Tim, I hope you liek.
I will post tutorial on YouTube soon.
You can click the image itself and it shows you the layout of the emblem.
Any chance you can show me how to do a good Wolf emblem?
I tried, and for some reason, it just didn't look right.
Anyway, I've come to you fine gentlemen of Team SWF to deliver a message...
No, not that one. My work schedule is now (unless otherwise stated) 7am - 3pm, Monday through Friday. If you see me online, odds are it is NOT me, unless I say something in here. If it's Netflix, it's probably my wife (she's home sick today, and possibly tomorrow). Although if you see 'me' playing something that I probably wouldn't, someone let me know ASAP. Most of you should have my number. If you send me a message on live, if it's me, I'll get back to you ASAP.
Anyway, that's all...