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Code Geass Mafia: OVAH

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Really glad to see that we've discussed what I thought was already blatantly obvious as soon as I read my ****in PM.

Also really glad to see that we have power roles claiming on D1.

SWF mafia hasn't changed at all.

Hey guys want to NOT mention who you're in a neighborhood with from now on, or should we gift mafia with exactly how this game works and all the possible connections from the start?
Why are you so frustrated? I can see why you would get frustrated with Rei claiming a power role but why are you frustrated with the discussion of neighborhoods? No one is going to claim who is in their neighborhood, for reasons already stated, and us figuring out the fact that there are multiply neighborhoods can help us, as long as we keep certain details under wraps, we should be fine.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
You've answered our questions, you don't have to play through your study group =P

I agree with Frozen Flame that we shouldn't claim who is in our neighborhood yet.

However, if the mod made an error with the neighborhood, we can capitalize on this error.

Most likely errors that could occur:

1. Mafia not being in a neighborhood at all

There are 15 people. There are already several people in neighborhoods that we know of... at least half of the players here are, if not more.

Sephiroth is not in a neighborhood, which is curious, but useful information.

Let's assume we pick someone at random, let's call him Bob, and he turns up to be mafia. Lucky break for town.

We then ask for everyone that was in Bob's neighborhood to publicly claim to be so. Town has no reason not to do this, as mafia would already know they were neighbors. Bob would have told them. As such, there is no danger from claiming this information and it is only a boon to town.

Assuming players DO claim, we can get an idea of the standard number of people in a neighborhood by comparing it to our own. This is useful, but not exactly pertinent.

Assuming NO players claim, we can strongly assume that Bob, a mafia member, was not in a neighborhood. At this point it could potentially be a good idea for everyone to claim their neighborhoods. Since multiple people need to do this, it could be verified. Mafia does have a way out of this by simply claiming to be in a neighborhood with Bob, but this would result in outing both mafia members the next time one of them died, so that'd be a heavy gambit.

2. Mafia are all in a neighborhood, and spread out evenly

We don't know if neighborhoods were random or planned based on characters. I don't know Geass so someone else would have to figure that out. If they're random, we get no information.. but I doubt it highly. More than likely, there is one mafia at most in a neighborhood at a time, if they're in one at all. This would be in direct contrast to the gambit I mentioned above, so it's a dangerous call, but useful information.

Really glad to see that we've discussed what I thought was already blatantly obvious as soon as I read my ****in PM.

Also really glad to see that we have power roles claiming on D1.

SWF mafia hasn't changed at all.
The tracker claim was pretty silly. Regardless, it can be useful.

I figured everyone was in a neighborhood after I saw Vult and Flame confirm they were in a neighborhood, but I wouldn't put it past a mod to make one or two neighborhoods and leave it at that. Now there are at least 3 or 4, and I'm assuming everyone can talk to someone outside of the thread in some fashion.

Hey guys want to NOT mention who you're in a neighborhood with from now on, or should we gift mafia with exactly how this game works and all the possible connections from the start?
Agreed on keeping names silent.

However, don't keep silent if you're not in a neighborhood. This information is power in town hands, and can give no boon to mafia.

If you're not in a neighborhood... speak up fast. Publicly claim you aren't in a neighborhood if this is the case BEFORE the Day ends. This is very important.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
S*** I looked at my PM and I am in a Neighborhood, but it's anonymous, **** I'm a ****** :(

The quicktopic should have the names of the other members.

Yes, mainly his hop from Vult to Rei after not really seeing much in Rei. Both Vult and Rei had his 'scummy' gap and he had looked into Vult before the hop. Other reasons being fishing and little things I don't want to mention.
I don't like this, no reasoning with the initial vote, and the fact that he DID attempt to pressure Vult, he just switched cause Rei was being more useful.


Vote: SummonerAU

I expect more then that, why'd you go after OS?

At the moment, I don't think Rei needs any more pressure, he was useful enough.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
S*** I looked at my PM and I am in a Neighborhood, but it's anonymous, **** I'm a ******
I see. Anonymous as in you don't know names, or don't know roles/alignment?

unvote vote Vult

Back to you, Vult.

