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Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
i thought i loved you :(
It's cool, you still do. :]

I'll make it out to a NC tourney some time, it's just that that's a bad weekend for me regardless of the Melee tourney honestly. Only reason I'm even going to that tourney is because it's a Friday tourney. Sat/Sun and I wouldn't have been able to go anyway. Life or whatever comes after.. johns.


Smash Hero
Nov 1, 2008
Custom color C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!

Also, I made a new file in pokemon firered and I named my guy ROBert and I'm gonna name my 6 person team my favorite ROB mains. I've already got JCaesar as my Squirtle for obvious reasons. I'm considering not letting him evolve.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Deadweight, as for your question, I refuse to answer. That should give the answer though. XD
Speaking of things to be ashamed of ... I just made an AiB account

I only did it because they have Brawl+ character forums and I might end up as the ROB+ mod

Maybe if you play less Brawl+ :)

I don't wanna be the only R.O.B. :(
Cmon you're in good company ... you got Snakattack ... and Tantalus ... hmmm no comment.

Custom color C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!

Also, I made a new file in pokemon firered and I named my guy ROBert and I'm gonna name my 6 person team my favorite ROB mains. I've already got JCaesar as my Squirtle for obvious reasons. I'm considering not letting him evolve.
Haha I do that when I play RPGs sometimes. When I played DQ5 my son was Sudai and my daughter was toasty.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2008
Salisbury, Maryland
Custom color C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!

Also, I made a new file in pokemon firered and I named my guy ROBert and I'm gonna name my 6 person team my favorite ROB mains. I've already got JCaesar as my Squirtle for obvious reasons. I'm considering not letting him evolve.
Catch a Abra and name it after me. :)


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I remember back when I was like, 13, I -always- named the lead in an RPG "Sudai" and his love interest after my current crush. I quit so many RPGs because I wound up not liking/breaking up with the person the lead female was named after. Haha.

Gw, if I were you, I wouldn't let JCZ evolve. :p


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Squirtle Squirtle!

How do you get random kids to not friend you on AiB? I've been a member for like 3 hours and I've already had 3 people I don't know who don't live anywhere near me try to friend me.

I knew this was a mistake... maybe I should go troll the ROB Army to make myself feel better.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
So, I went to AiB to make an account to pester JCZ...I already have one and I forgot? Wtf? O.o

As for random kiddies befriending you, get used to it. AiB is the MySpace of the Smash Universe.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
No, I'm just saying the ROB community ain't what it used to be. You weren't around in the old days so you can't really understand what I mean.
May 3, 2009
No, I'm just saying the ROB community ain't what it used to be. You weren't around in the old days so you can't really understand what I mean.
Yup. I'm one o dem classic style ROBs. I kick it old school.

As for the Firered Jumpman, either catch a Magnemite and name it after me, or a Shellder and name it after me. It'll give you good luck.

Btw Stingers, what highschool do you go to? @.@
May 3, 2009
I see.

The reason I asked is becuase the highschool I'm going to has the same icon you used as your avatar about four months ago.


Smash Champion
Jan 12, 2006
Glendale, AZ
No, I'm just saying the ROB community ain't what it used to be. You weren't around in the old days so you can't really understand what I mean.

/commence canonical scripture

The ROB boards, contrary to conventional thought, is not a place where we talk about ROB. Not anymore, what needs to be known, already is:

1.) ROB is not a overly complex character (but what in Brawl is?--not a whole lot), so the AT's are not overwhelming.

2.) It should be common knowledge that in order to place well with ROB you must be experiencing difficult times of heartbreak, preferably through a failed relationship or rejection. So if you're not getting dumped as we speak, find yourself a nice girl and repulse her so she'll leave you in the middle your wedding proposal. If you already have a significant other, then half the work is already done--sleep with (forced sex is a bonus) her best friend, sister, mother, or even father if you must.

If you time it correctly to coincide with a major tournament, ROB can practically guarantee you prize money. If you fear that all of these tournament achievements might interfere with your intra-personal relationships with the opposite sex, or even same sex (as might be the case sometimes; more on that later) you are completely justified in your assessment. You will no longer be dependent on human relationships; which brings me to my next point.

3.) The more time you play ROB, the less interested you will become with troubles of the flesh. We are very cult-like in some respects, but nothing too serious. We have all transferred our souls to the Great ROB Spirit, and will join her/him/it/? once our short, pitiful, lives have expired. Once in her presence in ROBot Heaven, we shall be granted infinite virgin floppy drives for our sexual pleasure. Pretty basic stuff, really--try to keep up.

4.) Last and most importantly, you will find that the longer you stay in these realms of the ROB boards, the more you will become sexually attracted to Sudai, JCz, toasters, etc. (most likely, you will become infatuated with every memeber). Do not fight these feelings, as they are entirely natural and right. We are not homosexual, in every sense of the word, but we are kinda. I'd use the terms omnisexual, or ROBosexual for accuracy's sake.

