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Call of Duty: Black Ops


Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
It's just an annoyance for your actual team imo. I mean, the collision with a team mate while using the car is downright horrible. If you touch him even a little bit, you and him will both start getting off course badly.

And then there are freshly died corpses. I mean, when I turbo boosted right at a corpse, my car flew right over my opponent's head and instead of killing him, it only blew up with no damage at all :mad:
How do you turbo boost?


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2008
Made it to level 26 today.

I must say, this game is amazingly fun. It's just a complete ***** to get pro perks. :mad:
Yep. That's exactly how I feel about this game haha. Love it, but it's so annoying to get pro perks. However, I like how it's a challenge and the game is more difficult in general. Teamwork is really needed in this game if you ask me.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Yep. That's exactly how I feel about this game haha. Love it, but it's so annoying to get pro perks. However, I like how it's a challenge and the game is more difficult in general. Teamwork is really needed in this game if you ask me.

I'm in LOVE with Shotguns. To all of you who said they suck: You fail. They're so fun. And I've only been using the first one (Whatever it's called, forgot. Olympia?).

I found a pretty fun killstreak set up: Spy Plane > C Spy Plane > Blackbird

Save the Blackbird for when you die, then use it on spawn to acquire MOAR SPY PLANES.

I was using the Skorpion before, and it's absolutely awful. It's damage drops off too fast, and within the range where it's useful, I'm better off using a shotgun. It would take me 5 bullets to kill people 10 yards in front of me. >_>

RC cars are annoying as crap, but maybe I'm only saying that because I'm not too good at shooting them down yet. >.>''

I like how every gun has its own role in this game.


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
So Nuketown is by far the best map ever. I got an 8 man spray with the Deathmachine and discovered a new "javelin" glitch. Vid should be posted soon once it gets done rendering?


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
I actually saw this earlier today. My best guess is that the missile is being shot from behind (or inside, I guess) your head. And then blows up.


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
Well this is the first video for it online, so if you guys could help spread it, that'd be great.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2008
AK74U with grip is absolute garbage. Why are people saying it's the best gun in the game? Nowhere close.

I got 4 hit markers on a guy virtually 5 feet away from me and he kills me in like 2 shots with an AR. The ARs are so much better than the SMGs in this game. Can't get a decent game with the 74U anymore.

The range on that thing is terrible and the damage blows. Am I missing something here?


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
I just went 104-20-42 with a 74-u with Grip so I could have to disagree with the whole "grip is bad"

I'm really consistent with it, just try Hardline, Sleight of Hand, Hacker.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2008
I'm incredibly inconsistent with the 74U. I always get like 3 hit markers and then die because of the recoil, and close range it happens too. Maybe I shouldn't use marathon and lightweight and play it slow or something, but I tried that and it didn't work out well either because I might as well use an AR if I wanna do that. Donno, just don't really like it anymore.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
I go prone next to a wall waiting for a guy I saw killing my teammate, and the game flips me so I'm facing backwards.

The guy knifes me in the backs.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Oh well time to try it then

And dammit, when I get a gunship in my care package, everybody has a ****ing missile yet when there's like 5 ally helicopters in the air, nobody does bullcrap to shoot them down. That is absolute bull****


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
I guess it's somewhat balanced since the second you die, you don't get another one.

I thought the clip was so good, I should save it. I'll probably upload more silly clips like that so sub if you'd like.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Hey roach, you could make an effort to shoot down the air support if you really wanted to. Don't be so selfish, bro.
First off, you didn't get the point of my post. I said why is it when I get a gunship, suddenly a million RPGs start hitting me at once and yet when me or another one of my teammates get an attack helicopter, nothing happens.

Second off, ok, I'll do that once I get more space for my classes because I have no space atm

Third off, if I really didn't want to be selfish, why should I be selfless if nobody on my team is? You know how much of a chore getting things like Hardline Pro is when you only get Ammo and nobody on your team wants to get it because it's just ammo? Or when for some reason there's a chopper and I haven't died yet nobody cares to bring out the RPGs and ****?

I thought so


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
First off, you didn't get the point of my post. I said why is it when I get a gunship, suddenly a million RPGs start hitting me at once and yet when me or another one of my teammates get an attack helicopter, nothing happens.
Because a Gunship is a larger threat than a simple helicopter. There's numerous factors that go into this. Assuming they used their RPGs on the Gunship, they might not have them to shoot down the Heli so they camp.

Second off, ok, I'll do that once I get more space for my classes because I have no space atm
You always have free space for an air support class. Good lord, just put the launcher on a Ghost class and that's all you need. As if a ****ing Python is going to help you out in a real game.

Third off, if I really didn't want to be selfish, why should I be selfless if nobody on my team is? You know how much of a chore getting things like Hardline Pro is when you only get Ammo and nobody on your team wants to get it because it's just ammo? Or when for some reason there's a chopper and I haven't died yet nobody cares to bring out the RPGs and ****?