Vult, you claimed a neighborhood before anyone else, with no pressure, but buckled when it came to the actual details that would support a wagon on Flame. At the time, you considered Flame scum.

This is a disconnect in basic logic.

If there was a murder in the kitchen of your house and the police are asking you about it, you'd want to give the details to support your story. Assuming you are innocent: You saw Bob kill Jake in the kitchen, but when the police ask you about it, you say "I was in the house". You refuse to mention the name Jake, or the location of the kitchen. There's no logical reason to do so, as you are attempting to confirm your case with hollowed information.

I'm unsure if this is merely you realizing the dangers of open information or if you are making a scummy play, so I'd like you to clarify for me:

Is there any information I'm missing that would clear you as town, at least in this instance?

Frozen flame, you may answer this question as well. A simple yes/no will suffice.

Summoner, I'd like to hear your case against me. I ignored your earlier vote because I felt it was warranted; without knowing what I was doing, it looked like I was fishing for information that would harm town. Oddly enough, after the information came to light and we started some good discussion, you re-voted me... and your support?

Yes, mainly his hop from Vult to Rei after not really seeing much in Rei. Both Vult and Rei had his 'scummy' gap and he had looked into Vult before the hop. Other reasons being fishing and little things I don't want to mention.
Your strongest point is "little things I don't want to mention". Again, this cloak and dagger stuff doesn't help town. If you have hidden information that gives you a strong lead on someone but can't unveil it at the moment, dropping hints at it is a bad idea. Best case scenario is you have something, mafia knows it, and you die in the Night. Worst case scenario is you don't have anything and end up getting yourself or another townie lynched. Both are stupid.

By all means though, enlighten me as to what I've done that is scummy, or at least ask me questions. I'm able to answer honestly as I'm town. Mafia doesn't have that luxury and can be caught.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Sworddancer, you've been primarily a passive poster this entire game and have focused on the positive aspects of posters rather than the negative. All around, a pretty hardcore optimist, which isn't really useful in mafia games.

So, get your hands dirty. Your actions feel very passive and borderline-buddying, which gives me a strong town read. That makes me think you're scum being careful. I'd like to see more than "analysis" over a long series of posts, but rather a concentrated effort on one or two individuals.

Vult, I'm still waiting to hear from you. You're in my hot seat and will continue to be there.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina

What prevents Mafia from claiming neighborhood and, if pushed further, asking for neighbor names? Is this just basically like Halloween? Hit every neighborhood till we get the big candy bars (aka Mafia)?
I'm just trying to understand your logic here a little better.

In Code Geass, the Earth is split into several distinct factions. You've got the Brittanians, the Japanese, and ...I think it's the Chinese Federation? I can't remember, but they are very seperate, very distinct peoples who (I don't think) like each other very much.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Vult, you claimed a neighborhood before anyone else, with no pressure, but buckled when it came to the actual details that would support a wagon on Flame. At the time, you considered Flame scum.
Something's very wrong with this summarization.

Reread the thread or read-word it.

Is there any information I'm missing that would clear you as town, at least in this instance?
As in, information related to the Neighborhood? Role information? What are you asking for?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
OS: It gives you a strong town read, but at the same time you think I'm scummy? Was this just a typo?
Your actions are deliberate and friendly, yet inherently unhelpful and lack conviction. I'd like to see you make some concrete statements on players rather than fleeting thoughts.


What prevents Mafia from claiming neighborhood and, if pushed further, asking for neighbor names? Is this just basically like Halloween? Hit every neighborhood till we get the big candy bars (aka Mafia)?
I'm just trying to understand your logic here a little better.
If Mafia ARE in separate neighborhoods, they can claim and we can narrow our search later with more information. This would be the most unfortunate setup for town, but it is out of mafia's control. They either have it or don't.

If Mafia AREN'T in neighborhoods and claim to not be in a neighborhood, we can easily pick them off.

If Mafia AREN'T in neighborhoods and claim to be in a neighborhood, the only way they could possibly have their story confirmed is if they were in a neighborhood together. This would inevitably result in one mafia outing the rest on flip, and mafia's false claim here would be a big risk on mafia's part.