We do not have a compiled Bible, rather, our canonical tomes are scattered throughout ancient threads (the golden era, as JCz is trying to explain), and one of OS's threads somewhere. It is up to you to venture in our texts and decipher for yourself what this theology means to you--we are nothing if not a place of spiritual discovery, re-assessment, and enlightenment.

Once again, all that truly needs to be known is out there. I find that we are not a board like any other. As the majority of us are sage-like, we do not bother to do stuff; we just talk about doing stuff and talk about stuff we already did.

If you are new here, enjoy your time with us, respect our wisdom, and despise our Satan figure T0MMY with a zero. This is the ROB Board--put it in your mouth, I think you'll like it. Mommy and Daddy hugs are supposed to hurt a little, but it means that we all love you.

/end canonical scipture
/commence social conversation

lol at your sig, JCz.

/posting terminated

Darth Waffles

Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
Orefield, PA
There's really not many left that do. :[
Eaode's guide might have been the first/one of the first ROB guides I ever saw. I was actually determined not to "ruin" the game by going on Smashboards until I had beaten it/discovered things on my own.

Less than a week later, I was posting on here LOL

Old posts are fun to look at though =P

*edit* MaXXX is too good


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
I am a little disappointed that there is no Complete Unabridged Works of maXXXpower that I could read through every time I feel like reminiscing on the glory days of the ROBrethren. It's like the guy is speaking straight to my soul/broken heart.

One of you newbies should get on that and start compiling like a good ROBro.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007

/commence canonical scripture

The ROB boards, contrary to conventional thought, is not a place where we talk about ROB. Not anymore, what needs to be known, already is:

1.) ROB is not a overly complex character (but what in Brawl is?--not a whole lot), so the AT's are not overwhelming.

2.) It should be common knowledge that in order to place well with ROB you must be experiencing difficult times of heartbreak, preferably through a failed relationship or rejection. So if you're not getting dumped as we speak, find yourself a nice girl and repulse her so she'll leave you in the middle your wedding proposal. If you already have a significant other, then half the work is already done--sleep with (forced sex is a bonus) her best friend, sister, mother, or even father if you must.

If you time it correctly to coincide with a major tournament, ROB can practically guarantee you prize money. If you fear that all of these tournament achievements might interfere with your intra-personal relationships with the opposite sex, or even same sex (as might be the case sometimes; more on that later) you are completely justified in your assessment. You will no longer be dependent on human relationships; which brings me to my next point.

3.) The more time you play ROB, the less interested you will become with troubles of the flesh. We are very cult-like in some respects, but nothing too serious. We have all transferred our souls to the Great ROB Spirit, and will join her/him/it/? once our short, pitiful, lives have expired. Once in her presence in ROBot Heaven, we shall be granted infinite virgin floppy drives for our sexual pleasure. Pretty basic stuff, really--try to keep up.

4.) Last and most importantly, you will find that the longer you stay in these realms of the ROB boards, the more you will become sexually attracted to Sudai, JCz, toasters, etc. (most likely, you will become infatuated with every memeber). Do not fight these feelings, as they are entirely natural and right. We are not homosexual, in every sense of the word, but we are kinda. I'd use the terms omnisexual, or ROBosexual for accuracy's sake.

We do not have a compiled Bible, rather, our canonical tomes are scattered throughout ancient threads (the golden era, as JCz is trying to explain), and one of OS's threads somewhere. It is up to you to venture in our texts and decipher for yourself what this theology means to you--we are nothing if not a place of spiritual discovery, re-assessment, and enlightenment.

Once again, all that truly needs to be known is out there. I find that we are not a board like any other. As the majority of us are sage-like, we do not bother to do stuff; we just talk about doing stuff and talk about stuff we already did.

If you are new here, enjoy your time with us, respect our wisdom, and despise our Satan figure T0MMY with a zero. This is the ROB Board--put it in your mouth, I think you'll like it. Mommy and Daddy hugs are supposed to hurt a little, but it means that we all love you.

/end canonical scipture
/commence social conversation

lol at your sig, JCz.

/posting terminated
I'm really sad after reading this, but it makes me glad to be a ROB main.

I need to remember next tourney to bring up some repressed memories that morning.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2008
Salisbury, Maryland
I don't. AiB is trash.

I only go there to post on blogs and ****. Everything else is pointless. Ladders suck, site is crawling with wifi scrubs who think they're good *cough*samboner*cough*, and it's just one big clique. The site is mostly dominated by West Coast players. The only EC on there that are active is like a bit of NY and most of NJ. Everyone else is of little to no importance.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! <
Haha I do that when I play RPGs sometimes. When I played DQ5 my son was Sudai and my daughter was toasty.
LOL what? Awesome <3 haha


/commence canonical scripture

The ROB boards, contrary to conventional thought, is not a place where we talk about ROB. Not anymore, what needs to be known, already is:

1.) ROB is not a overly complex character (but what in Brawl is?--not a whole lot), so the AT's are not overwhelming.

