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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


smash brawl player 99021

Yes, this is their second double XP weekend. Another one is planned for next month.


A video preview fourzerotwo did with Inside Xbox shows off the new Modern Warfare 2 Resurgence maps is on the dashboard.
Can you link me to that?


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Can you link me to that?
How about you use YouTube next time?


EDIT: They got rid of those gates near the office spawn in Vacant. :(

EDIT 2: They also tweaked Strike a bit by putting another entrance to this place.

Just a reminder: This will be a timed exclusive (30 days) on the Xbox 360/XBLM. No official date has been given for it's release on the PS3 or PC.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
This Better be ****ing cheap. 15 bucks for 5 maps?! And people wonder why I didn't get the first map pack (That and xbox points wise I'm broke).

Back on the TAR vs SCAR. The TAR has a higher Rof, but higher recoil (and more awkward recoil at that). At close range, this is a godsend. At closer ranges, accuracy is not an issue, so Rof or sheer power reign supreme. The TAR has both, the SCAR has one. At longer ranges (and by longer I mean barely past mid [I know, I have used the TAR recently), the TAR's recoil becomes too much of a headache, and the Rof feels pointless. I take nearly an entire clip to nail someone with the TAR from a bit closer than one end of the hedge in wasteland to not even the trenches (B-side near c-point). Again, this really is kinda Mid-Long range, which is about the point that a TAR user throws their hands up and gives up. The SCAR, on the other hand, does not suffer from this problem, and can take that shot with relative ease. At closer range, the lower Rof & abnormally smaller clip size becomes it's undoing.

My decision: it is unfair to say which one is better by just comparing the two. They both serve a different niche and are best off in that area. The TAR is a close range AR, the SCAR is a mid-long range one. Both can intrude on the other's turf with relative ease, but are best in their own niche. It is unfair to just compare both guns to each other & declare a winner.

Which is why we should boost our scale. When one throws other factors into the mix, a more definite conclusion can be made. In this case, we have to remember that the AK-47 is also in this Heavy AR group. The AK-47 is the in between here, with an accuracy higher than the TAR and a Rof outdoing the SCAR. When these three Heavy ARs are compared to each other, the answer becomes a lil' less hazy. The SCAR, now mixed into this trio, is the most accurate, similar to the ACR in the light ARs. The TAR is what the FN200 ought to be, a close range weapon that is of use. The AK-47 and the M4 are the middle grounds of these groups, serving as a bridge between the extremes. So which is best? Considering how similar the Heavy weapons in this group are, there is only two real differences, RoF & and accuracy. Considering the decision by the general public, the most important stat in an AR is: accuracy. All that power is no good if it doesn't go where you want it to go. And for that reason, the SCAR is better, well, sans the clip-size. IMO, the SCAR, being the most accurate heavy AR, is the winner. However, This is only just, as the SCAR's clip-size detracts from it's potential, and the other two are just too ****ing inaccurate for anything longer than mid-range (The AK can stretch it somewhat... but only just). Again, claiming a niche of it's own gave the SCAR the victory.

Tune in next time when I'll be comparing the light ARS!


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Yeah I heard that using YouTube is pretty hard these days.
I ****ing love you.

F8AL, considering you've given links to ALL MW2 news AND most likely have it easy and on hand, it was better to ask you. ESPECIALLY considering the possibility of there being many fake videos posted just to get hits and troll people. Chill.
You're mad pro at reading, yo.

smash brawl player 99021

How about you do something on your own instead of asking me to find stuff for you?
You don't think I looked for it myself? All I found were slideshows of pictures I've already seen.
I ****ing love you.

F8AL, considering you've given links to ALL MW2 news AND most likely have it easy and on hand, it was better to ask you. ESPECIALLY considering the possibility of there being many fake videos posted just to get hits and troll people. Chill.
Yeah I heard that using YouTube is pretty hard these days.
Shouldn't you be reading through some more of my conversations? Or headbutting another controller?