There are other options, but they are irrelevant. Mafia has a few "safe" routes they can take, but I'd prefer not to mention them. I have contingency plans if they happened to take them, but they would hardly work if mafia knew in advance what to do. I understand this makes me a big NKill target, but I'm fine with that as I have a neighborhood that will be able to carry my plans elsewhere should I post them there. Mafia killing me is gambling on whether or not I've spread the story, unless they're in my own neighborhood.

Basically we have TWO concrete pieces of information in this game: alignment and neighborhood. With more information, mafia has less room to wiggle.

My suspicion is that mafia are in neighborhoods though, intermingled among us. This would make sense from a game design standpoint, I think.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Something's very wrong with this summarization.

Reread the thread or read-word it.

I'll hear your re-phrasing, please.

As in, information related to the Neighborhood? Role information? What are you asking for?
I didn't ask for anything specific.

Note: Do not claim, nor give out info that would help mafia. You aren't in an L-1 situation or anything like that, so no claiming or anything.

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
Sorry for being somewhat inactive... but... well, I explained my reasoning for being so (i.e. not having time to read everything). I have time now, so I'll continue to read. Don't know if I'll finish all the posts I haven't read yet or not, but I'll at least get a large bunch read (and the rest I'll hopefully read tomorrow (by my timezone, tomorrow is Wednesday... it's 10:17 pm on Tuesday here).

If anything comes up major, I'll make a quick note here while I'm reading... like I did last time.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Because it's useful information for town.

It prevents outsiders from interpreting things in a way that results in anti-town actions and helps town recognize connections. The same reason you confirmed yourself to be his neighbor, kinda. -snipped for general idea-
Overswarm, if you thought it would be useful information for town that the Vult/Frozen neighbourhood was outted, why did you not think that mentioning that there are multiple neighbourhoods not benefit town? Why did you continue to fish after this? Why did Rei's claim make you change your mind about claiming to belong to a neighbourhood?

Everyone, it's actually a really interesting read between the people claiming to be neighbours with 'x' and the phase where Vult was under pressure 3-6 pages or so in. I'm going to be reading it myself at a better time and I'll put up some stuff I find interesting later but for now I have a tutorial to make.

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
Well, I'll wait until I finish reading everything before I post who I find suspicious... but... well...


Overswarm's 220 and 221

Overswarm... why did you ask that? I don't see how that helps in this game. If you saw my thing saying "currently viewing Smash 64 Discussion" or something... would you find me scummy? Some people do more than play mafia games on smashboards... don't see how this question is relevant at all to anything...

Can you explain?

I haven't read past 221... so you may have already asked that.

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
I read up to and including 279, I'll finish the rest later (it's 1:45 am here).

I don't know if I will finish it Wednesday, since... well, since I stayed up late reading this, I will probably sleep in... and I've got stuff I have to do tomorrow (including signing up for University intramural sports) before I go to a smash fest at 5 (I am bringing the TV's, so I have to be on time).

So yeah... unfortunately, contrary to what I posted, I won't have all the posts read before the end of Wednesday (today). I'm going through them though, and will finish before day 1 is finished.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Wow, enough about this neighborhood talk and role claiming nonsense. Can we please just stop talking about stuff that doesn't help us to find scum like flavour and everybody being in a neighborhood?

Scummoner and Overscum just pounding two votes on Rei to put him @L-2 was either incredibly stupid or blatant scum. You guys seriously want to lynch Rei over Blue Yoshiscum, Scumeta-Kirby, Scumdancer, Scumnar et all? This day is going completely in the wrong direction. Take a step back and quit being dumb.

Would you like me to explain a trap before or after it is sprung?
Not that it matters now but some traps can backfire.

I am still sad that Blue Yoshi has a vote on himself.
Seriously can we just lynch Blue Yoshi and get this nonsense over with. Xonar / Sworddancer can die too.

The fact that you somehow managed to confused Cop and Tracker which are very different is also a bit concerning.
How does it concern you? Confusing Tracker with other investigators such as Watcher or Cop isn't uncommon among newer players.