2.) It should be common knowledge that in order to place well with ROB you must be experiencing difficult times of heartbreak, preferably through a failed relationship or rejection. So if you're not getting dumped as we speak, find yourself a nice girl and repulse her so she'll leave you in the middle your wedding proposal. If you already have a significant other, then half the work is already done--sleep with (forced sex is a bonus) her best friend, sister, mother, or even father if you must.

If you time it correctly to coincide with a major tournament, ROB can practically guarantee you prize money. If you fear that all of these tournament achievements might interfere with your intra-personal relationships with the opposite sex, or even same sex (as might be the case sometimes; more on that later) you are completely justified in your assessment. You will no longer be dependent on human relationships; which brings me to my next point.

3.) The more time you play ROB, the less interested you will become with troubles of the flesh. We are very cult-like in some respects, but nothing too serious. We have all transferred our souls to the Great ROB Spirit, and will join her/him/it/? once our short, pitiful, lives have expired. Once in her presence in ROBot Heaven, we shall be granted infinite virgin floppy drives for our sexual pleasure. Pretty basic stuff, really--try to keep up.

4.) Last and most importantly, you will find that the longer you stay in these realms of the ROB boards, the more you will become sexually attracted to Sudai, JCz, toasters, etc. (most likely, you will become infatuated with every memeber). Do not fight these feelings, as they are entirely natural and right. We are not homosexual, in every sense of the word, but we are kinda. I'd use the terms omnisexual, or ROBosexual for accuracy's sake.

We do not have a compiled Bible, rather, our canonical tomes are scattered throughout ancient threads (the golden era, as JCz is trying to explain), and one of OS's threads somewhere. It is up to you to venture in our texts and decipher for yourself what this theology means to you--we are nothing if not a place of spiritual discovery, re-assessment, and enlightenment.

Once again, all that truly needs to be known is out there. I find that we are not a board like any other. As the majority of us are sage-like, we do not bother to do stuff; we just talk about doing stuff and talk about stuff we already did.

If you are new here, enjoy your time with us, respect our wisdom, and despise our Satan figure T0MMY with a zero. This is the ROB Board--put it in your mouth, I think you'll like it. Mommy and Daddy hugs are supposed to hurt a little, but it means that we all love you.

/end canonical scipture
/commence social conversation

lol at your sig, JCz.

/posting terminated
I quoted the whole thing...because it is the Truth. I saw this read aloud on The Colbert Report.

I really do miss the Golden Era. Honestly.

@ Non-Golden-Era ROBs [+those who were on the sidelines]: there is a reason why there are ex-ROB mains/ex-Brawl players who still post here and with great affection. That reason is...well...absolutely everything maXXX said.

I wonder how much of my post count is iterations of "<3 'llermo"


Smash Champion
Jan 12, 2006
Glendale, AZ
*edit* MaXXX is too good
I do it out of love.

I am a little disappointed that there is no Complete Unabridged Works of maXXXpower that I could read through every time I feel like reminiscing on the glory days of the ROBrethren. It's like the guy is speaking straight to my soul/broken heart.

One of you newbies should get on that and start compiling like a good ROBro.
Earlier in the summer, I was in the early planning stages of writing a book, but then school and life happened, so I had to postpone it. I'm calling it The Art of **** by maXXXpower. It's going to be about the varied facets of the gaming community.

I think I'm going to keep my handle as the author kinda like a pseudonym.

I'm really sad after reading this, but it makes me glad to be a ROB main.

I need to remember next tourney to bring up some repressed memories that morning.
Make sure it's Pound 4. No need to waste that large chunk of humanity for a weekly.

I'm going to post that in a blog. It was.... poetry....
link us to it when you're done, yes?

i hadn't thought about how accurate that was

once i stopped being suicidal my rob game significantly reduced, now that i'm happy go lucky i suck with rob
You know the price you have to pay. But if you're like us, you'll gladly offer yourself.

I quoted the whole thing...because it is the Truth. I saw this read aloud on The Colbert Report.

I really do miss the Golden Era. Honestly.

@ Non-Golden-Era ROBs [+those who were on the sidelines]: there is a reason why there are ex-ROB mains/ex-Brawl players who still post here and with great affection. That reason is...well...absolutely everything maXXX said.

I wonder how much of my post count is iterations of "<3 'llermo"
That time was one of magic for all of us. It shall be remembered fondly. Remember when OS played ROB? Neither do I.

j/k <3 OS. You're my hero.

I never get tired of brown magic.

Max, I changed my pants at 4 different points in your post. <11
That problem came to mind before I wrote it, so I just wrote it naked.

I was just waiting for you guys to post so I could reply.
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