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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 ('Terminal' - the 17th for Elite / 18th for non-Elite)


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
I didn't hear anything about realism. Snipers are meant for long range and not close range. Even says on the sniper description in the game that its meant for long range. So no, its not about realism.
But then what is wrong with using a weapon in a way it's not meant to be used?


a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
I'm sticking to "they're better than they should be", and still suggesting reverse damage drop off. If you're that close, only your pistol should be a reliable option, or whatever viable secondary you have. The snipers wouldn't be **** with reverse damage drop off, they just wouldn't be as potent in, or require much more skill as enemy proximity grows closer. Arguing that they are the way they should be right now is bull****.:applejack:

Wretched, it's not hard to stay positive with a sniper, practice.


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
LOL. I know. It is the first time I have played in a few months. I am not ashamed of going negative after that amount of time with bad guns.


a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
Don't confuse good with potent, Nathan. Snipers are still bad in instances where most guns would excel.:applejack:


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
Close range, you die faster from a hipfired SMG or assault rifle than the time it takes to scope in, not to mention the time it takes to FULLY scope in and aim and shoot. Also, if you miss once, you're pretty much boned.

Actually, you'd die faster from mid and long range from most assault rifles and some SMGs than from a sniper. Just a little fun fact, you actually do have to scope in all of the way. When you see players who don't scope in very much, it is because theater mode doesn't show like the first half second of you scoping in.


a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
Close range, I normally attempt a popshot, then dropshot if I manage to miss. Seldom fails. SMGs pose the biggest threat to me here, but with the focus proficiency, you can mitigate flinching from the first shot fired by the SMG, which could easily make the difference between life and death. Snipers are their worst here, because, frankly speaking, it's arduous to get an accurate shot when you're having bullets pumped into you near incessantly. Snipers fear this range, generally, and tend to panic and attempt a popshot. Dropshooting them here works wonders, but it can just as easily put you in a position for a headshot, should you not prone quickly enough.:applejack:

Mid range, I feel is the quickscoping niche. You have ample time to ADS with Quickdraw, and hipfire has a minor chance of hitting you at this range, thus making focus proficiency unnecessary. Dragscoping is encouraged at this range rather than the flashy popshotting. As to opposing a sniper in this range, dropshooting is still effective and advised, though the sniper can still dragscope, thus abating its effectiveness. It's definitely better than just standing, but the first to land a shot wins in this firefight, potentially. Snipers have a bit more freedom here because they have more time to ADS and line up the shot, without being instantly hipfired.

Long range, next to no contest if the sniper sees you first. It does its primary job well. You should always lose this if you don't have a sniper.:applejack:

Also, against snipers, a dynamic enemy is their nightmare. Moving around erratically, in no specific direction helps against snipers; Stalker works wonders.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Close range, you die faster from a hipfired SMG or assault rifle than the time it takes to scope in, not to mention the time it takes to FULLY scope in and aim and shoot. Also, if you miss once, you're pretty much boned.
Oh no, the enemy is right next to me!

*sprays .50cal for the kill*


Smash Hero
Dec 18, 2006
Land of the free
Really the only argument that can be made here is that all the guns have an optimal range where they do most damage, outside that range it takes more bullets/a headshot to get the kill

the sniper is an exception because it does the same thing (mostly ohko) no matter the range you're shooting it, which isn't "fair" compared to how the rest of the guns are



a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
By fair, I'll infer that you mean balanced. Snipers being better than they should be is objective.:applejack:


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
The thing is that if snipers were better than they are supposed to be, they would be used by good players and people would get good scores with them.
However, I almost never see people sniping and going positive. I'd bet if any of you went and played a game of FFA with a sniper and you tried to quickscope you'd go negative ('cept Zatchiel because he snipes regardless).


a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
Being better than they are supposed to be doesn't make them the best choice. They still require accuracy and reaction time to have any use outside of traditional sniping. People don't feel to put in the effort necessary to be consistent with quickscoping, hence, they either don't snipe at all, or they are terrible tryhards.:applejack:

It's taken me about 2-3 months of practice to be as proficient with sniping as I am today, and anyone here who's played me since January has witnessed my improvement. I was dedicated to get better at it, though I can't predict the same would be true for most of the online community; if they were even half committed to practicing rather than watching a montage and/or tutorial, and instantly thinking they had sniping talent, you would see many more snipers, if not consistent ones. Also, I believe that most of the community is impatient and insolent, which is why they rarely take time to practice and get as acquiscent as the snipers they see in montages and whatnot.

