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Social C. Falcon Social


Smash Master
Aug 13, 2006
Seattle, WA (slightly north of U-District)
techchasing can be easy or hard depending on the opponents DI
any falcon main should know exactly what im talking about
upthrow fox => DI hard away => easy techchase
upthrow fox => DI in => hard techchase (?)
Maybe at low percents, but there's dthrow for that.


good ones make it a huge challenge unless you are playing like god

hax seems to be consistently good though
He does a lot more reaction based stuff/baiting stuff rather than going for reads all the time, imo.

Plus he uses side B a lot which is super likely to hit

Deleted member

yep, the pull back on it makes it good for dodging/counter attacking and hitting it on shield isn't necessarily bad either

some people shield grab raptor boosts too and depending on how big their shield is they may whiff

raptor boosting the back of someone's shield however is usually bad because its a free b-air in 90% of cases


i am also pretty lacking in the falcon vs marth matchup so i often let a side-b rip and hope i scoop them when they n-air


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
The marth matchup is actually really boring if you play it correctly. It is just shield grabs, and WD OoS.

It can be hella fun though if both players are going for flashy stuff instead of standard DD tricks.

Deleted member

that's why i don't like it, i'm not interested in boring standard combos and like the potential of stuff that could happen vs the spacies

i also somewhat have the same problem with peaches but i'm a little bit better, but not up to my standards in that matchup

it's sadly also why i think i phail at easy stuff most falcons can do like land up-throw/ d-throw knee, either that or i suck at pulling off easier things


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
I rarely try for cool things in the fox MU. I always feel like I'm running away from him the entire match, so every grab i get is a huge relief and i never want to blow it doing something dumb.

Deleted member

i like matchups where theres a lot of in-fighting. Fox ( except for mango) is one I extremely enjoy

On paper, fox might beat out falcon in terms of in-fighting, but figuring out the flow of opponents and their weaknesses and beating them straight up is one of the funnest things to me about smash. AND EVERYONE has a flow, better players are better at hiding it but everyones only human.

I'd say thats why in friendlies at Apex, I had a lot of fun plaing the ganons like Kage and Linguini because all we did was do close quarters combat all day long, no gay dash dancing camping. we just want to beat the **** out of each other


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2010
On paper, fox might beat out falcon in terms of in-fighting, but figuring out the flow of opponents and their weaknesses and beating them straight up is one of the funnest things to me about smash. AND EVERYONE has a flow, better players are better at hiding it but everyones only human.
Best thing I've read all year.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 8, 2009
My personal favorite option coverage is Dthrow near the ledge, pivot Bair to cover missed tech / tech in place and regrab the techrolls because the ledge shortens their techroll away
are you talking about shffling a bair towards the ledge such that even if they roll in (away from the ledge) or towards the ledge you can regrab them?
i actually never thought of doing that but it seems like a good idea lol

i just went through this in my head and its AMAZING LOL

Deleted member

i used to do it a lot and its pretty good but I'm not sure how good it is on very abusive foxes who DI down-throws hellllllllllllllllllllllla down and away

not bad if they Don't DI away though


Smash Journeyman
Dec 8, 2009
also i think ive maybe (???) come to a realization about fox vs falcon... in this matchup both sides have a tough time dealing with pressure
usually us as falcons we are easily overwhelmed by foxes insane speed, shield pressure and extremely fast tech chases... auto combos, regrabs and such
but if u think about it fox also has a hard time dealing with some of falcons ****, foxes die extremely easily due to their weight, they are vulnerable to chain grabs, tech chases, jab reset => knee, and they also have a hard time dealing with gentleman in infighting situations

what im trying to say basically i think is that this matchup is very like... momentum based
whoever puts on more pressure and moves faster will pretty much have the upper hand. i was watching some s2j matches from big house such as this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7q-iUxG6a-k&feature=related and s2j is pretty much moving really really fast
hes not really playing in a typical 'gay' style. hes just moving fast and putting on the pressure on offense which maybe is a good way to play this matchup (???) lol.

