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Castlevania Mafia - Game Over! Mafia and Traitor win!!!


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
Oh yeah so I'm fine with Dark Horse lynch. Hasn't done anything to try to clear himself.

Dark, you didn't answer his question. Do you think town thinks you're mason? Do you think Swiss is scum? Why is that?

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Oh yeah so I'm fine with Dark Horse lynch. Hasn't done anything to try to clear himself.
Is there anything that I can do to clear myself right now?Nobody'll believe me until I actually recruit somebody.

Dark, you didn't answer his question. Do you think town thinks you're mason?
I'm assuming yes, as you, X1, Xastrn, and swiss seem to be the only ones against me.

Do you think Swiss is scum? Why is that?
Now that I think about it, I don't know. He's not exactly my #1 pick for town, however he also is able to back **** up, something that X1 and Xastrn haven't been doing (those two I definitely think are scum).

I'll get to your other points later.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
I said one game in three has a masonry, which would be one QT in 9 (per role), (assuming 3 scum per game). I do not think realising the leader of a masonry is called a mason is indicative of anything. It's what I would have told him to say.
I know nothing of the flavour, why is a masonry cult within the flavour?
I've never played the games, but looking at the wiki it seems to fit pretty well.

And the things you are calling scum tells I have seen many noob town players do as well. I play a lot of games in the DR and there's always at least one 1st timer in each game. I've seen them exploited many times because people treat them like they are experienced players when they need to be looked at from a different angle. New players are actually very easy to get a read on if you try and look at it from their point of view. The only thing that I think is vote worthy about DH so far is the quicktopic. All the other things you have been saying are null.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
Is there anything that I can do to clear myself right now?Nobody'll believe me until I actually recruit somebody.

You do realize why that logic really doesn't work, correct?

I'm assuming yes, as you, X1, Xastrn, and swiss seem to be the only ones against me.

Not voting you=/=they think you're town

Now that I think about it, I don't know. He's not exactly my #1 pick for town, however he also is able to back **** up, something that X1 and Xastrn haven't been doing (those two I definitely think are scum).
Care to explain why you think those two are scum?


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2010
Okay, I reread, and I'm willing to wait on Swiss. Especially in light of DH's recent posts - he's either scum, or he's going to be impossible to deal with in lylo. Incom had the right answer to the question about the hammer.

Did Airgemini just put DH at L-1 though? I'm not liking the way he did that.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
No, DH is at L-1 by my count. Gheb posted a votecount with 3/6, and you and I voted for him since then and the only other change of vote was DH going Xastrn. Am I right?

Also, honors classes are bad for one's mafia-playing activity. <.<


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Sorry I am somewhat V/LA taking a vaca with my gf in san fransisco so I can only post at nightime.

@smarg I appreciate the detailed response, im liking ur play though brief, ill explain why I think so prob a little later (not a good time yet)

Anyway Swiss, Darkhorse does have a lot of scumtells. He just named 8 people town and boiled down the scum team, without making a real case. He also leaked about the quicktopic. But I agree with Airgem and that his reaction to leaking it seemed town. He's also rather new so I'm a little more patient with him than normal, I'd rather not let more experienced scum coast. I'm not ready to quicklynch the guy yet. I think other players coasting more are prob more likely to be scum at this point. Personally I'd like to hear more from Inferiority and Solid right now.

IC, you did apologize for your "noobiness" , and I feel you play the noobcard as much as Darkhorse does, but are somehow skipping by despite that. You have decided now that darkhorse is the play, looks like a wagon play to me.

IC, what ur thoughts on Xastrn, and if you had to lynch someone besides Darkhorse who would it be? Only seen u make a case on someone who already had tons of pressure.

Darkhorse, tell me why you shouldn'e be lynched. Now you are saying swiss isn't scum after you were pretty clear he was for awhile. I don't feel you are the play for the day enough to vote for you yet, but I'd like to hear answers to these, in case you are playing that noob card a little too much. You are chagning your mind a bit too much suddenly after taking the heat.

Swiss, ur scum play doesn't usually go this aggressive d1, in the two games I've played with u were as scum, didn't see you this extremely active or unreasonable. don't think ur scum. I think ur play is anti town but I think it's with pro town intentions.

Solid - which game have we played together before? Also other than dark horse, do you feel anyone acting like scum? U enter the game and just joined a bandwagon already in place. Got ur own thoughts on anyone?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
No-one is to hammer.

@ Zen. The maths? 3 scum roles with QT's, one game in three has one mason with a QT. 9:1 Ratio.

Alternatively masonry/mason doesn't cut it, especially if he was fed by any decent player online.

Waiting on Smarg and Ryker to provide content. Would like to hear what Xatres has to say as well.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
IC, you did apologize for your "noobiness" , and I feel you play the noobcard as much as Darkhorse does, but are somehow skipping by despite that. You have decided now that darkhorse is the play, looks like a wagon play to me.

