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Castlevania Mafia - Game Over! Mafia and Traitor win!!!


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
I see. Yeah a strong stance on Incom would have just convinced Air I was scum. A strong stance on Air was possible, but as I said, Incom would have likely been convinced other wise simply by mechanics. Air would have voted me and Incom would have followed.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
No hard feelings, Zen.

Curious why you didn't shoot Air (since we know now that you did in fact have your roleblock) and just quicklynch me, or go after me/air over EP the previous Day.

Honestly, if Air would've held out another realtime day, I might have been able to pull it out. IDK.

Anyone wanna give me tips?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
GGs all

TY to Gheb for modding it, gravedigger and forensic investigator was a good combo, not the sort of thing you'd usually see


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
No hard feelings, Zen.

Curious why you didn't shoot Air (since we know now that you did in fact have your roleblock) and just quicklynch me, or go after me/air over EP the previous Day.
'course :)

Didn't shoot Air because you as scum wouldn't keep me and Swiss alive. Swiss would have found it suspicious if I kept him alive. I also used my roleblock on Swiss just in case he had anything extra. He said he had something else about his role, but I forgot if he said what.

I didn't go after Air the previous day because I'm too much of a defensive scum player to take risk, and Swiss has seen my mylo play before. I felt if he saw me going to strong after someone like I did in pikmafia, it would change his view on me. I put it out that I wanted you or Air dead as much as I could without making it obvious I wanted you two over EP, but he kept wanting to lynch EP for some reason.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
Yeah, it felt like the NKs outside X1 were framing me. Didn't wanna say it tho.

D1 Smarg, I was one of the people he went after most
D2 Cello, I was the one who called him out on outing X1 as cop
D3 was X1 "LOL UR COP"
D4 Swiss, again I'm the one with the biggest motive to kill him (IMO an Air kill would've just gone down in a WIFOM mire but eh)

So yeah.

Still kinda wanted it to go a little farther, wasn't expecting Air to suddenly appear and vote between then and now but eh.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Yeah I was hoping that he would vote before you were able to log back on. I intentionally made my last few posts so long so that you wouldn't be able to adequately respond with your limited access >_>.

This is the scum QT btw.

We NKed Smar because she was screaming PR along with making Incom look more suspicious. We roleblocked Xas because he knew EP was scum.

NKed Cello because we felt he could push town in a new direction from the path that we had them on. Turns out it was actually a good thing lynching him over glg. We thought X1 was town traitor for like half the game haha. Roleblocked X1 just in case he was cop.

Nked X1 because of cop cop biz. Role blocked Swiss because he was playing coppy as well.

Nked Swiss because yeah NK Incom would have just been a bad choice because Swiss felt Air was town after EPs flip. And NK Air would have been suspicious.


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2010
I actually thought swiss was scum, surprised about ep and zen being scum though.

Zen thanks for winning the game for me <3333.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
And from now on, NOBODY is obvtown to me unless game mechanics confirm it (or it's Cello, who I now have a policy for. Don't think I wanna share it tho).


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
Air: Like I said. Practice for the various hard decisions you'll have to make IRL.

And frankly, if I were you I'd have quicklynched me and been done with it.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
sometimes mods change the specifics of roles, its not a bad thing.

I think the set-up was good, one of the not crazy fancy PRs all over the place ones, its nice to see one like this.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
I was not told who the scum were.
Really? If that's the case, then your slots play worked out for us. I thought Xas was calling out to EP with that N0 cop stuff?
Well then...

Zen's a boss. 'Nuf said.
Haha thanks.

EP: You were the best scumbuddy evar! Our plays complement each other well. I'm glad to have been on your team. You kept me level headed through out the game and managed to stay out of the the scum light. You only were lynched because of the bus and Swiss' odd gut reads. I think your plan of pretending you were indy would have benefited us in the end. I would have then been in a better position to present a case to Incom on why Air could be indy, but it all worked out. Glad I got a bit of scum meta on you, but you really didn't play all that differently than from the town play I've seen from you which is good. The only advice I have for you with both alignments is to be more active!! いいです.

