Smash Legend
Why bother timing / spacing / setting up an F-smash to cover all options when, in any situation (where the opponent is below the stage, that is) that you could do that F-smash, you could also jump off and **** them? And you'd probably be invincible, so there's actually more room for error.Fsmash is really good in some spots. Counter is generally the best when they have a lot of up B angle options but if you understand Fox's options well like Swift is saying there are times when Fsmash engulfs all options and it is good to know.
Fairing someone into the stage? At what percent is that techable? Not very high I don't think.
Fairing someone into the stage I dunno how high that is legitimate for. I would think it goes up to 60% (after the hit) but if I'm wrong and it's lower then whatever. At any rate, you can Side B anyway, after Fair becomes mediocre / useless, and even if they tech the Fair at certain heights, you can keep going anyway (because Up+B is fast and has a hitbox).
I'm also not sure why you'd F-smash over Jab in general, since Jab covers more, more easily, comes out faster, is easier to time, and forces a low recovery that you can then Up+B or do whatever you want against. And leaves you far less vulnerable for missing.