Well, here's the deal. DH has a quicktopic of some kind. The only town role that would have a QT would be masonry. We also know he's a recruiter of some kind. I don't believe I've made any slips of similar scale which is why I'm not getting pressured as much. DH seems scummy to me, but I don't really have time to explain.

IC, what ur thoughts on Xastrn, and if you had to lynch someone besides Darkhorse who would it be? Only seen u make a case on someone who already had tons of pressure.
I'll get to the second part when I have a little more time. *mental note*


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
Solid - which game have we played together before? Also other than dark horse, do you feel anyone acting like scum? U enter the game and just joined a bandwagon already in place. Got ur own thoughts on anyone?
I=Cheesecake in Bioware.

I don't know what to think about Air. Says this yesterday:

I don't think Dark Horse is scum. However, his play is. But that's understandable.
But then puts him at L-1 with no explanation. I don't think Air is scum but I don't know about that. Aside from that it's mainly just DH, but I need to go reread some of the earlier game again.

I'm liking Swiss, Xastrn, X1 is alright. I'd like a bit from Ryker and you (whenever you get back of course). After I go back and reread again (last night I didn't do too good of a job of it) I'll have more. Don't really have time now.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Day 1 - Votecount #5


Dark Horse [5] - Swiss, X1-12, Xastrn, InferiorityComplex, Airgemini
Swiss [2] - Ryker, Dark Horse
InferioriyComplex [1] - smargaret

Not Voting: S.O.L.I.D, EdreesesPieces, Zen;

Takes 6/11 to lynch!


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I=Cheesecake in Bioware.

I don't know what to think about Air. Says this yesterday:

But then puts him at L-1 with no explanation. I don't think Air is scum but I don't know about that. Aside from that it's mainly just DH, but I need to go reread some of the earlier game again.

I'm liking Swiss, Xastrn, X1 is alright. I'd like a bit from Ryker and you (whenever you get back of course). After I go back and reread again (last night I didn't do too good of a job of it) I'll have more. Don't really have time now.
are you the half that actually played bioware or the half that didn't


Sep 17, 2010
Dastrn and Xatres Hydra
Hey folks, this is the other half of the Xastrn hydra. I'm still catching up on the thread, but I don't see how DH can NOT be scum. His only defense is stuff that Swiss hand-fed him.

<3 Swiss

Hopefully I'll get a fuller post up tonight (If the day isn't over by then).

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Sorry for unexpected V/LA. I've got comp issues. I'll be better come Monday, but until then, al I can post from is my phone.


Jun 28, 2007
Safari Zone. Shiny, and holding a Lucky Egg.
Solid - I voted Dark Horse because I think he's the best lynch right now. I've stated it somewhere in this thread before I voted yesterday. I don't find Swiss as suspicious as I originally did after rereading a couple of the first pages of the thread with his plan to get Dark Horse to reveal himself as scum in mind. Makes good sense imo so for now I'm not too worried about him being scum.


Jun 28, 2007
Safari Zone. Shiny, and holding a Lucky Egg.
I forgot to explain my reasoning again >.<
By best lynch right now I mean that he has a lot of connections right now and that his lynch (whether he be town or scum) will give us a lot of insight and thoughts about other players depending on their connection.

He shouldn't be hammered though. I feel as though I don't have a good read on smargaret, xastrn, and ryker.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Alright i'm back, and I have a it of catching up to do.

First, I slightly edited my town list:
Dark Horse

I'm suspecting X1 and Xatres of being scum because they're like "It's obvious _____ (who happens to be me) is scum he's a total noob for trying to deny that we should lynch him now (ok, most of that was an imitation of Xastrn, but the "Lynch him now" part was from one of X1's posts) without providing any specific reasons why (hence why I now think swiss is town).

Also, I assume everyone to be town until they provide enough evidence (whether they like it or not) that they're scum. It's how I think.


Jul 16, 2005
Alright i'm back, and I have a it of catching up to do.

First, I slightly edited my town list:
Dark Horse

I'm suspecting X1 and Xatres of being scum because they're like "It's obvious _____ (who happens to be me) is scum he's a total noob for trying to deny that we should lynch him now (ok, most of that was an imitation of Xastrn, but the "Lynch him now" part was from one of X1's posts) without providing any specific reasons why (hence why I now think swiss is town).

Also, I assume everyone to be town until they provide enough evidence (whether they like it or not) that they're scum. It's how I think.
What specifically was your claim?


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
Since I didn't have time to answer it this morning:

IC, what ur thoughts on Xastrn, and if you had to lynch someone besides Darkhorse who would it be? Only seen u make a case on someone who already had tons of pressure.
Re: Xastrn.

He thinks DH is scum. So do most of us. Not much there.