I go negative when I don't play to par, which is my fault, not the sniper rifle's. I also snipe when I know it isn't going to bring my team down, which it hasn't done since February(?). I only like this game's FFA on certain maps anyway, as I know when snipers are and are not opportune choice. I'm not going to try quickscoping on a stage like Arkaden, it's too up-close and personal, which I've stated is the worst position for a sniper. I'll get there with more practice, lol.:applejack:


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2007
LMGs FTW.i adjusted to mw3 playstyle nd dont rage quit as much.my k/d went up by .10 doing so.This game does suck tho.id play something else but I only have 2 games lol.



Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2010
High Point
Quickscoping: A ****ing untrained monkey can quickscope. (Shut up Wretched, you're wrong. Deal with it.)
More sniper whining. They aren't that good. Yes they will kill you if they hit you close range, deal with it. Very very few people are good enough to consistently wreck with the sniper, so if you're getting killed a lot by them it's something that you are doing wrong.

Assassin: The most overpowered piece of **** perk in any call of duty to date.
And assassin gets wrecked by quickdraw in a gunfight. If you have to rely on the mini-map to kill people then again it's something you're doing wrong. You should always be ready to encounter someone.

PP90: Absurd Hip-fire. It's actually more broken than quickscoping.
Yes this gun is top tier, and yes you will die most of the time if you get in a close range fight. So don't let people get that close. Get in a position where you will get the first shot. The ACR has no recoil. The striker is still stupid up close. You can spray LMGs forever. Snipers can kill in 1 hit. Several guns just have an advantage they can exploit so I don't understanding what's the point in complaining about a guns attributes. If you're getting killed by something too often you again need to change what you're doing. Not get mad and rush right into more PP90 fire.
Support Package: I love knowing that some stupid **** can earn a stealth bomber and kill me off a moab or any other streak while going 14-22.
Which people will get once, maybe twice a game. The fact that they are using stealth bomber downgrades the whole purpose of using a support package anyway. When I use it I use just UAV/Vests and I can pump out 5-6 of each a game. Stealth bombers aren't that great anyway. And if you get killed by one, oh well it happens. Assault killstreaks should be harder to obtain since they've been abused too much in the past anyway.

Deathstreaks: How the **** do you get to blow up when you die six times in a row? How the **** can you become Usain Bolt when you die four times in a row?
No argument here, deathstreaks are dumb.

****ing garbage netcode: This is one thing MW2 did a superb job with. When you shot someone, they actually took ****ing damage. Played KC tonight, this kid ran through TWO Type bursts with juiced and got the final tag to win.
Well you probably only hit him with like 1 bullet of each burst. Hit detection in this game is fine, no johns.

Dip**** community again: Our ****ing randoms were horrible, what else is new? Kid went 25-30. OH HE GOT 25 KILLS THO, HE ONLY WENT NEGATIVE 5. That was what he said when I messaged him. Kid dropped 30 ****ing tags.
Frustrating, but it's not a fault with MW3. It's just bad kids playing the game.

I can't ****ing believe I was happy to get this garbage back. I could take a **** on a disc and it would be better. Infinity ward/Sledgehammer should be ashamed of themselves for releasing this garbage.
Might as well go do that then. I don't really understand the point of raging over games, but if you can't enjoy it all without raging whenever something unfortunate/one of the dumb things in this game happens then you might as well stop. The fun I get from playing MW3 outweighs the little things that annoy me sometimes. If you're getting mad constantly, then you're probably just burnt out on CoD overall honestly.


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
Hit detection in this game is fine, no johns.

I was content with leaving my mouth/text block shut until I saw this. You must not be playing the same game as everyone else, or you're playing on the worst connection of all time and getting lag comp.

Hit Detection is NOT fine in this game. Never HAS been, and until lag comp is out of this game, and they fix the net code, there's plenty to complain about. Can't even use "No Johns", because the game is so shoddily built.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2010
High Point
It's better than compared to Black Ops. I have occasional instances where point blank shotgun shots will give me hit markers and those gunfights where you get insta-killed by a shot in the hip or something. Maybe it's not so great, but it's not even something I usually notice as I don't really have problems killing people. And I'm certainly not playing on a bad connection.


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
It's better than compared to Black Ops. I have occasional instances where point blank shotgun shots will give me hit markers and those gunfights where you get insta-killed by a shot in the hip or something. Maybe it's not so great, but it's not even something I usually notice as I don't really have problems killing people. And I'm certainly not playing on a bad connection.