I thought so
Because you're playing with randoms and this game rewards you for being selfless. You shoot down a heli, who got points? You, not the teammates that died at the mercy of a killstreak. It hurts your team to just allow them to be spawn ***** by a chopper and you should really know better than to just let something like this slide. Hardline Pro was a breeze to get, did it in one game of Demo on Nuketown because I had a party of friends. You could get it easily if you relaxed a bit and played with even one friend. What's the point of a friends list if you never play with anyone? I'd be more than happy to help you out if you would even so much as invite me. It's not the responsibility of the person that caused the chopper to shoot it down. That burden falls on the entire team, you only proved my point that you are a selfish teammate because you refuse to easily shoot down something that could harm your entire team.

EDIT: Ninja'd by a really smart gentleman


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Because a Gunship is a larger threat than a simple helicopter. There's numerous that go into this. Assuming they used their RPGs on the Gunship, they might not have them to shoot down the Heli so they camp.
Don't they still get kills and are thus an annoyance for the team?

You always have free space for an air support class. Good lord, just put the launcher on a Ghost class and that's all you need. As if a ****ing Python is going to help you out in a real game.
You know, I run out of ammo real quickly in a match because of my spraying style. None of my classes can afford to not have a pistol as a secondary, except for my Ballistic Knife class, and that's because that weapon IS a secondary.

Because you're playing with randoms and this game rewards you for being selfless. You shoot down a heli, who got points? You, not the teammates that died at the mercy of a killstreak. It hurts your team to just allow them to be spawn ***** by a chopper and you should really know better than to just let something like this slide.
You know, you missed a couple of key words in what you quoted. I said if I wasn't selfless :/

Hardline Pro was a breeze to get, did it in one game of Demo on Nuketown because I had a party of friends. You could get it easily if you relaxed a bit and played with even one friend. What's the point of a friends list if you never play with anyone? I'd be more than happy to help you out if you would even so much as invite me. It's not the responsibility of the person that caused the chopper to shoot it down.
Right, like anybody I know at school that actually bought Black Ops for their PS3. If I actually KNEW anyone who bought it for their PS3 instead of their 360, I would've done this so much easier. Besides, you don't have a PS3.

That burden falls on the entire team, you only proved my point that you are a selfish teammate because you refuse to easily shoot down something that could harm your entire team.
Again, missed a couple of key words there

And it's a real dissappointment with the "little surprise" you get for shooting off the heads of the mannequins. I was told that if you shot them off, they'd all come to life and try to kill you or something :/


Smash Master
Nov 11, 2007
Brooklyn,New York
Don't they still get kills and are thus an annoyance for the team?
Attack helicopters get a trivial amount of kills compared to the attack helicopter. Don't even compare the two. It's much more likely for someone to want to take down a gunship or chopper gunner than an attack helicopter. I usually just ignore the attack helicopters. It should make sense to you why all the attack helicopters don't get shot down but your gunship and choppers do.


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
Don't they still get kills and are thus an annoyance for the team?
Not even close to the level of destruction a Gunship brings. A Gunship can change the pace of a game and get anywhere from 10 to 40 kills if nobody tries to shoot it down. The most an Attack Helicopter can do is get 5, assuming some idiots actually RUN OUT INTO THE OPEN.

You know, I run out of ammo real quickly in a match because of my spraying style. None of my classes can afford to not have a pistol as a secondary, except for my Ballistic Knife class, and that's because that weapon IS a secondary.
That's no excuse for not having a class that is designed to shoot down air support. I guarantee that your K/D doesn't suggest that you die because you run out of ammo. If you played the objective, I can assure you that you can afford to have a launcher. You and I both know that you don't have many pistol kills and even then, you could always pick up the guns from your teammates that you claim die all the time. Why the **** would you ever use a ballistic knife when you know a launcher would benefit everyone in the long run. I severely doubt that you get more kills to offset the number of deaths that come with using such a terrible secondary. If you can spare a secondary slot for something that ****ty, I'm sure you can make one and swap it out for a Strela.

You know, you missed a couple of key words in what you quoted. I said if I wasn't selfless :/
Doesn't matter, because that's an "if" situation and I already know you aren't a selfless team player. You play for yourself and your win/loss ratio shows.

Right, like anybody I know at school that actually bought Black Ops for their PS3. If I actually KNEW anyone who bought it for their PS3 instead of their 360, I would've done this so much easier. Besides, you don't have a PS3.
You should have got it for the 360 bro. It doesn't need to be friends from school, we have a small PS3 community here, you can add people in your game, and there are many sites out there, such as hupit gaming that allow you to add and make new friends. You not being social is no excuse for not having people to play with.

Again, missed a couple of key words there
Explain to me what I missed. Next time get your point across instead of posting something very vague.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005

You should just join a clan. When I first got MW2, I played in a couple rounds with a clan, they were very good and I had some good games, I sent them a message and they were nice enough to take me on. Since then I just played with them all the time and it made the game more enjoyable. Just put yourself out there, you don't need to just play with real life friends. People can be very friendly in these games, you just have to find the right ones. I actually think that the PS3 is better in terms of its online community for that as well, so you're in luck. And if you really can't do that, just play with the guys here. I'm going to get this for PS3 instead of 360, so you can play with us whenever I get around to actually buying the game.
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