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Castlevania Mafia - Game Over! Mafia and Traitor win!!!


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Air, you have to realize that from my perspective, I know you are the scum, and you are trying to make it look like I'm lying about my claim. And from your perspective you are scum and you need to make me look like the one lying. But you are failing to take into account the perspective of the other players in the game - they have to figure out which one of us is lying. Just saying that basically "no i'm telling the truth he's the one lying" isn't convincing anyone, and it seems like you don't actually have reasons why you are actual town.

Air Can you respond to the accusations and questions in the post/case I made against you? Or do you accept that my case is right?

Incom - If Swiss were completely neutral on whether Air or I were scum, who would you prefer to lynch first? You say that you feel Air and I both are scum as you think a mafia deceiver isn't in play, so you think we are both scum..but it's lylo and its important you lynch whoever is more likely to be scum out of the two of us, because if you are wrong the game's over.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
Swiss: game mechanics/flavor? I'd assume all scum are forced to visit the same house (hence why scum only gets one NK, as opposed to a NK for every mafioso in the game). And scum didn't know your role existed in this game until you claimed (unless you count the breadcrumb).

My question is, are YOU thinking one or two scum?

EP: originally I was going to say you. But after Air's most recent post, I'm not so sure. (Air: answering a post before reading the context is always a bad idea. Tsk.)

Also, @mod When is the deadline?
(You didn't bold it so I wanted to make sure Gheb didn't miss it.)

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Since the current activity of the thread is fine I don't see the need to impose a deadline right now.


Jun 28, 2007
Safari Zone. Shiny, and holding a Lucky Egg.
Air can you please clarify why you felt DH's play would make anyone go back and forth? To me, either you were like Swiss and thought he was scum for lying about his QT, or you believed him about being a mason recruiter and thought he was town. Why would one be wavering back and forth of their stance on him unless they couldn't decide on a stance to take? Explain yourself here please.

I was pretty sure that I wasn't the only one that was confused/questioning DH's actions. He sided with people that defended him but played very badly. He was just hot and cold all the time.

Thought Zen was scum but never acted on it. No vote, no case, nothing. May be that he didn't get anyone to agree so he started to back down.

My thing on Zen was more or less me being paranoid and looking for other suspects.

Not a real answer, doesn't explain why he agrees with Cello even when I asked him why he agrees. Just looks like buddying to get a lynch to me.

I agreed with Cello. That's it. Plain and simple. It's really not as dramatic as it seems. I was seriously not going to waste my time restating everything Cello had just said. Agreeing is just... agreeing there's nothing in between the lines lol.

Notice anything? Air hasn't made a real firm stance ALL game long.Air you have been playing safe, asking small questions, voting only for players already with multiple votes (See Solid for one), and not sticking his neck out to actually people he might think are scum (Zen, Incom, and Swiss at various points in the game, see above quotes) None of his stances have lasted more than even half a day, the one exception I see is his stance that I am scum, the only one that stuck. After thinking Swiss initially scum, he changed his mind. After thikning X1 scum, he changes his mind. After thinking Incom was scum, he changes his mind without really explaining it. The only time he didn't change his mind is when the lynches went through (Solid). It looks to me that all game long Air is taking the easiest way to coast, and didn't make a real case on anybody all game long. Now him and whoever is scumbuddy are riding that safe play til the end, on a mislynch on me.

There is one answer to most of these claims this: It's just how I play the game. I don't agree that I've been coasting and I don't agree that I haven't made any firm stances. Yeah, I haven't made any huge big cases but it's not like I haven't had any opinions on anybody


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
@Air Not much I can respond to that, "thats just how I play" isn't the answer I was looking for, but I can't exactly argue against it... Have you played any games besides MK mafia? want to look at your meta.