You have officially dug your own grave.

For the short time that I have known you, all two posts of it... It's been an honor.

This is the part where I back up, and let the saltiest of salty continue from here on out.

I don't even think I can save you from the salt that's coming your way, dude.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2010
High Point
Meh, whatever. It's not that big of an issue, not moreso than any other CoD game anyway. I've had a lot more instances in black ops where I felt I got cheated out of my shots or shouldn't have died. A lot more. So apparently we've had different experiences with the 2 games. My accuracy is also likely higher than yours so that probably helps. People just want something to blame/complain about for why they died rather than accepting it and moving on.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2009
Badkid Land
More sniper whining. They aren't that good. Yes they will kill you if they hit you close range, deal with it. Very very few people are good enough to consistently wreck with the sniper, so if you're getting killed a lot by them it's something that you are doing wrong.

I shouldn't have to "Deal with it." Stupid kids that try to nerd-scope should be punished for it. Hipfire needs to be increased... like ten fold. Quickscoping needs to be killed. Treyarch, the superior studio, had the right idea with Black Ops. Granted, they took it a bit too far, but they intended to kill quickscoping, and they did kill it for a while. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but I am doing nothing wrong in that scenario. Sniping is incredibly ill-designed. I'm sure that everyone who shares my opinion has numerous videos to prove this fact. I know I do... would you like to see them?

And assassin gets wrecked by quickdraw in a gunfight. If you have to rely on the mini-map to kill people then again it's something you're doing wrong. You should always be ready to encounter someone.

Assassin has no reliable counter, while it counters so much. Assassin protects you from UAV, AUAV, Heartbeart sensors, Thermal, and Portable Radar. The pro version protects you from EMPs and CUAVS. Fun fact, Assassin COMPLETELY protects you from EMP, so you can still use your electronics. The only "counters" are the recon drone and the recon perk. Neither of these are a relaible counter. Assassin is a more than a reliable counter to all of the following. You just slap the perk on and you have free movement around the map. I don't mind if it's an "Anti-Uav" perk only, like UAV Jammer/Camouflage were, or if said perk has decent competition, like how Cold-Blooded had to compete with stopping power. The closest thing to competition is Quickdraw, or maybe... hardline? No, not really...

Yes this gun is top tier, and yes you will die most of the time if you get in a close range fight. So don't let people get that close. Get in a position where you will get the first shot. The ACR has no recoil. The striker is still stupid up close. You can spray LMGs forever. Snipers can kill in 1 hit. Several guns just have an advantage they can exploit so I don't understanding what's the point in complaining about a guns attributes. If you're getting killed by something too often you again need to change what you're doing. Not get mad and rush right into more PP90 fire.

You really don't know just how effective the hip-fire is, do you? Check the range sometime, I think you'll be sold on how stupid it is. The ACR is a laser beam, I'll give you that.

Which people will get once, maybe twice a game. The fact that they are using stealth bomber downgrades the whole purpose of using a support package anyway. When I use it I use just UAV/Vests and I can pump out 5-6 of each a game. Stealth bombers aren't that great anyway. And if you get killed by one, oh well it happens. Assault killstreaks should be harder to obtain since they've been abused too much in the past anyway.

It doesn't matter how often they get it. The problem is that they do get it. There's no reason why little dip**** Jimmy should be able to kill me outside of actually out-gunning me. Well, here's the thing. This is Jimmy's first CoD game. He doesn't know how absurd knifing, Quickscoping, or pp90 hipfire are. He'll pick up a few kills. The game will be close to the end, I'll be going 22-0, on my specialist bonus. All of a sudden, little Jimmy will` just call in his unearned stealth bomber. Don't even say "get to cover," because IW/Sledgehammer just throw **** in there without it actually covering you. In Village, I took cover under a roof, still died from the Skill bomber that some kid going 13-29 earned. Got killed one off my Reaper. Pretty fair.

No argument here, deathstreaks are dumb.

I'm glad we agree on something.

Well you probably only hit him with like 1 bullet of each burst. Hit detection in this game is fine, no johns.

No, I hit him with two full bursts, Hit detection in this game is NOT fine.

Frustrating, but it's not a fault with MW3. It's just bad kids playing the game.

CoD isn't some deep game. There's no excuse for being that bad.

Might as well go do that then. I don't really understand the point of raging over games, but if you can't enjoy it all without raging whenever something unfortunate/one of the dumb things in this game happens then you might as well stop. The fun I get from playing MW3 outweighs the little things that annoy me sometimes. If you're getting mad constantly, then you're probably just burnt out on CoD overall honestly.

