spotlight it would be worthwhile to post, especially since everyone is so unsure of you.


Meta Kirby - Unless I'm mistaken, he has made very few useful posts... and hasn't really helped town at all.

Dark_Ermac - absolutely useless basically all game, has made very few (if any) posts.

To be honest, no one (other than my neighbor... even then not 100%) strikes me as town.

And to my neighbors, lets not discuss it here, lets wait until night again (my neighborhood only talks at night).
So, pressure?

Also, why just those useless people, are you suggesting all inactives are scum?

Any less safe possibilities?

Maybe you wanna review the thread and pick a few other possible candidates.

Still waiting on the others (though summoner gets a buy for now).

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
Working on Replacements for Ermac and Rei at the moment.

Omni replaces Dark_Ermac. Thanks Omni!


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004

just got my role a few minutes ago. i'll answer those in a few

my question for now is which of you (if any) are suspicious of Dark Ermac and why


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Overswarm 155
Sephiroths Masamune 152
adumbrodeus 97
SummonerAU 84
Vult Redux 83
Gheb_01 83
-Rei- 49
Blue Yoshi 45
Sworddancer. 45
KevinM 43
frozenflame751 38
Gustave 29
Dark_Ermac 27
Meta-Kirby 25
Rockin 24
marshy 22
Xonar 21
Junglefever 15
Exn 14
Omni 2
SwordsRbroken 1
Ryucloud 1

That's why.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
sup, BY.

*stretches* skimmed most of Day 1. read moreso into Day 2. hard to pinpoint tells and points when im not actually involved

we've got a lot of baggage and useless and annoying people here (hi gheb) as well as a few inactives

frozen dying = mafia has a vet that knows how good frozen is in lylo. not a random kill.

its Day 2, two night kills imply mafia and sk. wouldnt be surprised in this setup. uhhh lets see

quick question: Overswarm, thoughts on Gheb?


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
also can someone summarize anything major thats happened (claims, new info, night actions, etc.)

whats this neighborhood business about


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
its true but im too impatient and i dont like waiting. just a bit from my notes while skimming:

Not liking Gheb's play. "Not voting anyone I'm convinced is town" from Post 884. The only people who are convinced without direct knowledge is scum.

Sworddancer, #903 says what I would have said about Gheb. Kinda liking it.

however u were quick to call Swordancer's observation as an overstatement mr. overswarm. do you really think its so farfetched to think Gheb choosing a no lynch because he was positive that two players were town isn't a bit suspicious

reason why i ask gheb is because i wondering if he's willing to bus his scum partner since obviously you're not


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
reason why i ask gheb is because i wondering if he's willing to bus his scum partner since obviously you're not
Are you kidding?

I bussed my mafia partner day 1 in TMNT mafia, my first game here. =P

You know me better than that. I'd bus every mafia partner I had.

I'm not convinced Gheb is scummy. His play is, at the moment, benefitting town. If he wants to win, eventually he has to NOT benefit town. That'd be easy to catch with his current playstyle.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
So again why aren't we lynching BY, its fairly obvious he's not paying attention to this game.

OS I was convinced should go but I think he's town now.

MK wagon or BY wagon pick one and lets role on it.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
the bussing your partner comment was just me being sarcastic about your town read on Gheb

honestly i'd like to concentrate on getting rid of stragglers/lamos like BY but a bit wary since the guy i replaced fit that category and im town

but w/e useless townie is just as dangerous as mafia in lylo in most cases


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
yea i just noticed

thanks alot jungle for replacing me in such an "interesting" game *murmurs*


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Vote: BlueYoshi

lets just start quick lynching ******** people


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
@Adum, can you show me what you want answered? Sorry, I'm on phone and it's not easy to navigate.

Vote: Blue Yoshi I've never liked him. Useless trash.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004

like i understand the premise of not quicklynching mid-day in order to fish for information, but stating the premise just for the sake of it without acting on it afterwards smells

what were you guys read on seph's play so far


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
@Adum, can you show me what you want answered? Sorry, I'm on phone and it's not easy to navigate.

Vote: Blue Yoshi I've never liked him. Useless trash.



like i understand the premise of not quicklynching mid-day in order to fish for information, but stating the premise just for the sake of it without acting on it afterwards smells

what were you guys read on seph's play so far
Slight town read, mostly because it's his second game ever, and his behavior strikes me as noob town so far, hyper-active, but making a lot of noobish mistakes.

I don't mind him lynched since my read isn't strong and hell if I want him around at lylo, but if we're removing detrimental town, there's a number of much worse offenders.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Omni, I don't get Overswarm as pro-town as much as other people seem to do. As I said before: Few people strike me as townie. He's a lot lower on my anti-town list than pretty much everybody else except KevBro and Seph though. He's like 3rd to last on my scumlist and I don't even get him as pro-town :urg:

And to answer your other question: wtf OF COURSE I bus my scumbuddies. Remember PW mafia or read up Boondock Saints where I bussed my entire scumteam to win.

Vig if you killed Vult then

a.) You're stupid
b.) Shoot sworddancer, MetaKirby, Exn or Rei playerslot.


Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
Ugh... I really did not want to reveal anything from my neighborhood... but seeing as I have no other choice to live, I think I'll reveal a bit (I'm going to try to reveal the bare minimum I need to). I will not reveal who is in the neighborhood, but... well, that said, here we go.

Our neighborhood consists of 3 people (me included in the three, so me and 2 others). Our neighborhood has a power role... we are watchers. Every night, we can watch someone if we have a majority vote (and one of us does the watching). Last night, me and one other person ended up voting to use the power role (the other person was inactive all night, as said previously). I ended up watching Rockin, and I did not see anything (which I assume to mean nothing happened to him).

Let me remind you, I am revealing the bare minimum of our neighborhood (there is much more). And... well, one thing I thought of was we need a majority. If there is scum, then... well, 2 town and 1 scum means town can get a majority, making the scum not control the power role to himself (that would be disastrous). If the ratio goes down (1 town 1 scum), then scum can control the neighborhood power roles, and at the very least prevent the town to do certain actions. So that said, although many people will disagree with me, for the sake of keeping the power roles in town control, then all of our neighborhood should stay alive (I do believe one person in particular to be scummy, but for reasons stated above, I do not want to lynch this person just in case he turns up town and the other guy was scum).

So that said, lynching me or anyone in my neighborhood would be bad for town.

That said, remember, this is the bare minimum I've revealed about our neighborhood (there's lots more I don't see I need to reveal at the moment).

Sorry if this sounds stupid... but... well, keeping the three of us alive will actually help town.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Sorry for inactivity, I had work.

@Rockin: Okay, the reason I stated suspicion towards Gheb was because I found it odd how he managed to get two town reads on the two most likely lynch candidates. Two reasons why I find this a bit odd.

1. It helped led to a no lynch.
2. If either one of them was lynched (assuming Seph is confirmed town for a moment) and either one of them flipped town then it would make Gheb look good. That's the main thing that bothers me about him. If Gheb were scum, then he would already know who is town, and it would be easy for him to just come in when there was a wagon on the two players who out of them one of them was probably going to be lynched and say "Hey these two guys are town".

Of course I don't know rather or not Seph is town, but my suspicious of Gheb actually make me a little bit more willing to believe that he is.
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