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
Back on the TAR vs SCAR. The TAR has a higher Rof, but higher recoil (and more awkward recoil at that). At close range, this is a godsend. At closer ranges, accuracy is not an issue, so Rof or sheer power reign supreme. The TAR has both, the SCAR has one. At longer ranges (and by longer I mean barely past mid [I know, I have used the TAR recently), the TAR's recoil becomes too much of a headache, and the Rof feels pointless. I take nearly an entire clip to nail someone with the TAR from a bit closer than one end of the hedge in wasteland to not even the trenches (B-side near c-point). Again, this really is kinda Mid-Long range, which is about the point that a TAR user throws their hands up and gives up. The SCAR, on the other hand, does not suffer from this problem, and can take that shot with relative ease. At closer range, the lower Rof & abnormally smaller clip size becomes it's undoing.
TL;DR version: I have trouble aiming the TAR at long range.

My decision: it is unfair to say which one is better by just comparing the two. They both serve a different niche and are best off in that area. The TAR is a close range AR, the SCAR is a mid-long range one. Both can intrude on the other's turf with relative ease, but are best in their own niche. It is unfair to just compare both guns to each other & declare a winner.
Why is this unfair?

Which is why we should boost our scale. When one throws other factors into the mix, a more definite conclusion can be made. In this case, we have to remember that the AK-47 is also in this Heavy AR group. The AK-47 is the in between here, with an accuracy higher than the TAR and a Rof outdoing the SCAR. When these three Heavy ARs are compared to each other, the answer becomes a lil' less hazy. The SCAR, now mixed into this trio, is the most accurate, similar to the ACR in the light ARs. The TAR is what the FN200 ought to be, a close range weapon that is of use. The AK-47 and the M4 are the middle grounds of these groups, serving as a bridge between the extremes. So which is best? Considering how similar the Heavy weapons in this group are, there is only two real differences, RoF & and accuracy. Considering the decision by the general public, the most important stat in an AR is: accuracy. All that power is no good if it doesn't go where you want it to go. And for that reason, the SCAR is better, well, sans the clip-size. IMO, the SCAR, being the most accurate heavy AR, is the winner. However, This is only just, as the SCAR's clip-size detracts from it's potential, and the other two are just too ****ing inaccurate for anything longer than mid-range (The AK can stretch it somewhat... but only just). Again, claiming a niche of it's own gave the SCAR the victory.
The bolded isn't true. The AK and TAR have similar levels of recoil, but TARs is more vertical, making it more manageable. Also, attachments add sway to the AK, making it kind of a useless gun.

As for the italics, who decided that? Power is huge for guns given how many standoffs there are in this game. The TAR with SP kills in 3 shots at any range, where recoil isn't going to matter. If you can't hit a target with 3 shots, you need to work on your aim.

"the SCAR is better, well, sans the clip-size"

Yes exactly, this is what is going to ruin you anywhere at close range. The SCAR basically limits you to long distance because of this reason, as you can't risk taking it into CQC with that small of a clip. Either that or you waste an attachment on ext. mags, which could be much better used elsewhere.

Bottom line, if you can aim and manage recoil, use the TAR. If you can't, well I'd still recommend using the TAR so you learn, but use the SCAR if you don't want to deal. There's a reason the TAR is in the top 3 guns used in GB whereas the SCAR wasn't even on the list.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
TL;DR version: I have trouble aiming the TAR at long range.
You clearly have not tried to nail that Sniper's head in the window all the across Rundown with the Tar and gotten killed for it. The Scar makes that shot seem like a piece of cake.

The bolded isn't true. The AK and TAR have similar levels of recoil, but TARs is more vertical, making it more manageable. Also, attachments add sway to the AK, making it kind of a useless gun.
The Tar's recoil is stupidly awkward. I'd prefer a gun with massive straight vertical recoil than the Tar's.

As for the italics, who decided that? Power is huge for guns given how many standoffs there are in this game. The TAR with SP kills in 3 shots at any range, where recoil isn't going to matter. If you can't hit a target with 3 shots, you need to work on your aim.
Yup, all that power is real good if you can't hit your target reliably.