Dark Horse: From now on listen to me in any game no matter what alignment you are and what alignment you think I am. I'm usually for your best interest :D. You've gotten better since this game though. In Halo you showed a bit of improvement and in another game I was reading I noticed you have improved a lot since then! Post your thoughts more and don't allow yourself to be so easily controlled (unless it's by me ofc). If all you do is post one liners, you're a detriment to town.

Smar: Your D1 play wasn't bad. Thanks for protecting me :), but wtf at you thinking me scum in halo and town here D:

Solid: You gotta post your thoughts more and not just watch things happen. I hope you play in dgames more!

Cello: We killed you because we didn't want you bringing town a new perspective. I play according to the people who are in the game, and you weren't someone who was accounted for previously since you replaced in. I've learned a lot about you since then though and from what I know now I think we made the right choice. But now knowing your role, it wouldn't have made much difference if you were planning on outing yourself.

glg: mmm so you really didn't know who scum was? What was your plan exactly? The only thing I really have for you is to be more active. Your case on Air wasn't half bad. Xas: what was with the n0 cop claim maan? And why did you make such a scummy jump on Swiss? Man you just played so scummy.

X1: Nice job. You've come to be a really great player. You have such a consistent play-style and your reads are great. You had both glg and EP pinned. I think your scum meta on me from Taco mafia and town meta from Villains threw you off on me though. I thought you were town traitor for half the game!

callin' on mah boys
I had a feeling Gheb put in a traitor so when you said this at the start f the game I thought it was you! and then things you were saying to EP that seemed like you were communicating with us and also your wanting to QL glg made me want to keep you alive. I was planning on just roleblocking you the whole game because of your cop shenanigans, but once glg flipped traitor you had to go. Way to confuse us into thinking you had two roles you didn't haha.

Swiss: Your attack on DH wasn't that bad. If I were town, I actually would have voted for him. I think it was more the fact that DH didn't know not to say that he had a QT was what threw it for everyone. You played better from then on. I don't know what my read of you would have been if I was town. Serious Swiss is tough to read. I mostly had to appeal to you most of the game. You have some pretty nice reads for such an insane player. Hopefully we can be town together one of these days :c!

Incom: Lets see, D1 I was pretty impressed with how you were playing since it was your first game. When you started being less active it was a bit of a problem. I would have seen you as town had I been town, but in the end you did end up having done a lot of scummy **** lol which allowed me to be legit with my arguments at the end of the game. I think you just needed to review more because you ended up being caught in a lot of contradictions. The best thing I can tell you is not to play so overly cautious. There's no set formula to how town should play. glg was the clear play for that day and there was pretty much nothing else that was going to happen that day. Prolonging the day isn't always the most beneficial thing to do when you have scum caught. It just gives them more time to try and convince you other wise. One could argue that it also gives town more time to convince you other wise, but if they haven't convinced you at that point then there really is no reason to prolong the day. Last minute lynches = bad. When town is put under time pressure, scum has a better chance of pulling off a bs lynch.

-Because someone has been considered town, that does not mean they are scum for living. It just means they should be reviewed.
-A lot of your defense at the end was saying things like "I wouldn't do that". either alignment could say thins like that and it's best to just stick to the facts. Your case on me was also a lot of just speculation without much evidence to back it up. The thing that could have convinced Air I think is if you presented that I really wasn't the main force in EP's lynch and that I only voted for him because it was what Swiss wanted, which you kind of did at the end.
-Review before you indirectly quote people. You said quite a few things that I never said in the end.

Other than that I was impressed for this being your first game. If you play more, I think you will improve fast. Just make sure you have time to play, and don't get bored randomly during the middle of the game. If activity is low then make things happen and get things active again. Scum hunt more- more questions and cases, rather than just commenting on what has already been said.

