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Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! <
I could never post on smashboards from school...I'd feel like people were judging me :chuckle:
LOL that's just like Hax...he told me [back in March anyway, dunno if it's changed] that NONE of his real life friends [except a few close ones] know that he plays Smash, plays competitively, and that he's a ****ing PRO at that.

Ah...to be 15 again....actually **** that noise, I hated being 15 hahaha


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
yeah same here...i mean...if someone asked me if I played smash bros I'd tell them I did...but otherwise...lol

and I'm 16 now :<


Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2008
So, you wanna play?
I tell people I play, and other than the people who don't play video games at all, no one has ever reacted negatively. My Dad used to dislike it until he met a few of the smashers, and he just wishes me luck as I leave for the tournament now.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
80% of the people I know call me Sudai. Even my professors, parents, and little brother. Hahaha.

The only reason I want to be younger is to be like, 4 again, pre-any responsibility. That, or go back to the summer I turned 17. That summer was ballin. I was hLiving everyday, lost my V card to a real nympho at the beginning of the summer and if I wasn't hLiving, I was spending the whole day in bed with her. My favorite of course were the days where I went hLive then hSpendTheRestOfTheDayInBedWithHer.

Ahh, best summer of my life.


Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2008
So, you wanna play?
My favorite of course were the days where I went hLive then hSpendTheRestOfTheDayInBedWithHer.

Ahh, best summer of my life.
Quoted for even further emphasis.

I would like to go back before I blew my shoulder out. It kinda wrecked my opportunity for a full college baseball career (which I still got to play, but I was no where near as good).

I still play, and I have Bandit engraved on the barrel of every bat I own.

LiBS (Life Before Smash) is amazing.


Smash Lord
Apr 16, 2007
Springfield/Athens, OH
LOL that's just like Hax...he told me [back in March anyway, dunno if it's changed] that NONE of his real life friends [except a few close ones] know that he plays Smash, plays competitively, and that he's a ****ing PRO at that.

Ah...to be 15 again....actually **** that noise, I hated being 15 hahaha

Dude my smash friends ARE my real life friends, not saying theyre my only friends, but I hang out with them more than anyone, we go to bars, party and do all sorts of dhumb **** together.

and when im off at college (Ohio University [on break right now]), Ive got an entire crew/club of friends who smash, and most of them are competitive. Weve even got our own forum where we discuss anything gaming, and link tourneys that were going to.

80% of the people I know call me Sudai. Even my professors, parents, and little brother. Hahaha.
Lol, Sudais a funny name. XP
Majority of my smash friends call me Sil, but a good number know me by Mark too, idk it varies, tho outside smash its always by my name. Its weird when im with a mix of friends and people who dont know i play smash are like "WTF?? whos Sil?"

but yeah ive got three friends who always go by their gamertag, Champ, Fonz, and Sole.

Ahh, best summer of my life.

It always seems like smashers are the most fun people, we always know how to live it up!

Oh yeah im 19, so how old is everyone else? and what are your real names?


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
1st off i want to say i am ****ing done with finals so **** yea.

2nd: i usually don't go out of my way to tell people i play smash but i do sometimes bring it up (but never with a girl i don't know), at the computer labs in school i sometimes go on smashboards i mean why not i am 21 and don't care what others think.

i am not sure if i would want to go back in time or be younger. i mean on one hand i had a lot of fun with my friends in high school since most the friends i have from back home(at school now) are people i met in high school so just chillin with them was fun.
on the other hand i am singal right now and i would like to be able to revisit a year and a half ago at certain moments but at the same time there is a reason i am not still with her so temp visits.
becoming very young could be fun since you have no worries (and you can watch kids shows with out seeming weird) (phineas and ferb is legit just saying) on the other hand i don't want to deal with school again.
Also being over 21 has its advantages.

(now a completely new topic: i was playing B+ and in it i feel R.O.B has only one counter but its a big one G&W, i never had to much problems against him in Vbrawl but in B+ he is so ****ing annoying (just wanted to say this)

edit: almost forgot my mom and dad are cool with me going to tourneys my Brother makes fun of me and some of my friends play a lot of smash as well and go to tourneys and some support me but poke fun at it


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Any time any one has ever made fun of me playing smash competitively I respond with something along the lines of "Uh hur dur, I've made over $1,000 playing a video game and having fun uh hur dur. What do you have? Some coach pitch trophies from when you were 12?" That shuts them up and makes them envious. Haha.