Don't worry, KevinM, not everyone is that stupid.
The fact that there ARE such players is bad enough though.

Anonymous... that seems like an odd way to state you don't know their role/alignment.
I don't see how that's the case tbh.



Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Gheb, if I could come up with a scum variation of Gheb (that was actually clever and not just Scum 01 or Gheh 0scum), I would throw that back into your teeth so hard. I can't help that I happen to have one of the easiest to 'scum' names.

Also couple of things, OS put Rei at L-3 by my count (adumbrodeus, rockin, seph, myself, OS) so I take it you are going off adumbrodeus' count in his #438? Where were you during this time Gheb? You seemed to like miss all the neighbourhood saga. I see nothing wrong with putting a 4th vote on anyone and linking me to it is silly Looks like you're just tossing me in there for no reason, like the amazing FoS you still haven't exactly explained.

So far Gheb I've gotten from that post "hindsight/parrotofKevinM possiblemistake jokenames lynch inactives you're dumb inactivies one line quotes arcainine" so pretty much avoided mentioning anything related to neighbours and then focused on (almost all) one line quotes regarding Rei's claim. Regardless of your thoughts on the neighbourhood buisness, the information is there now and you could be using it. If you want to go after inactives, why don't you also provide stances on actives at the same time? Or are we only allowed to do things after we lynch the inactives?

Another thing, where have you seen new players mistake tracker for cop Gheb?

Annoying post + bad day at uni = grumpy Summoner

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Gheb, if I could come up with a scum variation of Gheb (that was actually clever and not just Scum 01 or Gheh 0scum), I would throw that back into your teeth so hard. I can't help that I happen to have one of the easiest to 'scum' names.

Also couple of things, OS put Rei at L-3 by my count (adumbrodeus, rockin, seph, myself, OS) so I take it you are going off adumbrodeus' count in his #438? Where were you during this time Gheb? You seemed to like miss all the neighbourhood saga. I see nothing wrong with putting a 4th vote on anyone and linking me to it is silly Looks like you're just tossing me in there for no reason, like the amazing FoS you still haven't exactly explained.
Wasn't only the amount of votes that bothered me but also the course of action with two people quickly hopping a wagon. That's a huge shift in momentum for something I call a very minor scumtell (if it's any at all). Unless you can tell me how and why there's a legit argument on -Rei- I'm actually surprised you're OK with people pounding votes on him just like that. Looks like the easy way out of D1 imo.

So far Gheb I've gotten from that post "hindsight/parrotofKevinM possiblemistake jokenames lynch inactives you're dumb inactivies one line quotes arcainine" so pretty much avoided mentioning anything related to neighbours and then focused on (almost all) one line quotes regarding Rei's claim. Regardless of your thoughts on the neighbourhood buisness, the information is there now and you could be using it. If you want to go after inactives, why don't you also provide stances on actives at the same time? Or are we only allowed to do things after we lynch the inactives?
I opted to pressure inactives only later on. I was actually on adum most of D1 and he was one of the most vocal players so far.

Another thing, where have you seen new players mistake tracker for cop Gheb?
I'll answer that once frozen elaborates on what concerns him about the "confusion."



Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
If you look at my posts during that time, you'll see I was asking both Seph and OS things to see how they ticked. I bought into the Rei thing a little lazily at the time but at the time I was thinking something like "hmm Rei's a little sus and he's also tied with a few people, why not"

I also don't see why you would need/want to wait for Frozen to answer but I'll humour you just this once (since I know about the Zangoose costume you will soon have).


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Sorry for going off-topic, but...

Also, Overswarm, how do you get a list of how many times people have posted in a thread?


This could be useful for me modding the 64 boards at times... so it's not only for mafia purposes...

Anyways, can you also answer the question in my last post as well?
Click on the post number to the right of the thread name when you're looking at the forum.

Well, I'll wait until I finish reading everything before I post who I find suspicious... but... well...


Overswarm's 220 and 221

Overswarm... why did you ask that? I don't see how that helps in this game. If you saw my thing saying "currently viewing Smash 64 Discussion" or something... would you find me scummy? Some people do more than play mafia games on smashboards... don't see how this question is relevant at all to anything...