btw the kind of pressure im referring to that foxes have a hard time dealing with is this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7q-iUxG6a-k&feature=related#t=5m32s
when the momentum is extremely against them... basically its exactly what we complain about against fox... when they're basically all over your *** and you aren't even able to reset back to neutral

Deleted member


about that set. I was definitely moving way too fast. Things may have worked out for me and lovage in the end since we got 1st/2nd but some chicago mother phucker snored way too ****ing loud the night before and I had about 30 minutes of sleep

i mean, unknown suicided a few times and he still beat me, nothing more to say! pwnd!!

edit: watched that clip u linked, guess i wasn't playing as bad as i thought but still..

in terms of your question, my style seems viable, i mean it works for me but maybe not for you. The reason why I don't like matchup guidelines that tell you strictly what to do like dash dance camp until u get a grab is because there simply isn't only one way to play.

i hate dash dance camping for the record. i even feel like a douche when a fox full hop n-airs at me unsafely and i just do a quick dash dance and grab


gentlemen is very good vs fox too but only if you space it correctly, most foxes can crouch it at low percents + if falcon is too close they are gunna get punished. I've seen some elite foxes crouch+ smash DI the jabs inside so they can get in my grill and **** me


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
are you talking about shffling a bair towards the ledge such that even if they roll in (away from the ledge) or towards the ledge you can regrab them?
i actually never thought of doing that but it seems like a good idea lol

i just went through this in my head and its AMAZING LOL
It might work with knee too now that I think about it but getting the regrab with knee is harder and I think this might even work on Falco if you're fast enough

Although at this point I'm making stuff up because when I think about it I've never tried it on a Falco haha

Deleted member

back air is quicker no doubt about it, success rate is definitely higher than knee

trust me though, a lot of these cases are ***** by spacies (esp falco since his tech roll goes further) DI-ing down and away abusively. KNEE IN PLACE AND MISS --> attempt to cover tech away won't work if its on an even plane with no edges and they DI down and away.

I won't lie, b-air is a great idea and I used it sometimes. One of the reasons why I stopped is because assuming opponent is competent, its usually not as rewarding as stomp/knee.

I sometimes do still do it but its often a mistake of my spacing then I back-air since its the only thing i can do

there's no magic formula of guaranteed tech chases in 100% of spots unless you have godlike reflexes. Even then, spacies abusing 'edge'-cancelling by flopping their bodies on stage edges or platform edges to become safe make it so forever regrabs are impossible



Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
Thorough lack of setups would be my guess <_< I feel like every time I saw someone I'd want to play they were already part of a 4 man rotation or something

I'll find you next tournament!!

Deleted member

i did not experience such rotations but thats because I played when everyone else was watching the tournament matches, playing people who I literally can only play once a year at best is better than watching dudes play tourney

i missed some sick javi matches but 0 regrets


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
Ok well
In that case I would've felt too big for my britches jumping into an s2j + KK rotation <_< haha

I'll man up next time

Deleted member

going 3-1 and not making it out of pools isn't right in almost any circumstance

so...yeah i would have to agree although there are probably many other horrible cases that occured too


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2011
Fashion Sense Back Room
Why do you complain about throwing turnips in friendlies? -__-

Why have your parents not been sent to debtor's prison, leaving you to pursue your lifelong dream of being a dickens street urchin?

These are complex questions, and this is a compound sentence.
LOOOOL how did i not see this


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2009
are you talking about shffling a bair towards the ledge such that even if they roll in (away from the ledge) or towards the ledge you can regrab them?
i actually never thought of doing that but it seems like a good idea lol

i just went through this in my head and its AMAZING LOL
marth strategies at the ledge


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2009
What do you think separates me as a semi decent player to a top tier player?

****** me in a money match when I was 100% confident it would go to 3rd game


The only thing separating you seemed to be your seeding ROFL
Everyone in the US was crazy good though so I think it must be EXTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMELY hard to separate top players from the high level ones.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 11, 2006
Orlando, FL
the difference between high tier players and top tier players is consistency IMO since the tech skill difference between those isnt much


Smash Grimer
Aug 16, 2005
Ann Arbor, MI
Consistency in: controlling space, pressuring the opponent, and taking the stock after you've landed a solid hit IMO


Smash Ace
Feb 7, 2010
In the Land of Amazeia...
My biggest training tool is actually playing slower than I usually do during push and pull phases. I do this so my opponent can more effectively see how I'm zoning, approaching, defending, etc. Once they get used to what I'm doing, I'll simply increase the speed. Their reactions to my play will pick up in response. Once they can contend with what I'm doing vs them, I'll drop the speed back down and switch strats. Rinse and repeat.

