Bragi, equivalence is a symmetric relation.
If a relation doesn't hold in the other direction for every place where it does, then it's not an equivalence.
That is just fact.
Now, I'm a philosopher, and even I'm getting tired of this tech-chasing "semantic" quibble. hyperstation is right.
Look, if people come in here and equate them, we're going to assume they didn't read the OP/do research, and rightly ignore them. Ignoring someone who comes into a thread without doing his proper part to try to know what's going on, is the right thing to do to stop spam. Someone put a note in the OP to make clear that those comments will be ignored.
And if people come in here and do know what chainchoking is, but want to say it's still tech chasing, then we still don't care. Those comments can pretty much be ignored too. Whether it is or isn't worth calling tech chasing - the point is, it's a (potentially) very valuable form of constructing hit strings. All we're concerned about is (a) making it work, practically, and (b) theorizing how it will change Ganon's meta.
Am I right?
So I suggest adding a note to the OP that any further newcomers who at all talk about techchasing, whether researched or not, will be squelched.
I suggest making both notes in a subheader under the "What is it?" section. That is, give it a subtitle, make it smaller than the "What is it?" title, but still visible at first glance. Maybe a different colour (green?). Then there's no excuse not to have seen it, making all the ignoring that we will do totally justifiable, while it takes up precisely a reasonable amount of space in the OP.