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Social C. Falcon Social


Deleted member

there are no vids of me getting my *** *****

that vid isn't that good for learning the matchup IMO but if it helps u then thats fine

@ dan no. Kirbykaze messed up big time by not fast falling ( i think don't feel like rewatching) and missing an L-Cancel

In those spots though you usually end up with a knee to shiek's shield, which is pretty good


Smash Lord
Nov 13, 2011
Atl North
Was just wondering how everyone controls their Falcon.

Copy-Pasta and fill out the following:

Short-Hop Aerials:

Here's mine-

Wavedash: Y(Right Thumb)+R(Right Pointer Finger)
Short-Hop: Y(Riight Thumb)
L-Cancel: L(Left Pointer)
Grab: Y(Right Thumb)+Z(Right Pointer)
Short-Hop Aerials: Y(Right Thumb)+Cstick(Right Thumb)

Anyone have any unique or unusual control methods?

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
My first thought on playing Tope is this is pretty ****ing gay because I am a 1st seed that is facing another 1st seed that happened to be Tope. That in itself is like a 1/60 chance so that is pretty unlucky. Instant 2nd seed when about 50/60~ of the other first seeds for round 1 im confident I coulda beat them pretty easily

Playing him a 2nd time is also extremely gay but I was already in a 'i lost' mood because I lost to Armada 2nd round for the 3rd time in a row for nationals

nevertheless, i tried, and got whooped harder than in pools


falcon vs shiek if shiek sucks (aka not TOPE) is pretty close to even. Tope makes it 70/30, and literally only him. He is by far the hardest shiek I have played in my life, harder than mew2king, kirbykaze, etc.

to me, what tope does is different is what he doesn't do. Tope does not for any special tricks. He just goes with what is guaranteed to work and pulls it off well.

Seamless tech chases, strong fundamentals in terms of comboing, knowing what will work, and saying no to my falcon gimmicks/ tricks

He just assassinates falcons with no remorse, no soul. I am done goingi falcon vs. him and I am not kidding. Literally only vs him I am going to go Falco in tournament
Yeah and how you say what he doesn't do with special tricks and etc. I personally think the trick is to just staying on the ground vs Falcon. Realize that you can stuff most of his approaches if you react well enough as Sheik.

I think M2K tends to do a bit too many fairs to keep Falcons out of his face when he doesn't really need to risk anything. Either way good thoughts s2j. Crazy that he'd make you go Falco. I like your Falco a lot too though like your Falcon haha so it'd be cool to see and I think you could win with Falco too.

Dan -Zodiac-

Smash Apprentice
Feb 10, 2011
South Jersey
Do the majority of Falcons use X? Also, if I'm wavedashing oos I'll switch off the shields with L.
i did that when i first started practicing it, now i generally just release R a little and press it.

and i use X for basically everything. only use Y for multishine (attempt) and quick jump -> fair/bair to the right, i find it easier to snap the finger down to right on the c stick from the Y button (usually just for marth sh double fair).

the only tech skill factor that ive come across myself that might not just be preference is l canceling with L. im right handed so my hand-eye coordination isnt quite as good with my lefty so i will miss it sometimes in situations not handled completely by muscle memory. unfortunately ive been using L since i started learning, so the change is going to be hard

Deleted member

Yeah and how you say what he doesn't do with special tricks and etc. I personally think the trick is to just staying on the ground vs Falcon. Realize that you can stuff most of his approaches if you react well enough as Sheik.

I think M2K tends to do a bit too many fairs to keep Falcons out of his face when he doesn't really need to risk anything. Either way good thoughts s2j. Crazy that he'd make you go Falco. I like your Falco a lot too though like your Falcon haha so it'd be cool to see and I think you could win with Falco too.
Ur 100% right. Hope Sheiks don't read this topic



Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2005
Honestly, I think the Sheik meta is just not well-developed.

Most defensive options entail the following for most characters

1. Shield
2. Roll
3. Spot Dodge
4. Run away

With each of these options we have a counter. Grab the shield, chase the roll, wait for the spot dodge, and limit the space on a person running away. However, there are many sub-options that Sheik's don't account for.