Can you explain?

I haven't read past 221... so you may have already asked that.
I'm on 40 posts per page; please link to individual posts. I don't have a page 15.

Overswarm, if you thought it would be useful information for town that the Vult/Frozen neighbourhood was outted, why did you not think that mentioning that there are multiple neighbourhoods not benefit town? Why did you continue to fish after this? Why did Rei's claim make you change your mind about claiming to belong to a neighbourhood?
I did think it was useful information. That's why I persued that line of thought, and why we are where we are now.

If you haven't figured out why mafia have to be careful about neighborhoods, read my posts again and come back if you have any questions. If we're ALL in neighborhoods, which is near confirmed, then mafia already knows this. This info can ONLY be useful for town, assuming we keep names silent.

Once a mafia dies, we get all sorts of information because of our new knowledge.

Everyone, it's actually a really interesting read between the people claiming to be neighbours with 'x' and the phase where Vult was under pressure 3-6 pages or so in. I'm going to be reading it myself at a better time and I'll put up some stuff I find interesting later but for now I have a tutorial to make
I was reading that too. Should be helpful.

Scummoner and Overscum just pounding two votes on Rei to put him @L-2 was either incredibly stupid or blatant scum. You guys seriously want to lynch Rei over Blue Yoshiscum, Scumeta-Kirby, Scumdancer, Scumnar et all? This day is going completely in the wrong direction. Take a step back and quit being dumb.
Cool story, bro.

One, two, three, four, five, six. SIX MAFIA OMFG, town is dooooooooomed!

Oh wait, you don't have any argument against any of them, you're just saying "let's lynch one of the following" without evidence.

unvote vote Gheb

Gheb, are you in a neighborhood?

Gheb, pick three people from your list and let me know why you think they're scum, or at least scummy.

Gheb, what is your opinion on Vult?

Vult, I haven't forgotten about you.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
The main question I wanted answered in that bunch of questions OS was "Why did Rei's claim make you change your mind about claiming to belong to a neighbourhood?" and I want to also add "Why didn't you claim that when Vult first claimed it?"

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
1.) What would you learn of me being in a neighborhood? Should be fairly obvious by now that everybody is in a neighborhood.

2.) Only 3?

Well I was (and still am) suspicious of Adum for his selective pseudoscumhunting. Lacking credibility anyway you look at it imo. Sworddancer has posted 99% Wishy-wash and Meta-Kirby for playing exactly like he did in Pokémafia and Scumwars (zomg Metagaming!).

But my vote stays on BY until he posts something that actually has content. Wouldn't mind more ppl pressuring him.

3.) Said at least 3 times that I think Vult's town. Skim moar.



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
The main question I wanted answered in that bunch of questions OS was "Why did Rei's claim make you change your mind about claiming to belong to a neighbourhood?" and I want to also add "Why didn't you claim that when Vult first claimed it?"
The same reason no one else claimed, I'd imagine. I had a strong suspicion that everyone was in a neighborhood, but needed it confirmed.

Rei's claim, along with others, made it an obvious choice to claim. Anyone that avoids saying "I'm in a neighborhood" is gonna have to explain why. If Mafia isn't in a neighborhood and everyone else is, mafia would have to claim neighborhood to not stick out like a sore thumb.... and that's group them together. If mafia is and there are three mafia, they know of three separate neighborhoods to begin with, with anywhere from 3-9 townies involved.

Now that it's confirmed there are many neighborhoods, we need to see if there's an exception. This information won't help now, but if one of the exception flips over mafia later, it'll help a lot.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
The same reason no one else claimed, I'd imagine. I had a strong suspicion that everyone was in a neighborhood, but needed it confirmed.

Rei's claim, along with others, made it an obvious choice to claim. Anyone that avoids saying "I'm in a neighborhood" is gonna have to explain why. If Mafia isn't in a neighborhood and everyone else is, mafia would have to claim neighborhood to not stick out like a sore thumb.... and that's group them together. If mafia is and there are three mafia, they know of three separate neighborhoods to begin with, with anywhere from 3-9 townies involved.

