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Social C. Falcon Social


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2008
s2j just kind of looked at me like i was ******** every time i would be near him / watching his matches.

sorry i couldn't give you 5$, driver (bolt) had to leave because he was feeling terrible at the end of day 3. (i was the one who asked you and sfat for MM after i mm'd darrell + kage)

i'm dropping falcon most likely. actually, i probably won't because $mike would kill me if i did but i think i'm going to second him.

i felt the same way about apex. it was ******** and honestly, letting people enter as different names causing STUPID upsets is straight ********. wish both rooms were used through the 3 days too. last thoughts on apex: zzz. i had more fun watching people play and at the hotel with pc chris + tfs than at the actual tourney.
I just keep getting sicker. =(


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2009
WTF NAKAMARU you were there? why didn't we play?

u 2 rocky i saw u plug in then u left
LOL i must've misunderstood you & linguini then, you didn't seem interested in having a 3 man rotation and someone else i had been wanting to play for a while was playing at another setup so i just like scurried away.

Jpeg: Haha i only won the first set because you missed that final edgeguard. you're hella good though and i hope to see you again

Nakamaru i have no idea. i was the white kid with kinda long brown hair. didn't play teams much at this tourney so probably wasn't me


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Yes it can kill at like 30% from ledge height easily. lol. I am really confident my timing that's why I needed to kill him asap because I can't let S2j run around too much, he's too dangerous lol.

Deleted member

our MM was definitely a fun set, i woulda been pretty sad though if i lost 2-3 though lool


Smash Lord
Nov 13, 2011
Atl North
I'm not the average smash player, in terms of I only incorporated wavedashing practically about two months ago...

But I was wondering if anyone had any good reads/guides on Falcon. Maybe in depth into the playstyle/objectives/basics.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2007
**** Rapids, MN
After you survival DI and are hovering way above the stage, coming down with a Falcon Punch surprises a ton of people lol. Don't double jump, just wiggle out of the hitstun and straight up Falcon Punch as you drift back towards the edge.
i think i know where you got this from

Deleted member

I'm not the average smash player, in terms of I only incorporated wavedashing practically about two months ago...

But I was wondering if anyone had any good reads/guides on Falcon. Maybe in depth into the playstyle/objectives/basics.
i have many reads/guides circling around in my head

but gunna be LAME and have you figure them out yourself as you get better. I think that's the best way to improve rather than just copy what other people do

I'm down to give some tips or what I think is best in the right situation though, but whats best for me is not best for everybody especially since im a weird falcon


Smash Champion
Mar 4, 2011
Falco Bair
everyone ****ing did. and thats why it was the saddest smash moment for me ever

people who I barely knew walked up to me even before brackets were made and told me that they wanted me to or that I had to beat Armada for them.

I was definitely emo as **** for the rest of my trip. people who i hung out with could sense it too. giawhgo;weaihoagwijdvbdx


Apex problems from my eyes:

1. Alex Strife is an IDIOT

-This is probably the biggest problem in all of Apex. I feel that most of the problems were a direct cause of Alex Strife's either incompetent TO-ing and/or his actual lack of taking part of trying to run the tourney.

I'm assuming he did not actually even try to run the tournament and just operated as mediocre hype man or BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD- idea giver that only served to waste time.

Here is a direct quote from Alex Strife post tournament: "LETS GIVE IT UP FOR APEX GAIS WOOOOOOOOO YEAH APEXXXXXXXX"

0 people cheered. 5 minutes later he tried it again like 5-6 times. Alex Strife is a moron. Not only is he a moron but he is a ****ing annoying moron that needs to know when to shut the **** up and not repeat his pitiful cries for hype

At least he is a moron that successfully advertised and made 2nd biggest tournament of all time. But he really coulda made the tournament a lot better. The tournament was only GOOD because of the people there and the game itself, Melee. The actual tournament running aspect was fairly bad at best.

Scar said this all the time that Alex Strife was hella stupid. he's right!


I probably shoulda went straight into the problems of Apex but I really had to stress how stupid Alex Strife seemed.

Here they were:

First day of Apex: We had 2 big *** rooms. 1 room used for running the Melee Tournament The other half for Brawl friendlies. What's the point? Why not just use both rooms for running the tournament?

Day 2, this swapped, one room was used for Brawl tourney, and the other had setups for Melee friendlies.

HUGE waste of potiential time. Saturday most people had nothing to do. I initially got extremely high. Then got extremely drunk.

Some wayyyyyyyyyyy better options:

Best option IMO:

Run Melee/ brawl concurrently in each respective room rather than use half the rooms for 2 days. If you used both rooms on the first 2 days we would have double productivity.