If Sheik attacks a shield with a tilt.

Option 1 for falcon now divides into

1a.) Buffer Jump
1aa.) Short hop stomp
1ab.) Short hop nair
1ac.) Full hop away
1b.) Buffer roll
1ba.) Buffer roll left
1bb.) Buffer roll right

I can go on and so forth on the many path's that falcon can take off of sheik's offfense. Sheiks are lagging behind in knowing the pieces of the chess puzzle that Falcons know of.


Smash Lord
Nov 13, 2011
Atl North
I wanna improve so bad, my fingers hurt. Just did strict wavedashing, wavelanding, platform tricksies, and recovery from the edge attacks for the past two hours.

The best part, my fingers still move, which means I can still practice. So you can assume what I'm going to do now.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 8, 2009
Dunno where else to post this but do anyone amateur tourneygoers such as myself get a serious case of performance anxiety? I feel like I just play at least like 10x worse on tourney day just on pure nervousness...


Smash Lord
Feb 10, 2009
Lyon, France
It happens to pretty much everyone starting to go at tournaments.
There isn't really a miracle cure to this, apart from going to more and more tourneys.

Tourney pressure is something you'll get used to eventually.


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2006
land of the free
TaFoKiNtS said:
I can go on and so forth on the many path's that falcon can take off of sheik's offfense. Sheiks are lagging behind in knowing the pieces of the chess puzzle that Falcons know of.
i don't want to live in a world where sheiks actually learn the mu then


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
If you want to get used to tournament pressure. Start doing more MM after you get knocked out. Or do MM with your crew for food, shotgun on trips, candy, women, etc etc.

You just need to get used to playing while something is on the line.


Smash Hero
Apr 16, 2009
i just got over tourney nerves at the big house. before that every other tourney id ever been to i was nervous as ****.

too bad i havent really played but like 3 times since then................. and 0 tournies ofcourse.


Smash Lord
Nov 13, 2011
Atl North
I want to expedite my progress as a smasher. I play about 3 - 4 times a week with friends who are of a higher level of play than me. I don't get my *** handed to me, I'd say I take about 1 every 4 matches. Most of the matches are close. I also devote about an hour(minimum, sometimes two) a day just to working on tech skill with Falcon(wavedashing, wavelanding, moonwalking[which I finally did!!!!], and just moving around the map more fluidly. I've also gone in alone with another controller plugged in and just took slight note of what attacks can lead into others.

I'm taking things one at a time before moving on to the next step. Next up is L-canceling and shuffles. That will probably begin within the next two days or so.

However, I want to maximize my improvement and be as efficient as possible. Any recommendations?


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2006
land of the free
read that post of cactuar's that someone linked somewhere around here. might have been in scar's thread. more generally, i'd say be sure to play with a purpose. i don't play a lot myself, but when i do i try focus on a few aspects of my game to isolate in a particular session.

edit: for example i may focus on tech chasing in general one match, or only tech chasing with dthrow one match and uthrow another match.


Smash Lord
Nov 13, 2011
Atl North
read that post of cactuar's that somewhere linked somewhere around here. might have been in scar's thread. more generally, i'd say be sure to play with a purpose. i don't play a lot myself, but when i do i try focus on a few aspects of my game to isolate in a particular session.

edit: for example i may focus on tech chasing in general one match, or only tech chasing with dthrow one match and uthrow another match.
Ima do that, thanks for the help.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2009
having access to a hacked version of melee with c-stick enabled in training mode is extremely useful. Get your hands on this. With it, you can practice all sorts of stuff such as setting the computer at specific percents to practice certain things over and over again.

you can also use the star item to give the cpu immunity so you can practice l canceling when hitting an opponent's shield with aerials.

if you have a training friend, have them take control of the CPU in training mode and practice like...certain things over and over again..

i wish i had a person to do that with whom will just do what i say in training mode and DI certain ways or do certain things. that's your hyperbolic time chamber training right there


Smash Lord
Nov 13, 2011
Atl North
Right now I'm about here:

This is where I see myself in about two weeks time with L-Canceling and SHUFFLing timings down good:

This is where I want to be:

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