"the SCAR is better, well, sans the clip-size"

Yes exactly, this is what is going to ruin you anywhere at close range. The SCAR basically limits you to long distance because of this reason, as you can't risk taking it into CQC with that small of a clip. Either that or you waste an attachment on ext. mags, which could be much better used elsewhere.
Wait, but you just:

Fletch[/quote said:
The TAR with SP kills in 3 shots at any range, where recoil isn't going to matter. If you can't hit a target with 3 shots, you need to work on your aim.
Yet apparently a small mag size in the Scar is a problem, despite it having the same requirement? I'm quite confused by this double standard.

Bottom line, if you can aim and manage recoil, use the TAR. If you can't, well I'd still recommend using the TAR so you learn, but use the SCAR if you don't want to deal. There's a reason the TAR is in the top 3 guns used in GB whereas the SCAR wasn't even on the list.
Bottom line, if you want an accurate gun that's just as powerful as the TAR, use the SCAR. If you want to hurt yourself by using a less accurate gun that's not realistic to consistently manage, use the TAR. There's a reason the SCAR is the sexiest gun in the game whereas the TAR is quite an ugly piece of crap.


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
Shouldn't you be reading through some more of my conversations? Or headbutting another controller?
This was totally uncalled for. You could have ended the argument here. If there's another quarrel like this, I'll see to it that everyone involved gets punished. Lighten up on the hate and in the future, try and look things up yourself. F8AL does a lot for this thread and it would be a lot quicker to check yourself.

On a lighter note, the 360 game winner was recorded and I might be able to upload it.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
On a lighter note, the 360 game winner was recorded and I might be able to upload it.
Can't understand what I mean, well you soon will.

Do you go for these every game? I've never actually experienced a "good" time to go for one of these.


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
I found out that the Barenaked Ladies are playing in Florida some time this year, I'll be seeing them.

I only go for them in Search because I play with a friend that can record. He makes montages and whatnot and asks to make the killcams pretty. I go for them regardless, but now I have more motivation to land them because they don't just go away. Now they get saved and uploaded in the next few days.

If anyone knows what I'm talking about, the 3 story sniper building near the A bomb in Search on Quarry. I went up to the tall crates near that and got the spin around quickscope.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2009
Badkid Land
I agree with DeltaCod on the SCAR vs TAR debate.

TAR is a great gun, but ****, the Scar...

I'm loving Vector this prestige, but UMP is still better. :/


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
Yet apparently a small mag size in the Scar is a problem, despite it having the same requirement? I'm quite confused by this double standard.
We'll say you're absolutely perfect with your shots, and never miss. This can give you a guaranteed 6 kills, whereas it gives you a guaranteed 10 kills with the TAR. That's kind of a big difference. Say you spray a bit, and these numbers get even worse.

I agree with DeltaCod on the SCAR vs TAR debate.

TAR is a great gun, but ****, the Scar...

I'm loving Vector this prestige, but UMP is still better. :/
UMP is too good, but I'm starting to have fun with the REAL SMGs, like the MP5k, so good.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN
You're dumb. Get out of here.
Clearly you do not know me; therefore, why would you even make an accusation such as "you're dumb"?

On the subject about Scar vs. Tar, they are both great guns. Just use what you like the best. Most of the time, even though I use the tar more, I just get sick of the horizontal recoil.

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
Icy's dumb. But don't talk about other games in here, or even worse, tell us to play it instead of this game.

I just wasted my 2000th post on this...

EDIT: Just got the map pack yesterday, gotta say.. It sucks balls. Bailout is ****. Salvage is even worse. Storm and Overgrown are okay, at best. Crash is the only saving grace this $15 abomination has.


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
Clearly you do not know me; therefore, why would you even make an accusation such as "you're dumb"?

On the subject about Scar vs. Tar, they are both great guns. Just use what you like the best. Most of the time, even though I use the tar more, I just get sick of the horizontal recoil.
He only said you're dumb because you were trolling by posting negative comments about this game and promoting another game.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
We'll say you're absolutely perfect with your shots, and never miss. This can give you a guaranteed 6 kills, whereas it gives you a guaranteed 10 kills with the TAR. That's kind of a big difference. Say you spray a bit, and these numbers get even worse.
Say you spray a bit, and the TAR uses it's ammo faster than the SCAR. Furthermore, you will never be able to consistently pull off perfect 3 bullet kills with the TAR due to the high RoF and larger recoil, while it's easier with the SCAR to fire the precise amount of bullets you want due to the low RoF and easier to manage recoil.

