I just got back from my first tourney! I did well too. I got 4th in singles. Out of there top players during the tourney I lost to junebug and Korn, and beat boss. I made a profit in money

. These VA kids have me addicted to money matches now!

My new skills are working so well.
Dubs was bad

I teamed with a randum person right when I got there. All im gonna say is I three stocked him three times in a row. Good news is that I made my mark and got some respect. Me and junebug did some money matches in dubs and destroyed everyone. We beat lie and Korn(destroyed him in dubs...but he played so gay in singles. That's why I hate singles. Dubs is my game!

So me and junebug are gonna team when we can before pound 5 if he is as able to go. P5 he is teaming with Chudat so unfortunately I still need to find a good teamate

. But the good news is that lie really wants to team with me.
Well that's my report on my days in VA. Also my matches against Boss and KOrn will be up soon. I link them tomorrow or monday. Later NC crew! love ya!