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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 ('Terminal' - the 17th for Elite / 18th for non-Elite)


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
Without lag compensation you're being rewarded for having a better connection, which requires no skill on your part.

Death streaks reward you for dying, which requires no skill on your part.

If you say deathstreaks are bad, you should also say lag compensation is good, otherwise you're just being biased and loving unfair and unskillful things that help you, but hating ones that don't.
i see your point, but i make it an objective to pay for the highest speed internet available in my area (which isn't too bad), and i wanna have a connection at least as good as what i'm paying for.

does battlefield 3 have wanted pro? if not, i wonder how they got around it...

either way, i'm getting on now.

Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
Without lag compensation you're being rewarded for having a better connection, which requires no skill on your part.

Death streaks reward you for dying, which requires no skill on your part.

If you say deathstreaks are bad, you should also say lag compensation is good, otherwise you're just being biased and loving unfair and unskillful things that help you, but hating ones that don't.
Tyler, you saw lag compensation in action today when you had a 2 bar and the rest of us were lagging like crazy because of it. Lag compensation is a very bad thing. Also Deathstreaks reward you for having a lack of skill. Having a good connection (if there was no lag compensation) rewards for regardless of skill level. Just as lag compensation rewards you for having a bad connection regardless of skill level.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Just finished playing a 3 hour session with Fuelbi and let me put this on the record:

The akimbo FMG9's got the "black ops FAMAS" nerf. :awesome:

I actually had fun playing most of the games today, despite the lag compensation, assassin corner campers and wanted pro. :)


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
I stopped having fun during the last few games when lag compensation started giving me a 1/2 bar connection even though it said I had a 3 bar :/

The rest of the games where I got AC130s and Pavelows were fun though ^_^


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I finally died enough times in a row (6) to activate dead man's hand and I killed someone with it. I purposely ran towards them and blew myself up. :awesome:


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
Tyler, you saw lag compensation in action today when you had a 2 bar and the rest of us were lagging like crazy because of it. Lag compensation is a very bad thing. Also Deathstreaks reward you for having a lack of skill. Having a good connection (if there was no lag compensation) rewards for regardless of skill level. Just as lag compensation rewards you for having a bad connection regardless of skill level.
But at the same time you shouldn't be rewarded for having a better connection, you instead should be rewarded for your skill.

There's some people that don't care about skill in CoD, but there's some people that do care, and those people should be at the front line in the protest against connection advantage as it's the least skillful thing in CoD.

And I don't know where this rumour came from that paying more money equals better connections, seeing as though it's completely about geography rather than money.


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
i get good connection because i pay for it.
i don't want my connection to be hindered because someone else doesn't pay for there's.

it's like if they nerfed the audio somehow for people who bought turtle beach headsets so people without them wouldn't be at a disadvantage. weird concept.

Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
But at the same time you shouldn't be rewarded for having a better connection, you instead should be rewarded for your skill.

There's some people that don't care about skill in CoD, but there's some people that do care, and those people should be at the front line in the protest against connection advantage as it's the least skillful thing in CoD.

And I don't know where this rumour came from that paying more money equals better connections, seeing as though it's completely about geography rather than money.
The problem is with today's technology I'm pretty sure its impossible to remove connection advantage. Online gaming is not a level playing field. But with this new lag compensation added into the game, the lag has been worse than ever. So this definitely isn't a good thing. I've experience more lag in MW3 than I ever have in Black Ops.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2008
I thought you guys call it dinner over there

wont be on today, but ill be on a bit tomorrow


also sorry fawx for inducing some of your rage

hotarms: *joins session in progress*
fawx: OMG a kid camping in a corner with silenced heartbeat and assassin just killed me
xanthan: pretty sure that was Hot_ArmS

Dislike. :mad:

It's k though trollarms. <3


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
i don't think they nerfed type 95 or fmg's yet.
They did, I pretty much exclusively use the FMG's and yesterday I noticed the difference big time.

More recoil, less hipfire accuracy, worse medium range damage.

They still **** though.

Also I have never had connection/lag problem in MW3 until yesterday, even when connecting to you guys in America.

Lag compensation is ****ing dumb.


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
idk who all was playing with me last night, but we couldn't get a game for like 20 minutes..........

so wack.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
i get good connection because i pay for it.
i don't want my connection to be hindered because someone else doesn't pay for there's.

it's like if they nerfed the audio somehow for people who bought turtle beach headsets so people without them wouldn't be at a disadvantage. weird concept.
Unless everyone in America has the same connection that is purposely restricted unless you pay more money for it, then that's bull****, because your connection is based off your geography. Because you live in a city you're going to get a better connection than someone that doesn't, but said person that lives outside could be better at the game than you, you're just beating them because of no skill on your part.