Not as good but still good:
Only run Melee hardcore both rooms, then run Brawl hardcore in both rooms next day.

2. Alex Strife likes to waste time for no reason for stuff people don't care about

Crew battles- Alex Strife wanted to waste time bringing Isai out of nowhere even though he clearly had no interest and waste time with Captain Jack.

Makes us stop playing friendlies and threatening people with evictions when there is no reason to stop (already discussed)

Repeated stupid attempts to raise hype that works 20% of the time

3. Alex Strife wants US to make up for HIS **** UPS! WTF!

- Day 1, Alex Strife made everything take hella long, then demands us to stay till we finish top 8 brackets in singles. We started playing round 2 pools at about 11- midnight and he wants us to stay till 4 am. That's hella whack and rightfully none of us wanted that ****

4. other meh stuff
- We finished up to top 9 in teams Day 1 at around 6 pm. Why not just finish teams off at the very least?

5. bad planning (which I blame 95% on Alex Strife's part) in terms of recording and other stuff:

Many many matches were not recorded despite a team assembled to record matches. I blame Alex Strife again of course.


So I did not like the tournament running aspect of Apex. Which was extremely bad. Alex Strife may have made it come together but he clearly did not intend on taking part in the actual running. He wanted to be the guy with the mic who hyped us tournament sets (even then, he's still pretty bad)

I also did not like getting ***** by Armada. SIGH

What I loved was the people there, and Melee itself. I'm convinced that this would probably be the worst tournament ever if it were any other video game but the fact that Melee is so **** despite being 10 years old turned an abysmal tournament into a "good" national that, if not planned by a moron, could potentially have been as good as the Genesis tournaments held by DBR/ Juggleguy. Those guys know what they are doing and not an idiot yelling **** into a mic to generate hype.

class soon cya later

Agreed with pretty much everything here. Apex was a disaster. To add on some things which I felt you addressed somewhat, seeding for pools was a complete nightmare. I'm still trying to figure out why I had Armada in my first round pool when I've taken first seed in the last two nationals I've gone to. By contrast, people like Pikalex (RANDOM from Montreal) and Mofo (who I **** regularly, <3 you tho julien) got more or less auto 1st seeds in their respective pools. This issue continued on into second round, and apparently into bracket. Some of the people who made bracket .... very questionable.


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
He was in me + nintendude's pool

I suck and Nintendude plays ICs
I took a game but I'm terrible at the Peach matchup :\ (plus just not being very good)


Smash Ace
Nov 17, 2007
Vegas, NV
S2j, since Falcon's Ftilt has weaker knockback than Ganon's.. I'm pretty sure you can catch people doing a DI away if they expect an upair.. possibly forcing a no tech to a free aerial?
I also usually try using (spamming) CC->Downangled ftilt vs spacies, sheik, and others the same way Fox/falco spam cc-shine if their approching opponent doesnt space correctly. Goes the same with a lot of other moves too (peach/sheik dsmash).
And the best part about it is that ftilt will reach father than shine will, punishing more spacing distances (not good vs marth, usually).

You just have to make sure of two things:
you are using it at knockdown %s (not a HUGE mistake if you dont, but you can get a lot more from the move if so, and sometimes the opponent is able to counter you back from your ccftilt)
And that you are not spamming it too hard to the point where, if you get knocked down from it, you end up buffering a getup attack from it. . . it seems to be one of the most blatant getup attack spots and average+ opponents will always punish you for it.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2010
dunno if this is the right place to post this but it was cool being able to play hax in r1 pools :) my pikachu probably made the most underwhelming impression ever though lol...didn't even cg on fd :urg:


Smash Lord
Nov 13, 2011
Atl North
dunno if this is the right place to post this but it was cool being able to play hax in r1 pools :) my pikachu probably made the most underwhelming impression ever though lol...didn't even cg on fd :urg:
I would have ran to watch this game had I known it was taking place lol. Two cool players.

EDIT: I will now practice wavedashing for the next hour listening to my ipod, I will hate it no doubt, music making it more bearable, but I wanna improve that much. Yesterday I did short hops for hour sets with about a 5 minute break in each.

Deleted member

robin hood where do u live, practicing by urself is not a bad to improve but playing with people (slightly) better than u is by far the best way to get better


Smash Lord
Nov 13, 2011
Atl North
I play with people better than me quite often, which is why I want to get my tech skill much better = ) No doubt I have the least often victories among them ;)

And I live in Yonkers, NY and go to school in Farmingdale, Long Island and travel between the two quite frequently during the school year.

Just finished my first half hour set, I notice my wavedashes end with Falcon pulling out his shield a lot. Am I holding R too long? Jeez you need fast fingers for this. Any tips?