The Sultan of Smut
Dec 7, 2004
Winston-Salem, NC
I could never post on smashboards from school...I'd feel like people were judging me :chuckle:
I lead a double life as well. Like, a few of my really good friends know I play it seriously and do tournaments and whatnot. But... I *really* try to keep the "lives" separate. I know some people just through smash that are cool to hang w/ in a "smash" sense, but just... really socially awkward. I delete/deny their wall posts on facebook if possible. A few, though, are lucky enough to transcend my "smash friend circle" and enter "legit, real life friend circle".

Its like: "NO! GET... *gets a broom and jabs them*... BACK IN THE *jabs more* CLOSET!!!!! *locks door* "

Edit; 22 (will be turning 23 at pound... *hint hint* for anyone who is going), and Matt. Most generic name for 18-25 year old males in America, it seems. But, you can call me Mr. Sexy.


Smash Lord
Apr 16, 2007
Springfield/Athens, OH
Lol the only people who have made fun of me for playing smash were my two roommates last year, one of them was a musician/wrestler, and the other was a Punk/Hardcore Artist who lived and breathed underground music.

Half the time i would tell the Punk/Hardcore one I had a problem he would tell me it was because i didn't wavedash enough, it was soo funny i didnt care that he was making fun of me.

My new roommate was a Japanese exchange student, he was hilarious but didnt play smash or ever give me a hard time for playing, he was more impressed when people would come over to MM me and i never lost.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
hehe i'm probably the most socially awkward person in hickory...thank god for smash tournaments because that's where i can find people even more socially awkward then me. hell yes video games ^.~


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
super nerds are easy to feel confident around...lol
my computer programming class for example...dear god
you'd think I was clint eastwood


The Sultan of Smut
Dec 7, 2004
Winston-Salem, NC
haha. Super Nerds. Stingers... you're not that socially awkward. Then again, I just know ya mostly in smash context, but... still during like "random downtime" and stuff your legit enough to pass as "not someone I would heckle"

HAHAHAHA, have you ever met M2K? (not hating, <3 you Jason) but he is in fact a robot, and his primary function is smash.
DUDE. Funny story about that. I was at HERB2 (stingers may have been w/ me at the time, maybe not) but I def recall GDX being there. I was eating some chips, and M2K and a few others walked up and we started talking in the hallway. He ever so timidly, like... almost like a scared mouse trying to get some cheese, reached toward my bag of chips as if to take one. The fact that he was m2k was not impressive to me (as I know some folks mighta been like ZOMG! HERE! M2k! HAVE MY CHIPS!!!OMGG!) I just kind of slid them away from him, looked at him, then the chips, then him, then the chips. He had this funny look on his face... like a mixture of "Im caught", and "What? he's not giving them to me?"

I turned away for a sec, felt bad, and turned back to him and was like: "Want *A* chip? They're pretty good man. Only like 90cents in that vending machine"


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Any time any one has ever made fun of me playing smash competitively I respond with something along the lines of "Uh hur dur, I've made over $1,000 playing a video game and having fun uh hur dur. What do you have? Some coach pitch trophies from when you were 12?" That shuts them up and makes them envious. Haha.
ha i could of won a thousands of dollars and i am pretty sure my brother would still make fun of me, you know its a older brother thing.anyway i feel like with your friends and people close to you you should not have to keep playing smash or any game competitively a secret friends should be cool with it or they are *******es imo. (not saying anyone's friends are *******es just that if my own friends were being ***** about it i would think they are well *****)


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Thanks for making my morning guys, <3 ROB boards.

I'm 24 (2nd oldest around here to that brown guy I believe). I've always had smash friends and non-smash friends, but they aren't completely distinct groups, and I've had quite a few friends cross over. Especially in college, I converted a lot of my existing friends to competitive smash, and I made a lot of new friends through competitive smash, and it's continued since I graduated and entered the real world too. Though I admit, I hid my smash habits from former girlfriends. Girls and competitive gaming rarely get along well.

super nerds are easy to feel confident around...lol
Sooo true haha. I'm somewhat socially awkward, but during Smash Club meetings when I was in college, being the best player around, I was basically the king. I could do or say whatever I wanted and everyone just went along with it, it was awesome :bee:
May 3, 2009
Ahhh, double lives, so awkward. I have a friend in Scientific Illustration who'll say stuff like "cool story bro" or "don't get hit", but I'm not sure if he's into smash.

Yeah, I'm prolly the most socially awkward guy here. At first. After a while when I get to know people I relax some. But yeah, at first all I'll do is shake my head a few times, say "yeah", grin, look down, etc.

15/Paulino, but most people call me Paul. Rage when people say Paulina.

And hype at OWM here.
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