And ironically they did nerf the audio in Blops, the game that came out after turtlebeaches started to become more popular. Footsteps are pretty much impossible to hear and using a silencer makes you nigh-immune to even turtlebeaches, which didn't happen in MW2 if the person using the silencer was close to you.

The problem is with today's technology I'm pretty sure its impossible to remove connection advantage. Online gaming is not a level playing field. But with this new lag compensation added into the game, the lag has been worse than ever. So this definitely isn't a good thing. I've experience more lag in MW3 than I ever have in Black Ops.
Servers. Lag shouldn't be part of the game, but then again either should connection advantage. This all boils down to Activision being cheap arseholes.


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
Unless everyone in America has the same connection that is purposely restricted unless you pay more money for it, then that's bull****, because your connection is based off your geography. Because you live in a city you're going to get a better connection than someone that doesn't, but said person that lives outside could be better at the game than you, you're just beating them because of no skill on your part.

And ironically they did nerf the audio in Blops, the game that came out after turtlebeaches started to become more popular. Footsteps are pretty much impossible to hear and using a silencer makes you nigh-immune to even turtlebeaches, which didn't happen in MW2 if the person using the silencer was close to you.

Servers. Lag shouldn't be part of the game, but then again either should connection advantage. This all boils down to Activision being cheap arseholes.
i'm not saying i should win because i have better connection.
i'm saying i shouldn't have lag added to my connection as punishment for having a better connection than someone else.

i could get the cheaper internet and save 15 bucks a month.
i could get at&t's ****ty dsl for even cheaper.
i could pay more and get fios. lol

either way, it's not that i don't appreciate them trying to "correct" the gaming experience of those who have ****ty connections... but right now, i'm being handed a disadvantage at times, for having a better connection to the host or for being host.

Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
Unless everyone in America has the same connection that is purposely restricted unless you pay more money for it, then that's bull****, because your connection is based off your geography. Because you live in a city you're going to get a better connection than someone that doesn't, but said person that lives outside could be better at the game than you, you're just beating them because of no skill on your part.

And ironically they did nerf the audio in Blops, the game that came out after turtlebeaches started to become more popular. Footsteps are pretty much impossible to hear and using a silencer makes you nigh-immune to even turtlebeaches, which didn't happen in MW2 if the person using the silencer was close to you.

Servers. Lag shouldn't be part of the game, but then again either should connection advantage. This all boils down to Activision being cheap arseholes.
While having dedicated servers would be nice, its not going to happen, this is Activision we're talking about. Lag compensation is still bad since its wrong to make everyone lag just because one person has a bad connection. Instead of match being ruined for one person that has a bad connection, the match is ruined for everybody due to lag compensation because of that one person who had a bad connection. A person's connection shouldn't be made worse just because someone else has a ****ty connection.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
Yeah all this is fine. Only thing that annoys me is people complaining about death streaks and lag compensation. Can't really demand something unskillful should be taken out (death streaks) when connection advantage takes no skill whatsoever.

I don't really care about people complaining about them seperately though.


Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
Yeah all this is fine. Only thing that annoys me is people complaining about death streaks and lag compensation. Can't really demand something unskillful should be taken out (death streaks) when connection advantage takes no skill whatsoever.

I don't really care about people complaining about them seperately though.

I don't see anything wrong about complaining about both. Deathsteaks are bad because they are free handouts for bad players. Lag compensation ruins everyone's gameplay because one person in the lobby has a bad connection. Lag compensation issue isn't even about people doing good and keeping high k/d's its about the game becoming unplayable due to the huge amount of lag caused by one person's bad connection.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
While having dedicated servers would be nice, its not going to happen, this is Activision we're talking about. Lag compensation is still bad since its wrong to make everyone lag just because one person has a bad connection. Instead of match being ruined for one person that has a bad connection, the match is ruined for everybody due to lag compensation because of that one person who had a bad connection. A person's connection shouldn't be made worse just because someone else has a ****ty connection.

Yeah all this is fine. Only thing that annoys me is people complaining about death streaks and lag compensation. Can't really demand something unskillful should be taken out (death streaks) when connection advantage takes no skill whatsoever.

I don't really care about people complaining about them seperately though.

I don't see anything wrong about complaining about both. Deathsteaks are bad because they are free handouts for bad players. Lag compensation ruins everyone's gameplay because one person in the lobby has a bad connection. Lag compensation issue isn't even about people doing good and keeping high k/d's its about the game becoming unplayable due to the huge amount of lag caused by one person's bad connection.
Instead of having death streaks in the game, they should re-introduce "boot camp" from W@W and this'll let noobs/scrubs/Snack become better at the game by learning all the maps, flank routes, weapons, perk combinations and other stuff.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
Because if you complain about deathstreaks you shouldn't complain about the system that tries to get rid of connection advantage.