Smash Master
Aug 13, 2006
Seattle, WA (slightly north of U-District)
I also usually try using (spamming) CC->Downangled ftilt vs spacies, sheik, and others the same way Fox/falco spam cc-shine if their approching opponent doesnt space correctly. Goes the same with a lot of other moves too (peach/sheik dsmash).
And the best part about it is that ftilt will reach father than shine will, punishing more spacing distances (not good vs marth, usually).

You just have to make sure of two things:
you are using it at knockdown %s (not a HUGE mistake if you dont, but you can get a lot more from the move if so, and sometimes the opponent is able to counter you back from your ccftilt)
And that you are not spamming it too hard to the point where, if you get knocked down from it, you end up buffering a getup attack from it. . . it seems to be one of the most blatant getup attack spots and average+ opponents will always punish you for it.
Why not CC grab instead?


Smash Lord
Nov 13, 2011
Atl North
Just did about 300 wavelands. Before tonight, I totaled about 2 lifetime. No words can describe how badly I want to improve.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2010
If you're trying to crunch tech I suggest listening to something like an hour-long talk show/interview/podcast/etc. instead so it lasts longer, music isn't interesting enough imo and can interfere with game audio (which is a really useful way to learn the timing for a lot of things).


Smash Ace
Nov 17, 2007
Vegas, NV
Why not CC grab instead?
at first thought. . .
Might be a bit easier to get more from the ftilt (would lead into a dair, which can turn into a grab), seems harder to do w/o accidently shielding, would reach further and not get outspaced -> tilted/smashed, and isnt it faster?

I do use grab, but mostly in spots where I know im close enough to get a grab in. . . I will definitely try it more tho . . . maybe im wrong


Smash Ace
Feb 7, 2010
In the Land of Amazeia...
If you're trying to crunch tech I suggest listening to something like an hour-long talk show/interview/podcast/etc. instead so it lasts longer, music isn't interesting enough imo and can interfere with game audio (which is a really useful way to learn the timing for a lot of things).
i listen to ted talks


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
i have many reads/guides circling around in my head

but gunna be LAME and have you figure them out yourself as you get better. I think that's the best way to improve rather than just copy what other people do

I'm down to give some tips or what I think is best in the right situation though, but whats best for me is not best for everybody especially since im a weird falcon
I have a question. Have you ever had trouble with tech chase timing and what did you do to get over it?

My tech chasing skill fluctuates so much. I can do really well at times and just fail hard for a while and I'm looking to try to make it more consistent.

By far the worst thing I do is when I expect a certain tech and I miss the punish (usually by reacting too fast). I've had this problem for so long maybe getting additional thoughts on how to properly learn timing for tech chasing would help me.


Smash Grimer
Aug 16, 2005
Ann Arbor, MI
Jpeg, I don't see how CC ftilt is better than CC grab in any way... the latter is easier to do, more consistent, and leads into just as many followups.


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
If you surprise them they might not tech the Ftilt then you knee them with great prejustice or something

Although I usually just CC run away because I'm a wimp

Deleted member

I have a question. Have you ever had trouble with tech chase timing and what did you do to get over it?

My tech chasing skill fluctuates so much. I can do really well at times and just fail hard for a while and I'm looking to try to make it more consistent.

By far the worst thing I do is when I expect a certain tech and I miss the punish (usually by reacting too fast). I've had this problem for so long maybe getting additional thoughts on how to properly learn timing for tech chasing would help me.
i am not the guy to ask for tech chasing haha, its one of my weaker aspects although when im really in the groove i tech chase very well

so i also fluctuate a lot, but after I do some school HW i'll think of a good answer


Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2006
why did ambix make bracket?
Why do you complain about throwing turnips in friendlies? -__-

Why have your parents not been sent to debtor's prison, leaving you to pursue your lifelong dream of being a dickens street urchin?

These are complex questions, and this is a compound sentence.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 8, 2009
techchasing can be easy or hard depending on the opponents DI
any falcon main should know exactly what im talking about
upthrow fox => DI hard away => easy techchase
upthrow fox => DI in => hard techchase (?)

Deleted member

techchasing can be easy or hard depending on the opponents DI
any falcon main should know exactly what im talking about
upthrow fox => DI hard away => easy techchase
upthrow fox => DI in => hard techchase (?)

good ones make it a huge challenge unless you are playing like god

hax seems to be consistently good though


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
DI in on upthrow gets you a regrab, or you don't have to move if they hit the ground o_O

I suck at techchasing so whatever

My personal favorite option coverage is Dthrow near the ledge, pivot Bair to cover missed tech / tech in place and regrab the techrolls because the ledge shortens their techroll away

It's pretty sweet and people should use it more because it's basically 100% option coverage
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