I'm sorry Youko, but if you're definition of "on-topic" is praising the technique, then I'm apologize on behalf of everyone in this thread. However, we're arguing the idea that was proclaimed in the OP.
The OP and the others are arguing that this is a new form of tech-chasing, one that, theoretically, can not be escaped etcetc. (read: Windmill of Fury) We have every right to question this "technique" and refute the idea that it is tech-chasing, not some other newly-discovered technique.
We can't just post an idea and be done with it. Questioning, debating, answering, all these factors strengthen the ideas even stronger.
On-Topic: Wow, this is one cool technique. I need start using it in my game.
Come on, now, Victra. No more of this passive-aggressive stuff. If you read all billion pages of this thread, you'll see there have been dissenters all along, Ganon mains and others, and the concept is still being unpacked, so of course, we are VERY interested in cutting away all the fat and getting down to the core of this.
Like I said above, TP is revising the OP. A lot (read: A LOT) has changed since the OP was made, and a lot has changed throughout the thread. I can only speak for myself, obviously, but my understanding of the technique, it's relationship to tech-chasing, and it's application in game has been changing really quickly, but the dozen or so posts in the past 5 pages of drama that actually do what you're saying (question, debate, answer) have strengthened my stance on Chainchoking, as I'm sure it has for others.
For instance, I'm not looking to Chainchoke someone ad infinitum and spike them if they go to a ledge, anymore. I'm looking to hone my reactions and put maybe 3-5 gerudos in a row, which refreshes my kill moves, dominates my opponents mind space, and gives me the momentum.
Even my video that I made, what, 4 days ago is outdated at this point in many regards, but it's still a useful resource, IMO. We're still working on this whole concept, and anyone who wants to contribute constructively is MORE THAN WELCOME.
"Chainchoking" is neither shorter nor less syllables than "tech chasing", so it's neither easier to write nor say audibly if you're about to bring up ease of reference >_>
It is, however, more specific. You can tech chase with a lot more than side B. Chainchoking implies that you choke and you choke and you choke and you choke. Chainchoking, quite literally, means you tech chase exclusively, expressly, and inescapably with Side B.