Deathstreaks take no skill, but connection advantage takes even less, and connection advantage has been around for far longer than both deathstreaks and lag compensation, and all it is is a free handout to some players (terrible - great) to have a massive advantage over others.

You could also say that host advantage ruins this game more than everyone having about the same connection. And if you think that the majority shouldn't have to have even connections because of the minority, then fairness is not what you want in this game, because fair gameplay would mean everyone has a fighting chance regardless of their geography.


Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
Because if you complain about deathstreaks you shouldn't complain about the system that tries to get rid of connection advantage.

Deathstreaks take no skill, but connection advantage takes even less, and connection advantage has been around for far longer than both deathstreaks and lag compensation, and all it is is a free handout to some players (terrible - great) to have a massive advantage over others.

You could also say that host advantage ruins this game more than everyone having about the same connection. And if you think that the majority shouldn't have to have even connections because of the minority, then fairness is not what you want in this game, because fair gameplay would mean everyone has a fighting chance regardless of their geography.

And my point is the lag compensation system isn't working. What you want is a game where everyone has is on completely level ground, everyone has a good chance at winning. But this just isn't possible because of various things. By removing deathstreaks, it does make the game more fair. Lag Compensation has also been making the game worse, but the goal of lag compensation has only made the game worse. Because it could not accomplish its goals, lag compensation should be removed from the game. Plus Dead Man's Hand and Final Stand are completely overpowered.

Edit: Also, its kind of unfair to expect the majority to put up with horrible lag because the minority has a bad connection. So because the minority has a bad connection, you believe that everyone single other person, including yourself, should put up with a horrendous connection rendering the game almost unplayable?

Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
If you say you want this game to be (more) fair, then yes.

Fair means fair for everyone, not just for you.

Hey, my connection isn't all that great either at times, but I don't ask for people with better connections to give me some of their good connection. If the game is to be more playable, lag compensation needs to be taken out. It isn't completely fair, that is true, but it is necessary for the people with bad connections to do terrible and for people with good connections to do well. Because with lag compensation it is basically reversed. People with bad connections do well and people with good connections do worse. So lag compensation isn't really fixing anything, it just makes the minority do better than the majority, and that's even worse, honestly. Some people intentionally make their connection slow down so they get an advantage from lag compensation. Considering this system is being abused, the system should be removed.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2009
Badkid Land

Instead of having death streaks in the game, they should re-introduce "boot camp" from W@W and this'll let noobs/scrubs/Snack become better at the game by learning all the maps, flank routes, weapons, perk combinations and other stuff.
Rofl. That Snack kid is so bad.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
Hey, my connection isn't all that great either at times, but I don't ask for people with better connections to give me some of their good connection. If the game is to be more playable, lag compensation needs to be taken out. It isn't completely fair, that is true, but it is necessary for the people with bad connections to do terrible and for people with good connections to do well. Because with lag compensation it is basically reversed. People with bad connections do well and people with good connections do worse. So lag compensation isn't really fixing anything, it just makes the minority do better than the majority, and that's even worse, honestly. Some people intentionally make their connection slow down so they get an advantage from lag compensation. Considering this system is being abused, the system should be removed.
No lag compensation doesn't give you an advatage over people with better connections, there's still connection advantage even with lag compensation, it's just not as bad.


Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Just a double check. Last night when I got a full spas shot out and it was supposed to hit a guy and kill him, I drop dead instantly after that. Is that lag compensation?

Same for if I get 10 or so shots out from my super soaker in the direction of a guy and die instantly after despite the fact the guy should be dead. That's lag compensation screwing me over right?


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Just a double check. Last night when I got a full spas shot out and it was supposed to hit a guy and kill him, I drop dead instantly after that. Is that lag compensation?

Same for if I get 10 or so shots out from my super soaker in the direction of a guy and die instantly after despite the fact the guy should be dead. That's lag compensation screwing me over right?
Lag compensation is basically when the game gives you "artificial lag"/degrades your connection to the lowest player in the game.

Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
But if they were both on the same connection shouldn't his shots have gone through? This is why it seems as if lag compensation gives those with a worse connection the advantage over those with a better connection.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
But if they were both on the same connection shouldn't his shots have gone through? This is why it seems as if lag compensation gives those with a worse connection the advantage over those with a better connection.
I'm going to say that Thunder got outplayed or it's the horrid hit detection in MW3.

Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
I'm going to say that Thunder got outplayed or it's the horrid hit detection in MW3.
I guess, its so hard to tell when lag comes into play. If you shot a stream of bullets at someone, didn't register and you still died due to lag compensation, its kind of hard to say that lag compensation is making this game an even playing field.
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