Now that it's confirmed there are many neighborhoods, we need to see if there's an exception. This information won't help now, but if one of the exception flips over mafia later, it'll help a lot.
Why should there be an exception though? Since allignments and roles aren't confirmed within the neighborhood it's possible for all mafiosi to be in some neighborhood.



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
1.) What would you learn of me being in a neighborhood? Should be fairly obvious by now that everybody is in a neighborhood.

I learn little. I'd learn more if you weren't. After your flip, your claim can be confirmed if you are mafia. If it turns out you're lying, we kill all mafia members. If it turns out you're telling the truth, we'll confirm that mafia are in neighborhoods. Pretty simple.
2.) Only 3?

Well I was (and still am) suspicious of Adum for his selective pseudoscumhunting. Lacking credibility anyway you look at it imo. Sworddancer has posted 99% Wishy-wash and Meta-Kirby for playing exactly like he did in Pokémafia and Scumwars (zomg Metagaming!).

But my vote stays on BY until he posts something that actually has content. Wouldn't mind more ppl pressuring him.
Same @ BY comment.
3.) Said at least 3 times that I think Vult's town. Skim moar.
I think it's pretty obvious I don't skim.

Why do you think Vult is town?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Why should there be an exception though? Since allignments and roles aren't confirmed within the neighborhood it's possible for all mafiosi to be in some neighborhood.

I'm unaware if there are exceptions, as I'm not one. It'd be helpful to know if there are exceptions because, depending on how jungle made the game, he may have accidentally left a giant neon sign pointing at all the mafia members.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I haven't seen Vult doing anything that strikes me as scummy. And yes, I'm in a neighborhood as well.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Heh, I highly doubt that with Xiivi as the co-designer. Know him well enough he wouldn't do that.



Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Well, if you had a strong suspicion that there was AND you were in a neighbourhood AND you knew someone else was in a neighbourhood(Vult and Frozen) your output was still nothing on that front but you needed: strong suspicion AND your neighbourhood AND Vult's AND Rei's to act on it. Seems a little overkill fro mwhat I was expected from you(I'm not quite sure why this is, I just did)


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Well, if you had a strong suspicion that there was AND you were in a neighbourhood AND you knew someone else was in a neighbourhood(Vult and Frozen) your output was still nothing on that front but you needed: strong suspicion AND your neighbourhood AND Vult's AND Rei's to act on it. Seems a little overkill fro mwhat I was expected from you(I'm not quite sure why this is, I just did)
I'm thorough. Knowing just my own neighborhood and vult/ff's existed could have still meant neighborhoods were special. I needed to know how far it went.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
It still could have been special though. I'm wondering why you asked for anyone not in a hood to tell you. It's a pretty weird question and (if it's a trap pretty obvious) if there was indeed people not in a neighbourhood, what would you have done then?


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Stop voting Rei, don't want an accidental hammer.
This doesn't make sense. First you wanted us to call attention to Rei and his habbits, now you're cautioning us on accidental hammer? Hm.

FoS: Seph

S*** I looked at my PM and I am in a Neighborhood, but it's anonymous, **** I'm a ****** :(
Yeah, way to fail >=/

As far as with Rei, I'll take his word for it just cause of the claim. I don't know the anime series like that at all, so I can't deduct from his character whether the role matches up with his character name.


At this point, I'm all up for lynching any of the inactives. However, I am curious as to why you find Meta-Kirby scummy.

Vote: Blue Yoshi

KevinM, what do you think about recent development? So far, I only see you comment about 'neighborhoods r obvious' and SWF mafia hasn't changed much (which probably hasn't :p).


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
This doesn't make sense. First you wanted us to call attention to Rei and his habbits, now you're cautioning us on accidental hammer? Hm.

FoS: Seph

You missed the disagreement earlier between "people who think we should take our time with the day, and at the end, pick out the best suspect and hammer" and "people who think that if somebody needs to die, it should happen ASAP".

I personally think that the fact that scum self-hammering is a legit strategy means that we should try to take the time we have and see what pressure reveals.
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