He (specifically Dastrn) claims you are scum based on N0 copping (which reminds me, gotta read Oddmafia). To me, that says either you or he is scum (perhaps I'm WIFOMing myself, IDK). I haven't seen anyone really question that, beyond a wink from Edrees (you) and smarg, who proceeded to follow up with a long post that didn't extrapolate on that at all.

In other words, N0 cop claim was suspicious. Either Edrees or Xastrn is scum. The possibility of both of you being scum exists, but seems remote.

Re: who to lynch besides DH. X1 seems to be basically parroting Swiss...but expect the same treatment I gave DH (basically, IGMEOY). But then, tomorrow you look like the play (barring something new coming up), then Xastrn if you flip town. Very few if any players don't look scummy in this game (myself included, to be fair).

Actually, since DH's lynch seems like a foregone conclusion at this point... I'd like to see where we go from here. Should we work on who the D2 lynch should be now? Or do we wait to see the NKs? If we wait until D2, what should we do with the rest of the Day (we have a whole week to lynch)?

@dastrn: "claim about what?" I think is what he's trying to ask.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Had some time to review on this. And I'm still not convinced that DH is scum. Looking back, the way DH revealed he had a quicktopic looks more like he is telling the truth to me. I think people are failing to look at it from more than one perspective. The thing about new players is that the way they put say can be easily analized based on the context and the way they say things. Where as with experienced players it's more difficult to pick through and find what peoples intentions really are and often just results in WIFOM. But this is DH's first game and I doubt he developed how to sound a certain way within just a few posts.

In the same post of DH saying that that he had a quicktopic, he also asked if everyone did. If DH recieved a quicktopic for scum reasons I think this fact would be more obvious to him as usually scum PMs state that that they can only communicate with their scumbuddies. And I think DH would have been a little more catious of answering Swiss' question. It seems like he would have at least asked his scumbuddies if everyone had a quicktopic before posting. The fact that he asked if everyone had a quicktopic in the same post instead of like a quick double post after, shows that it wasn't an after thought, but that he wasn't sure at the the time he was answering the question. Usually scum (especially noob scum) are very catious of what they say before they post, and as I said, I think DH would have checked with his scumbuddies if he was so unsure.

Now look at it from the perspective he claims. If he is indeed a Mason recruiter and had a quicktopic already set up by the mod, taken with the fact that Swiss phrased his question as if everyone had QTs, it might not have been as clear to him what a purpose of a quicktopic was for, seeing that if he did have one, he wouldn't be using it toDay. Masons aren't in the basic mafia tutorials so it makes sense as to why DH could have have misunderstood what exactly the fuction of his said QT was. Where as if he had scumbuddies he would know the value of the quicktopic for communicating with each other and would probably be more catious in answering Swiss' question.

Taking both perspectives into account leads me to believe that DH is telling the truth. Look at all the mistakes and other noobish things he has done like saying he wants to end the day early to show to prove he is telling the truth. People are looking like that like "omg he wants to end the day early. SCUM!", and this is rudiculous when clearly he just misunderstands the concepts of the game flows. The more I look at this, the more this wagon is starting to look like BS especially because of the fact that both the new comers have been the main two being targeted and it's scummy as ****. Swiss you say that scum would jump at the chance to lynch DH if he was town, then why don't you think that now? He's @ L-1 and it's only been 2 days into the game!

Solid I'm not liking the way you've come into this game ready to lynch DH without putting much consideration into the fact that he's new and then having the other new player as your other suspicion. You've been in a lot of the DR games I've been in, and quick wagons like this happen to noob players all the time and often just end up being town misunderstanding the way the game works. I would think that you would at least consider that this is both DH's and Incom's first game. Plus the fact that we just played 3 games in a row with mason/lovers. Out of anyone you should be trying to look at it from the perspectives of them being noob town, but instead you are in such agreement with DH being the play, and go right on to attacking incom.

Vote: Solid

Show me the money.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
I'm liking Xastrns play. may not be posting much but he's direct, clear, and has no bs. Seen xastrn town and Dastrn scum, haven't seen xatres scum but judging from the rest hes playing strongly to his town game. i like how he presents his thoughts on DH

Air there is some point to discussing who to lynch d2, gives us a better read on who certain players like or dislike so if they get lynched or nk we have more of their opinion to go on. if someone for ex goes "I wanna lynch that guy d2" and they end up dying and flipping cop it might be a breadcrumb. There's always something to gain out of more discussions that are centered on deciding whos scummy.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
What's your claim? specific.
Can you explain? Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about when you mean "claim".

Also, wrong account again?

I'm liking Xastrns play. may not be posting much but he's direct, clear, and has no bs. Seen xastrn town and Dastrn scum, haven't seen xatres scum but judging from the rest hes playing strongly to his town game. i like how he presents his thoughts on DH
He's clear all right, but he's providing no supporting points. He's just saying a thesis statement.
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