This is the problem with customs, giving some characters extremely overpowered individual moves that admittedly weren't designed with balance in mind, and thus increasing the balance gap between the worst and the best characters in the game while people argue that customs improve it.

(and any other spikes that couldn't be meteor canceled, etc.)
Remember how hype these moves are? I would be willing to bet that they would be less celebrated if Melee used a 2 stock ruleset instead of a 4 stock one. I think the perceived problem of "OP" customs is exacerbated by our 2 stock ruleset, and if we had 3 stock as a standard, people would feel less "cheated" if they died early to the strong moves. Besides, I'm still not convinced that the strong customs that high tiers get outweigh the benefits of the ones lower tiers get. Like, we saw Heavy Skull Bash being used to great effect, but you also need to remember that 1. It's Esam and 2. How much practice did his opponents have against a good Pikachu using the move?
I'm just curious to see what happens, since I have a strong feeling there will be at least a few balance changes in the Lucas patch, so I wouldn't be surprised to see if some of the customs we keep seeing in the limelight get nerfed before Evo.