Cuz after rummaging through some games I've done some reading on Mario Kart mafia, where you played as scum, I see you play similar to that game in many ways. Problem is I read a quote from Omni's post #422 he said you play the same way in every mafia game. Here's a link to that thread for anyone who wants to read over: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=285642

As for Swiss, I've never played with him as town, but his scum meta is so varied I find it hard to meta him anyway. Gonna have to stick to my in game read on his play/claim to decide whether he is indeed scum but so far it's not.

@incom Ah okay. Also, what's your stance on Swiss? Other than his claim, which you believe and so I I can surmise your stance on him is town, how have you felt about his play throughout the game - scummy, towny, what's your take on his play overall? Just want this stance clear, will help me on my stance on him.


Jun 28, 2007
Safari Zone. Shiny, and holding a Lucky Egg.
Check the LoD mafia games, I've played in about 3-4 of them. Although you're the only person here besides me that can see the threads, you can quote whatever you need and post it here if it helps you and your final verdict of me being town or scum.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
In that post at the time not everyone's claims were revealed so if someone claimed something that made it impossible for there to be multiple vanilla townies then I would vote him.
Was this in response to my question? I don't get what you mean. What kind of claim would make it impossible for there to be 2 vanillas? In most games there are more than 2 VTs, and you know a X1 flipped VT right? Why do you believe Incom's claim over EP's?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Swiss skim reading through d1 I don't really see anyone who was for clearing DH by a recruit. And I think I was pretty much the only person here that was even considering keeping him alive.

Also in regards to the framer thing, the only thing that sticks out to me is Air claiming that EP was lying for claiming VT. It's just odd to me.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
@EP: Was never really sure what to make of Swiss as I recall (I could be wrong), I've been keeping the idea of a fakeclaim in the back of my head but for now there's no reason to disagree with it, we'll see where it leads us. From my perspective as town there either is no framer, or Swiss (or Zen, unlikely but hey) is scum.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
General Prod to EVERYBODY. The deadline will not be extended and there are 3 days left. Play the game. NOW.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Zen I'm going to assume you're town. Please post your thoughts.

I think EP is scum. I've gone through most of this game thinking Air was the scum, but he's played too..noob town. Idk. I have trouble distinguishing between noob and scum play (hi DH) BUT with newbie7 over and great training I'll say Air is town.

I get too many 'reasonably decent scum play' vibes from EP. Him defending Xas 'cuz he thought he'd flip town, him being suspicious of Incom but never really pushing the lynch through. Him seeming to buddy up to me toDay (which town EP might have done anyway). If Air were scum I think he'd have at least read my posts properly in case he made a stupid slip.

I'm not finished on my read yet. But I think EP should die. I'd happily let him get modkilled.

Like has anyone else actually been going through this game?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Sent Prods to people, who last posted before the 25th. Failure to post within 24 hours will result in modkills. Tomorrow I will prod people who haven't posted since the 25th unless they post within the thread.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Sorry guys. I kind of wanted to wait until I was on a CPU, which I usually get on at school, to do full pbp, but I'm on break and haven't been able to do so. But yes Swiss I have read up. I'll post my thoughts in my next post.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
I've thought of Air as town most of the game because he was playing more involved than I had seen him in a past game, MK, where he was scum. Looking back though, this was only really on D1 after being called out to play more involved this game. The rest of the game has been pretty similar to MK, but I don't think I should try to meta him based on his activity and involvement, especially since I don't have town meta on him yet, so his activity/involvement is more null to me now. Sigh at him, whether he is town or scum though. I'd really like him to answer my last question..

EP has pretty much stuck to incom most of the game, but changed his opinion on him today which I still don't get. It seems like if he really see incom as scummy all this time, he would have interpreted incoms actions at the end of the day yesterday as suspicious, as I did, rather than townie. Then again I could see him as just trying to look at incom from another perspective but idk. I've yet to get a successful read on EP and I agree with your points Swiss.

