yes dublio as of now, those 3 and mekos are the only players that can nationally hold their own
I'm guessing next in line would be shady, me, and duo (if he still plays, which i heard he is getting back into)
the next tier i think is stock, vice, Foxy, rag? ( havent seen him in a while, dont know if he still plays, but he does he actually would be in the tier as shady duo and I)
all and all, everyone is improving at a gradual rate, and bickering aside, im mad proud of the improvement i have seen.
We should discuss a lil more on MU's, just to see where everyones mind set is on characters, but kadaj and stingers will need to help me. Shady doesnt post that much, but if i ask him, im sure he will give some insight.
the tiers are imo by the way, in no way are they set.
and before anyone says it
no i do not think you suck if i did not put up on those tiers, thats just the people that came to mind as i was typing.