So Ness has a massive slew of even-ish MUs. We've been really indecisive about our worst MU, but it's looking like it's Rosa atm, who is probably our worst -1. With that in mind, this is how it would roughly look in a customs off meta (as much as I enjoy customs on, this probably looks a bit cleaner):





Obviously the least sure about the DLC.
It should be noted that quite a lot of these MUs I can only guess as to how they would go, or have taken some queues from other Ness mains' opinions. That being said, here is my rationale on a few of them:

- It's no question she's a bad MU, and we're leaning towards her being worse than Sonic. However, we don't actually perform particularly badly in neutral, and she's a light target that dies at some laughably early percents to Bthrow. Quite a few top Ness and Rosalina players seem to think this MU is no worse than -1 and that top Ness mains just need to get over their fears. Mik! (the guy who played GFs against Boss at a recent Xanadu) thinks it's even or has the potential to be later on down the line. That said, it's true that Dabuz's record is currently flawless against Ness, and I am a big believer of the now. It could be a -2.

- our easiest MU discussion ever. Some think it's even, some think it's a -1, it's pretty mutually agreed upon by both boards. Ness has a few safe attacks on block in neutral unless Power-shielded, in which case lol where did that 40% come from? Luigi can kill earlier than Bthrow using cyclone, although granted it's not 100% reliable and if he does whiff it he can be punished and even killed at higher percentsd with a Uair. Both can decently-ish edge-guard each other. It's more about the fact that Luigi combos and arguably kills better than us, although for the most part we have the same game-plan.

- Like most characters, we lose to Sheik. But not that badly! She controls neutral and where the interactions happen whilst being quite safe as a general rule but because outside of edge-guarding she probably won't be killing us till post 150% we have the wonderful rage-induced Bthrow/aerials killing her at 80-90%. Yay! The Mu is more complex but I don't think anyone's really miffed with this rating.

- play it campy like ICs in Brawl and it's not that bad. Or something, I haven't played a good Sonic. A lot of our top players don't think it's that bad. Sonic at mid-range is
terrifying, but once he gets in we actually mostly win there. His kill options are somewhat liner so we often get rage to help us kill.

- Here's where they start getting interesting! Mr. King of the heavy-weights is indeed combo fodder but there's more to this MU than just 'Tough Guy beats out PK Fire at low percents!' (Thanks for that enlightening contribution Mario9268). Bowser's mobile enough to give us trouble in footsies and we can die really early to a bunch of random stuff he throws out. Also he can edge-guard us quite well, really. Thank goodness we wreck him in disadvantage. We juggle Bowser harder than Shaya juggles with my heart ( </3 I'll take those infractions with me to the grave you monster! Don't kill me pls), but enough with the hilarious comparison shenanigoats and back to the MU, which roughly comes out to about even. Maybe a +1. @
NickRiddle might know a bit more on this one.

- The jab cancels are a pain, but everything else about the MU is pretty alright.

- I'm not too sure on him. I find we do a good
job at
beating him in the air and winning against bike shenanigoats, but I've never played it at high level so I figured even was as good as any a ratio to give it given how generally strong Wario's tools are in most MUs.

- This MU was highly contentious when our boards discussed it. Opinions varied from +1 to even to -1 to whatever else and both sides were basically on the platform of "I'm not going to accept this MU is anything worse than even!" So we eventually decided to call it a day and slap even on it. More high level play is needed to verify the theory behind the MU, however I am of the belief that Mik! and Techei play the MU on a semi-regular basis.

- I don't knowwwwww, Shaky beat NickRiddle's ZSS at CEO forcing him to use Bowser. We can take advantage of paralyzer into grab with magnet cancel into jump and I guess if ZSS is scared to zone with lasers then our neutral against her is a lot more doable. I played this MU a few times a while back and found ZSS' mobility was the scariest thing about her and her neutral wasn't something I was that scared of, but I've also heard that ZSS has a great neutral so I'm not sure what to think, maybe my interpretation of what goes on in this MU is just wrong (it probably is, I've been out of the scene for 7 MONTHS NOW).

- Pretty sure this one was also re-enforced by Shaky beating ESAM recently, and convincingly. Pika harasses us well off-stage, and by harass I mean kill, but we're pretty brilliant against the rodent on-stage, I think we outrange his disjoints and kill earlier and don't give a dang about t-jolts for obvious reasons.

- It's quite a close MU really, but we believe Ness edges it out. As a person who co-mains both characters, I've always enjoyed this MU from both sides. It's never been more fun to get magnet gimped than by someone who shares your love for your mains. Because both have a significant edge against the other off-stage (although Lucas has tether at close ranges to the edge which helps him a lot) and they both juggle each other kinda equally (Ness does it a little better) and Lucas combos a little better but Ness kills a bit better and they both have some capacity to ignore the others' zoning tools, it mostly comes down to outplaying the other. Lucas' highly questionable tether grab and inferior OoS options give Ness the edge though, from what I can see of his early meta. In many respects it was a similar MU in Brawl.

- This MU obviously needs discussing. Most Ness mains believe it's in our favour, but I haven't played a good Olimar so I can't comment too much on it. It's a particularly interesting MU because, surprisingly enough, in Brawl it was even.

- Mac is going to have a sucky time anywhere that's not on the ground, but oh my goodness his ground tools are just
that strong that I'm not convinced we wreck him anymore like everyone used to think. Maybe I just play the MU badly, my matches against Mac are generally very volatile, both in and out of tournament.

- I have a personal issue about MUs that say 'run up to the opponent, PS all their projectiles, then play a guessing game in how to beat them in neutral before you can execute your stuff'. I've always sucked at the Link MU (again, in and out of tournament) and playing that patiently is something I find very very... Different. It just takes such a different mindset to deal with this character, so much so that I wouldn't be surprised if that alone sways the rating. That being said, we edge-guard Link like a boss with Fair. If he gets pushed too far off-stage he shouldn't be coming back.
I'lldo more abit later, playing @
adom4 offline for a while! :D