One of the issues in the game is that, at the speed most of the high/top level plays, so much can easily go unnoticed if you don't know what to look for.

Punishment, you should obviously try and go all out (at a speed you can be consistent at) until you have a good sense of what combo trees are available to your level of technical ability and then maintain those until you improve. Make that **** your bread and butter. Once you have more speed, you can start getting creative and make the next tier of connections your bread and butter. Rinse and repeat.

Technical errors are much more common if you try to play as fast as possible all of the time. Playing like that is like training for a marathon by sprinting a half mile every day. You want to run at a solid pace for 5 miles and throw in a stretch of sprinting here and there, not blow your load in the first 2 minutes.

In addition, if you go from 0-60 like that and your thought processes can't keep up with the speed yet, even if you don't make a technical error, you will make bad decisions because of a disconnect between current location of character and previous. People that play like that tend to watch their own character more than watching the opponent's. The consequence of doing so is that their reaction to the opponent's actions are greatly delayed.

And you guys all know what happens when you make a technical error or a bad decision: Armada downsmashes you once and death combos you out of it. Mango finds you shielding and goes in hard. Hbox rests you. M2K grabs you. Javi quintuple shines you offstage somehow. Etc.

Basically: Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. Build up to what you want to do, do it consistently for a while, then move on to something else. Go back every once in a while to keep rust off and to ensure your responses are solid.

Edit: I used to get a lot of **** for being a sandbagger because I would do this. I didn't really understand the reasons behind it years ago, but... you know... with age comes wisdom dark side something something.

this is some pretty good insight into what makes a top player


Smash Ace
Dec 8, 2007
learning on the fly against new opponents. pros pick up on certain parts of your game they can exploit and adapt to quickly. Also, matchup experience against all of the entire tournament-viable characters.

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
s2j I want to know your thoughts on playing Tope both times. What do you think about the matchup overall as a whole? What do you think Tope does so much better than the other Sheiks that makes it that much harder?


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
what thread did you take that from duckpimp? must be some good discusson going on for cactus to post something like that.

Deleted member

s2j I want to know your thoughts on playing Tope both times. What do you think about the matchup overall as a whole? What do you think Tope does so much better than the other Sheiks that makes it that much harder?
My first thought on playing Tope is this is pretty ****ing gay because I am a 1st seed that is facing another 1st seed that happened to be Tope. That in itself is like a 1/60 chance so that is pretty unlucky. Instant 2nd seed when about 50/60~ of the other first seeds for round 1 im confident I coulda beat them pretty easily

Playing him a 2nd time is also extremely gay but I was already in a 'i lost' mood because I lost to Armada 2nd round for the 3rd time in a row for nationals

nevertheless, i tried, and got whooped harder than in pools


falcon vs shiek if shiek sucks (aka not TOPE) is pretty close to even. Tope makes it 70/30, and literally only him. He is by far the hardest shiek I have played in my life, harder than mew2king, kirbykaze, etc.

to me, what tope does is different is what he doesn't do. Tope does not for any special tricks. He just goes with what is guaranteed to work and pulls it off well.

Seamless tech chases, strong fundamentals in terms of comboing, knowing what will work, and saying no to my falcon gimmicks/ tricks

He just assassinates falcons with no remorse, no soul. I am done goingi falcon vs. him and I am not kidding. Literally only vs him I am going to go Falco in tournament


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
what thread did you take that from duckpimp? must be some good discusson going on for cactus to post something like that.
Lol. Not really. s2j just asked me to teach him how to improve, and (even if it was a troll request) I care about his improvement a whole lot more than most people, so I wrote up a nice summary of my methods/approach/mindset.


I probably should have just told him to latehit uair people off the ground more. That **** is sex.
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