The problem with the "git good" argument regarding balance is that people care more about the games balance at mid-high level rather then top. Compare Melee and Brawl for that, MK at TOP level had pretty inconsistent results that weren't much worse then other competitive games. But he dominated mid-high level and was prone to Cinderella stories, and this was (incorrectly) attributed to the same degree of dominance at top level. In Melee fox has similar results at the top, but people are generally willing to give that a pass because below top level you can give fox a hard time.
Whether that's logical or not that's just the way it is, and customs advocates should be rightly worried of the perception of fairness/balance at mid- high level. At the very least though it can be said to potentially make the game unfun for mid-high level play which constitutes a ton of players, so changing that perception if possible is key.
But it's not even about balance at the top. It's at balance above the ground floor. Beating a ledgecamping villager is
trivial. Anyone who has trouble with that hasn't spent
any time trying to figure out the metagame. Not dying to Kong Cyclone is not hard either - I tried it at the weekly last friday and my opponent kept on just
airdodging out. We don't have any DKs where I live. This stuff isn't people being unable to evolve past the stage where MK is really good; this is people being unwilling to learn that you can stuff Sonic's Spindash, and then ******** and moaning when they run into my buddy who does nothing but spindash and spinshot in the bracket!
Customs Proponents: "Check this out, it's really cool"
Customs Opponents: "X is totally broken oh my god!"
Customs Proponents: "...But it's never won a tournament."
Customs Opponents: "Don't care still broken"
Customs Proponents: "But it shouldn't even work in theory, and a bunch of people beat it."
Customs Opponents: "Hey guys, did you hear? X is totally broken, we need to ban customs!"
Customs Proponents: "...

Okay, so we spent a little time in the lab; here's how you beat this, it's super easy. Please stop spreading bull**** about customs now?"
Customs Opponents: "X is totally broken oh my god!"
Customs Proponents: "But... we just showed you how to beat it. It's totally easy."
I mean, seriously, what are we supposed to do? These people don't give a **** about learning the
really trivial counters to strategies like this, and instead will ***** and moan like the scrubs they are and demand that all challenging elements of the game be removed so that they don't have to adapt. There is
nothing else to do. When people say "X is broken" long after you've shown that it isn't in the lab, the
only answer left, the
only answer that you can offer, the
only answer that these people are worth, is "get good, scrub". What else is there? And why should that not be enough after the counter is publicly known?