Playing with full parties mitigates a lot of the issues.

Responses in bold.


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
You act as if someone doing well with a sniper proves that they're better than all other weapons.

There is a video of people getting a MOAB with almost every weapon. You can call any weapon broken if videos of the weapon performing well exist.

Also, calling things nerdscoping and saying zzirgrizzscopezfaze doesn't make any argument.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2009
Badkid Land
You act as if someone doing well with a sniper proves that they're better than all other weapons.

There is a video of people getting a MOAB with almost every weapon. You can call any weapon broken if videos of the weapon performing well exist.

Also, calling things nerdscoping and saying zzirgrizzscopezfaze doesn't make any argument.
I have numerous videos of me quickscoping kids that use UMPs, MP7s, and various other SMGs.

If Quickscoping wasn't OP, I wouldn't be able to kill people while doing it.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2009
Badkid Land
Ariana Grande, she plays Kat on Victorious.

Edit: Thanks, Zatch.

I'm off to my friend's house. I'll be back for more debate later.


a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
Wretched has a point in the first statement, but I don't think that's what Snack's trying to convey. I think his point is more along what I was explaining about them being better than they should be.

Also, I've seen a video with someone getting a MOAB with (mainly) L118A (he picked up an AR because he ran out of ammo firing blank shots; he ran Assault Strike Package). Though I can easily admit it's much easier to maintain a killstreak with an AR or SMG than a sniper. Against snipers, the opponents have more chances to play trial and error, or take different approaches to end their streak. There are many scenarios where snipers are not going to be apt, and the sniper can easily slip up, leaving them to die.:applejack:


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
I have numerous videos of me quickscoping kids that use UMPs, MP7s, and various other SMGs.

If Quickscoping wasn't OP, I wouldn't be able to kill people while doing it.
Okay, so I have your position on this issue:
"If at any point in time, any weapon ever kills another player using a different weapon, that weapon is automatically overpowered, regardless of the circumstances which the gun killed them, the player, etc."


a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
Wait, is this argument about Quickscoping, or just the sniping potency? They are fundamentally separate, I'm pretty confused as to why they keep flip flopping in their use as a topic.:applejack:


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2010
High Point
I shouldn't have to "Deal with it." Stupid kids that try to nerd-scope should be punished for it. Hipfire needs to be increased... like ten fold. Quickscoping needs to be killed. Treyarch, the superior studio, had the right idea with Black Ops. Granted, they took it a bit too far, but they intended to kill quickscoping, and they did kill it for a while. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but I am doing nothing wrong in that scenario. Sniping is incredibly ill-designed. I'm sure that everyone who shares my opinion has numerous videos to prove this fact. I know I do... would you like to see them?
How often do you run into these people exactly? I've never played a game where I've had a sniper just constantly beat me. When black ops killed quick-scoping, they also killed sniping in general. When people did snipe they were basically inconsequential to the game. Again, there are a few exceptions but I don't see why a sniper shouldn't be able to defend itself up close, since it just isn't that useful in the first place. Honestly it would make more sense if snipers could accurately hip fire up close than to start pulling it up to their eye and shoot halfway, but I can only imagine the rage if snipers could hip-fire. Like I said in the gun part earlier, the 1-hit is just the abusable part of the sniper. I never see snipers do well even if they get the occasional close range kill. It's like wanting to ban jigglypuff because she can rest.
Assassin has no reliable counter, while it counters so much. Assassin protects you from UAV, AUAV, Heartbeart sensors, Thermal, and Portable Radar. The pro version protects you from EMPs and CUAVS. Fun fact, Assassin COMPLETELY protects you from EMP, so you can still use your electronics. The only "counters" are the recon drone and the recon perk. Neither of these are a relaible counter. Assassin is a more than a reliable counter to all of the following. You just slap the perk on and you have free movement around the map. I don't mind if it's an "Anti-Uav" perk only, like UAV Jammer/Camouflage were, or if said perk has decent competition, like how Cold-Blooded had to compete with stopping power. The closest thing to competition is Quickdraw, or maybe... hardline? No, not really...
Alright, well I agree that assassin is dumb in that it protects you from unnecessary things. I just don't think being able to not be seen on radar is OP or too great of an advantage. While I go off the mini-map whenever possible, I still am expecting people to be just about anywhere so I never really get caught off guard regardless. And if I do unexpectedly run into someone with assassin, I usually win since I will have quickdraw on (assuming I'm not using it myself.) It is the best perk and I wish they stuck better choices in perk 2 or made assassin a little less useful, but I still don't think people using it is OP or a problem really. And I'm pretty sure EMP still blocks you from using electronics.
You really don't know just how effective the hip-fire is, do you? Check the range sometime, I think you'll be sold on how stupid it is. The ACR is a laser beam, I'll give you that.
Maybe not, I don't usually hip fire unless very close. I can't imagine its more effective than ADS'ing, but I'll go try it out today. Of course anytime I play with the PP90 I laugh a lot of how easy this gun is. I think PP90/ACR are top tier of guns, in a class by themselves. Might try to make a gun tier for ****s and giggles later.
It doesn't matter how often they get it. The problem is that they do get it. There's no reason why little dip**** Jimmy should be able to kill me outside of actually out-gunning me. Well, here's the thing. This is Jimmy's first CoD game. He doesn't know how absurd knifing, Quickscoping, or pp90 hipfire are. He'll pick up a few kills. The game will be close to the end, I'll be going 22-0, on my specialist bonus. All of a sudden, little Jimmy will` just call in his unearned stealth bomber. Don't even say "get to cover," because IW/Sledgehammer just throw **** in there without it actually covering you. In Village, I took cover under a roof, still died from the Skill bomber that some kid going 13-29 earned. Got killed one off my Reaper. Pretty fair.
I know the frustration getting killed off a streak, I got killed by DMH one time at around 21 kills and was pretty pissed. But you run that risk when you pick assault, that any random killstreak or grenade or something else can kill you and knock you off. MW2 was bad killstreak camping, as was BO to an extent (blackbird -> blackbird -> blackbird, plus dogs along the way.) I think they did a good job trying to balance the 3 choices, they definitely made the assault a little weaker, but that's because they wanted more focus on gun play, not dominating with killstreaks. All in all it's unfortunate you can get killed by a stealth bomber before a streak, but it's just the risk you run using assault and it just goes against you sometimes.
No, I hit him with two full bursts, Hit detection in this game is NOT fine.
Eh, I can't really say much as I rarely find myself complaining about this. I think I do get cheated every once in a while but it's very seldom.

CoD isn't some deep game. There's no excuse for being that bad.

Playing with full parties mitigates a lot of the issues.
Yeah, but there is a small window to get a kill before you're killed yourself. So if you can't aim and you run around the map like a *******, you're going to do horrible. It's not CoD's fault again though, but I understand how frustrating bad teammates are. I mean if you don't want to play with scrubs all the time, I'm a pretty beast KC/whatever else gametype teammate and wouldn't mind the help myself.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2009
Badkid Land
I'm sorry. I was wrong about Assassin Pro. You can't use KillStreaks, but all your Optics still work.

Long post coming your way, friends.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2009
Badkid Land
Okay, so I have your position on this issue:
"If at any point in time, any weapon ever kills another player using a different weapon, that weapon is automatically overpowered, regardless of the circumstances which the gun killed them, the player, etc."
Nah, that's not my position on it at all. If say, an MP5 kills me, then that doesn't mean that the MP5 is overpowered. I know this because I know that the MP5 is mediocre across the board. If someone kills me with an MP5 against my MP7, then it was either lag or me getting outplayed. Now for snipers: We've been through this song and dance before. One-shot cannon at any range. Absurd Aim-assist makes no-scoping easy. Absurd ADS time makes Quickscoping easy, especially with Quickdraw.

How often do you run into these people exactly?

More then you would think...

When black ops killed quick-scoping, they also killed sniping in general.

I did say that they went too far.

When people did snipe they were basically inconsequential to the game.

That's the price to pay for Sniping...

Again, there are a few exceptions but I don't see why a sniper shouldn't be able to defend itself up close, since it just isn't that useful in the first place.

They can. They can switch to their secondary.

I never see snipers do well even if they get the occasional close range kill.

It's much more than "Occasional" for me and many others.

It's like wanting to ban jigglypuff because she can rest.

Except that Jigglypuff's rest doesn't have great range, and actually takes some precision and setting up to land.

Alright, well I agree that assassin is dumb in that it protects you from unnecessary things. I just don't think being able to not be seen on radar is OP or too great of an advantage. While I go off the mini-map whenever possible, I still am expecting people to be just about anywhere so I never really get caught off guard regardless. And if I do unexpectedly run into someone with assassin, I usually win since I will have quickdraw on (assuming I'm not using it myself.) It is the best perk and I wish they stuck better choices in perk 2 or made assassin a little less useful, but I still don't think people using it is OP or a problem really. And I'm pretty sure EMP still blocks you from using electronics.