You use stats for everything, but you have to factor in human ability as well. Stats tell you what's possible assuming perfect play, aim bots that fire the exact number of bullets needed, essentially. Humans are NEVER that precise, at least consistently.

RuNNing Riot

Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2009
United Kingdom
Personally I prefer the SCAR more. The lower rate of fire and higher accuracy mean I can manage my ammo more efficiently. And I simply don't like the TAR's iron sights.


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
I prefer the Uzi over the UMP strictly because it's more fun to use. It's certainly outclassed but something you want to consider. I didn't realize how much I used it until I got the 2,500 kill challenge before I hit second prestige.

RuNNing Riot

Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2009
United Kingdom
I'm using the Mini Uzi right now on my 'Worms' class (with RDS). Danger Close AT4 is wicked good. Oh, and I dare you to guess where I got the name from.. XD

Personally, not the greatest gun ever, rather low damage output, but the recoil is quite manageable, even in full-auto. Reload could be a bit better.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
TL;DR version: I have trouble aiming the TAR at long range.

I don't have trouble aiming anything at long range (Ironically, it's the reverse). The TAR just requires practically an entire clip in order to really do well at that range. A 30 round, high power, stopping power boosted, clip. The SCAR May only dump half a clip at that range. A 20 round, high power, hardline, clip. See the difference?

Why is this unfair?

BECAUSE IT IS ESSENTIALLY TRYING TO COMPARE A SNIPER RIFLE TO AN SMG! (If you do, seriously, don't compare anything.) They are suited for a particular environment (SCAR Mid-long, TAR Close-Mid), and can only intrude on the other's "turf" with some capacity. Similar comparisons can be made with the Power snipers. The Intervention is better as a true sniper, while the Barrett has a more close up "Marksman" role. The Barrett CAN be used as a true sniper, but it's recoil throws off the aim too severely, and the semi-auto nature is ironically detrimental. The inverse is also true, but the sluggish RoF hinders the Intervention's capacity to do much close up. More on that when I get to it.

The bolded isn't true. The AK and TAR have similar levels of recoil, but TARs is more vertical, making it more manageable. Also, attachments add sway to the AK, making it kind of a useless gun.

A: You got it backwards, the AK has vertical recoil while the TAR is all over the place.
B: All sights add sway to the AK, but why the **** are you using sights on the AK?
C: I have used all three Heavy ARs for some time. The SCAR has a recoil a bit above the M4 (barely). The AK starts low, but gradually grows more severe. The TAR starts steady, before relatively quickly jumping all over the place.

As for the italics, who decided that? Power is huge for guns given how many standoffs there are in this game. The TAR with SP kills in 3 shots at any range, where recoil isn't going to matter. If you can't hit a target with 3 shots, you need to work on your aim.

A: The general public that's who! In case you notice, the most popular ARs are the ACR, SCAR, and M16. All are well known for their accuracy and sans the M16 (which is the least accurate of it's group, but still ****ing accurate), the most accurate of their weapons type.
B: The SCAR can also 3 hit at any range with stopping power, and you effectively contradicted yourself.

"the SCAR is better, well, sans the clip-size"

Yes exactly, this is what is going to ruin you anywhere at close range. The SCAR basically limits you to long distance because of this reason, as you can't risk taking it into CQC with that small of a clip. Either that or you waste an attachment on ext. mags, which could be much better used elsewhere.

Mid-Long, and yeah you can, and no you don't need to (I use a heartbeat sensor)

Bottom line, if you can aim and manage recoil, use the TAR. If you can't, well I'd still recommend using the TAR so you learn, but use the SCAR if you don't want to deal. There's a reason the TAR is in the top 3 guns used in GB whereas the SCAR wasn't even on the list.

What is this list that you speak of? No seriously, where is this list? I kinda want to know what some people use.
Bold is me


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
Charizard, ALL attachments add sway to the AK except ACOG. So even if you don't use a sight, and say you want to add silencer, it still adds sway.

TAR all dayyy
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