Air: You are the most hard to read player out of anyone. That's good, but you still don't want it to be detrimental to town. You should make more cases and take more solid stances early on, even if you aren't all that sure on your stances. No body really ever is. You're very level headed which is good. You didn't fall for me defending DH or any of the other things I did like bussing EP. So your looking at both sides is both a very great thing for you and a weakness if you allow it to render you from making decisions. I have no doubt you will improve from this though. Just STAY ACTIVE. You did much better here than Mario Kart though.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Dark Horse: For now on listen to me in any game no matter what alignment you are and what alignment you think I am. I'm usually for your best interest :D. You've gotten better since this game though. In Halo you showed a bit of improvement and in another game I was reading I noticed you have improved a lot since then! Post your thoughts more and don't allow yourself to be so easily controlled (unless it's by me ofc). If all you do is post one liners your a detriment to town.

I'm prettysure I was worse in halo.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
DH said:
I'm prettysure I was worse in halo.
Not at all.

You replaced into a playerslot that WAS getting lynched no matter what. You put up as fair of a fight that anybody really could. And although the one liners were no help, you were persistent.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
Zen: Well thanks!

If I'd had more time I was gonna go through your posts again and see if I could pick anything out, but IDK if it would have worked. Also, homework johns, haha.

(And I remembered thinking about the long-post overload strategy and I was gonna try it on you, hahaha.)

Guess I should do my shouts:

DH: Sorry 'bout the lynch, man. Stopping that alone could have won town the game. Sigh.

Smarg: where you at? Good, for what I saw of you.

SOLID: Post more.

Cello: Nice play. Gotta be a bit more subtle when you aren't mafia IMO, you have a habit of drawing NKs early on. Although I perhaps should not be talking, haha. Imagine you and Air in a hydra, LOL, talk about bipolar.

GLG: You replaced into a doomed slot. Nothing to say here.

X1: is a pretty cool guy, eh draws NKs by false breadcrumbing and doesn't afraid of anything. Your interactions with Cello worked out in the end.

EP: Not much to say. You're obviously pretty decent.

Swiss: Say you lived into the final Day. Would we still have lyched me? Great job.

Air: No hard feelings.

Zen: See above.

People who replaced out: Quitters. LOL, I kid. Didn't like Das, don't remember why but probably something to do with Swiss. BSL, I worked through homework johns, you can too! Ryker... you had like one post? Heh.

Myself: Should've told Air not to vote. Among other things. But at least the people I went after all turned out to be scum (minus the pressure on Swiss earlier). And I should be more careful with "scum"vs."mafia". Heh.

I'm probably gonna take a break from Mafia, that last day had me stressed. Perhaps I'll return. Or maybe if someone asks nicely...


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
It would make things easier expression wise if 'scum' = all anti-town roles. I never really got that.

X1: what did you mean by "callin' on mah boys"??


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Even though I thought Cello was town, I still wanted him NK'ed to ensure what he was saying was 100% trustable.. fortunately that worked in towns favour too. Overall I was really impressed with Zen's performance, EP played a good game but tbh I think you are a better town player, at least at the moment.

Sorry for not full shoutouts but elongated endgame and dying early do that to you. I enjoyed it while I was in it!


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2010
@Zen: When I came into the game the way I saw it was Me, Swiss, and someone else were the three anti-town left. Swiss was supposed to realize I was his traitor bro and not lynch me, and agree with me to get air lynched and then win.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Zen, I was just talking about how I wanted to get people to follow me, mainly joking. I meant nothing of it, its great you thought it was a crumb though :p giving scum false leads for once =]


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
O rly?

Do you mind elaborating? I always thought that the traitor was ALWAYS informed. No matter what. I mean, the misinformed CAN help scum by avoiding chainsaw and bla bla bla, but I know I'd like to know who are my partners :p.
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