Like I said, the coverage from UAV isn't the problem. Everything Assassin does, with no competition is the problem.

Maybe not, I don't usually hip fire unless very close. I can't imagine its more effective than ADS'ing, but I'll go try it out today.

I think you'll see what I mean.

I know the frustration getting killed off a streak, I got killed by DMH one time at around 21 kills and was pretty pissed. But you run that risk when you pick assault, that any random killstreak or grenade or something else can kill you and knock you off. MW2 was bad killstreak camping, as was BO to an extent (blackbird -> blackbird -> blackbird, plus dogs along the way.) I think they did a good job trying to balance the 3 choices, they definitely made the assault a little weaker, but that's because they wanted more focus on gun play, not dominating with killstreaks. All in all it's unfortunate you can get killed by a stealth bomber before a streak, but it's just the risk you run using assault and it just goes against you sometimes.

In BO, I ran Flak Jacket, Tact Mask, and SoH on nearly every class. I practically only died when someone shot me. That's the way it should be if I'm using cover intelligently. I don't mind getting killed when I get outplayed. I'm just not getting outplayed by the SKILL BOMBER. I'm getting ****ed over.

Eh, I can't really say much as I rarely find myself complaining about this. I think I do get cheated every once in a while but it's very seldom.

You're quite lucky, then.

Yeah, but there is a small window to get a kill before you're killed yourself.

Of course, but I actually play intelligently. The chance is much lower.

So if you can't aim and you run around the map like a *******, you're going to do horrible.


It's not CoD's fault again though, but I understand how frustrating bad teammates are.

It's not CoD's fault, but there need to be more teaching tools.

I mean if you don't want to play with scrubs all the time, I'm a pretty beast KC/whatever else gametype teammate and wouldn't mind the help myself.

My GT should be in the original post. Add me and just send me a message saying who you are.
I'm sorry. I was wrong about Assassin Pro. You can't use KillStreaks, but all your Optics still work.

Long post coming your way, friends.
Responses in Bold


Smash Apprentice
Feb 25, 2012
Puerto Rico
Just go play COD4 or BF3 please... for me Cowadoody died when MW2 released (you would probably understand why if you're a PC gamer). Also, hit detection has always been **** in Cowadoody since the first iteration. And last but not least Black Ops is, in my opinion, far better than MW3 (multiplayer is more fun albeit the quickscoping is barely existent. And please don't even get me started with the single player modes)


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2009
Badkid Land
just go play cod4

i would love to. It's just hacked to hell.

or bf3 please...

i'd try it if i had a good set-up.

also, hit detection has always been **** in cowadoody since the first iteration.

not true. Cod4, waw, and mw2 all have great hit detection imo.

and last but not least black ops is, in my opinion, far better than mw3 (multiplayer is more fun albeit the quickscoping is barely existent. And please don't even get me started with the single player modes)

despite a few problems, bo is indeed a great cod game.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 25, 2012
Puerto Rico
Well i play COD4 on a server called UTDM (Ultimate Team Deathmatch) and they have an S&D, Promod, and HCTDM servers. All with 48 person cap. Punkbuster enabled on all. Even if 1 hacker get's in there's always admins around the clock so they IP Ban them when they get in lol.

As for hit detection I agree with WAW only, then again sometimes I lag so much I teleport like a cockroach around the map so maybe that's why my hit detection sucks sometimes.


a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
I see a Pinkie Pie, ODIN. <3

Also, I know I've said this before, but quickscoping in Black Ops is amazingly easy in comparison to MW3, and probably MW2. It allows me to see the shot more clearly, as to line up the shot with better precision. Accurate popshotting is impossible in that game, but that's the only real setback imo. L118A is reminiscent of the L96A1, I think they are equally potent, though the L96 has a tad more exaggeration on the bolt cycling, making it take longer between shots, and thus, less efficient. I've been dabbling with the Dragonov in BO, it is not bad for a sniper, really.

Anyway, I'm rambling; I don't see how sniping was killed in BO, even in concept. IMO, its sniping is better than MW3's, in that traditional sniping is more viable. I don't meet many other quickscoping players in BO.:applejack:


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2010
High Point
The time it takes to draw your shot in black ops is the main problem. It's better in the IW games because you can get the shot out quicker.
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