It's hard because both of them have been so quiet in the game. EP really hasn't done all that much more from Air. The thing is, I really don't like Incoms reasoning for wanting to lynch EP over Air in his #812. His reasoning is that prority should be on EP since both he and Air share in common wanting to lynch EP and Swiss wants to lynch EP too. It's like he wanted to end it right there without looking into things anymore. And his last comment on how tomorrow should be interesting is just weird. The game could very well end if we don't lynch right today yet it doesn't seem to be putting much thought into that. I also don't like Air's attack on EP, that he couldn't be VT, before Swiss even revealed his role. So I'm thinking Air-Incom. I don't feel safe lynching EP with the reasoning incom and Air have used in wanting to lynch him.

I think Incom is scummier than both Air and EP, but I think lynching either incom or Air is one of the same. I think we should make a decision before mod kill(s) though.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Swiss do you still think EP? I can be convinced of EP over Air, but we need to know who we want to be lynched. If we end up thinking EP is a better lynch, Air might be modkilled before then. I still think Air or Incom, but we need to have things set in case of a mod kill.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
I never got a prod although I last posted pre-25. Kinda losing interest, since this game is stagnant, but I'll play it out since we're out of replacements an' stuff.

Zen re: #812: I was trying to get an idea for what was going to happen--not necessarily what I would have happen. If I were king in this game (first I'd yell at the kingmaker for making a horrible decision, then) we'd just lynch EP/Air and then toast a town victory with whichever of you/Swiss is still alive.

Swiss: one or two scum?


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
I haven't found anything new out of my recent re read which covers d3-d4 so far, except I'm leaning more towards Air-Swiss since Swiss is refusing to even try to apply any pressure on air despite seeing him also being seen visit Smarg's body. I'm starting to find that tunneling very uncomfortable.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Ok. Air has made some terrible plays, like the VT thing and stuff like this
EP - who said I wasn't concerned? Because I'm not overreacting? Today isn't even close to being over yet.

Curious on everyone's claim now. I think EP is lying about his claim.
But I just can't see him as scum. I can't imagine any scum would skim this much and be so useless.


I don't see why we should risk lynching outside of Air/EP.

I'm going to trust my re-read and X1 and not my gut on this.

I'll vote EP unless you really think Air needs to die. This incom/EP alliance toDay to take him down is too opportunistic. If I'm about to lose us the game then, sorry! 'least I got two anti towns D:


Jun 28, 2007
Safari Zone. Shiny, and holding a Lucky Egg.
Since we're on deadline and we have to vote, I'll be voting EP later today. I feel as though he's scum, have been for the last couple of days. I'm waiting just incase we possibly gain anything else out of anyone else that could be scum (probably won't happen though). But I'm pretty sure EP is scum and he'll be my vote more than likely.

---- By later I mean tonight.

If you feel you have to pick between me and EP, vote EP. Seriously.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Yeah Swiss I get what you mean about Air. But I don't think over skimming/inactivity should be judged as something scum wouldn't do. I've seen scum play this way many times: M-K in Code Geass mafia, the-man in Halo, and Air in Mario Kart. Sometimes there are those who just don't care. In Mario Kart, Air didn't even use his scum PR >_> and pretty much just made comments here and there through out the whole game. So I don't think his over skimming play is something he wouldn't do as scum; however, I don't think it's necessarily a scum tell for him either. I think he would play that way as town too. But yeah I don't think it's good to assume he wouldn't play this way as scum.

That being said, I'm still at crossroads with both of them. I can see town or scum motives from each of them and I'm really tired about thinking about it . X1 did have a strong glg-EP connection, and I seriously am like 50/50, so it's probably best to go with X1's stronger read. And I really think you're town and so far you have been more right than I have. You knew X1 was town and glg was scum, but I was unsure on both. So let's just do this and lynch EP. And if we are wrong then I can pin all the blame on you :p


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Might as well do it now.

EP if you could self hammer. It's been decided and will just save us time, instead of Zen having to come back, vote you and us wait for Gheb.
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