G&W has set ups into a move that kills at 8-11%~
Marth has set ups into a move that can kill at 30% (rage exaggeration) for every patch prior to now too.
Bad right now doesn't mean the same as ... ganondorf was in Brawl. I think that classification is a lot more like "underwhelming" over useless, but as other characters get pushed further, others left behind become more apparent, sure they can do good things, but can they do them reliably? Can they handle what others can do to them?
For what it's worth, I'm starting to think Zard is solid, he definitely looks like he's well within niche-tier usability at the very least (i.e.

), he had quite a few buffs and was already able to show some competence in competing.
IMO the weakest characters in the game:


(previously buffed

) (buffs

) (pretty gud buffs

And yet they mostly all have fair success at a local level by at least one player (bar Jiggs.. Gunner? Swordfighter? Ike???).
Jigglypuff, much like Lucario, is the type of character you probably don't want being good at what they can do though. If jiggs had melee throws she'd be stupid. If Lucario could live to 150% reliably again we'd be hating our aura dog overlords just like we did during 3DS with vectoring, larger blast zones and super saiyan swag extreme speed.