Peach been thrown around B/A tier, Dark. Pch.
LoL and DOTA viewers have learned the game and thus LOVE watching the pokey gameplay that happens for 30 min out of each 50 min match. Because they udnerstand the tension and weight of each hit, and what each player is doing to extend, retreat, and so forth.
I don't speak for every single viewer of course, but since I been playing and watching Lug since S1. I can assure you 30+ minute farm fests is not fun.
CLG EU and WE is a good example in S2. Killing 80+ wards wasn't hype and that's why today it's now a tradition of sorts to cheer whenever a ward is killed, cause that's honestly the most exciting thing that's happening in the match.
Which is why the EU scene is one of the worst to watch. Nothing but farm fests and passive teams that never want to fight (Elements).
I still watch EU, but I tune out quite literally 95% of the time and only switch if announcers going off. Sad to say I don't even have a favorite team in their scene.
The meta of AD farming alone top/bot lane while support roams either mid to get flashes or with jungler to ward while top laner is
also with jungler cause double jungle and not good to be an early melee top laner against the ad carry.
It's boring, Rito also makes changes or champs for the meta which is not fun either. **** man, their next champion Bard is quite literally all about roaming and getting experience from RNG by picking **** up, just like how thresh was grabbing souls to get armor and AD to trade early in lane.
They nerf champs that used to be meta and then never buff them again for like another year or two. Skarner not seen play since S2, finally give him QoL changes in S4 (almost 3 years) which was all actually nerfs...
Twitch gets remodel and people realize he kinda strong, nerf him after worlds cuz better not mess up their team comps, and now twitch in the barrel of obscurity.
If anything, watching a 40+ minute farm fest then watching the likes of leblanc W/R into their team and either 100-0 their AD or even AP mid laner isn't "fun" it's more of frustrating when poke games happen cause you then see the bull**** of some characters.
Wave clears like Ziggs and Xerath was never "fun" it was boring. Dragon dances is boring too. Just fight.
Sorry for League rant though.