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Social C. Falcon Social


Smash Hero
Apr 16, 2009
Oh ok. Well he still doesnt know ****, but neither does the people running the melee pools apparently.

I havent actually looked at them yet though ><



Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Ah, ****sticks.

Who do I owe $20 to? PM me and I'll paypal it to you as soon as vids/confirmation of some sort comes out.

I don't check this thread often so make sure to message me.

Deleted member

Part 1


HOw did I feel about apex? Pretty mixed feelings overall

In terms of how I would do I thought pretty good or pretty bad based on bracket luck. Didn't get a good bracket so did bad. Tope hard counters me. Hardest shiek I've ever played. Armadas a bit different tho but I'll save that for the next part

Part 2 later cuz typing on phoneSUX


Deleted member

They ****ed up I got 1st seed


Almost got jiped hard but luckily the 3rd seed guy who accidentally got put in didn't grime it up

Deleted member

Part 2


Next update when I get home typing on phone is annoying



Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Update 1, S2j is ****ing good.. scary as hell to play him with Ganon in this present time. Making the correct guesses often is mad hard omg. lol


Smash Ace
Dec 8, 2007
yo apex was awesome. had some awesome friendlies w/ ppl. There was a lack of setups IMO :/

edit: thoughts on fast technical fox vs. falcon after seeing javi vs. hax? seems like when a fox is that freaking fast, falcon can't beat the constant pressure... s2j, you could probably say a bit on this with your experience vs. lovage even though his style is kinda different from javi

Deleted member

yo apex was awesome. had some awesome friendlies w/ ppl. There was a lack of setups IMO :/

edit: thoughts on fast technical fox vs. falcon after seeing javi vs. hax? seems like when a fox is that freaking fast, falcon can't beat the constant pressure... s2j, you could probably say a bit on this with your experience vs. lovage even though his style is kinda different from javi
I hella wanted to play him in try mode.i think I have a shot at beating him. Sadly after he lost to hbox I got him to play two friendlies where he went shiek



Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
i started to download javi towards the end of our second game. i was caught off guard at first because i haven't played a fox that approaches that quickly/recklessly in a while. i can definitely take him

that being said i don't mind losing to him at all cause without him vs pp there wouldn't have been a single match for the ages all tournament


Smash Lord
Nov 13, 2011
Atl North
i started to download javi towards the end of our second game. i was caught off guard at first because i haven't played a fox that approaches that quickly/recklessly in a while. i can definitely take him

that being said i don't mind losing to him at all cause without him vs pp there wouldn't have been a single match for the ages all tournament
Hax you have a hella fast Falcon. Apex was the first tournament I ever went to and man when you got that triple chain grab to knee on SFAT to win the series, brix were ****.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
i almost **** brix too cause i thought i died off the bottom before he did rofl

Citizen Snips

Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2010
Yardley PA
Hax, you did really well this tournament.

Do you have any tips for how to survive going falcon only in a tournament of that size?
Falcon's not a hard character. All you have to do is read your opponent's mind. Once you've done that, all you need to do is get really lucky.


Smash Ace
Dec 8, 2007
i started to download javi towards the end of our second game. i was caught off guard at first because i haven't played a fox that approaches that quickly/recklessly in a while. i can definitely take him

that being said i don't mind losing to him at all cause without him vs pp there wouldn't have been a single match for the ages all tournament
hmm that falls about in line with what i was thinking.

and yeah, javi's matches were a high point of apex.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2009
Ayo gahtzu :)

Apex was great

People i beat in tourney/mm
Jpeg x2

Lost to

America is freaking good, had lots of tight games with people and hanging out in general was fun :D

...sorry if i seemed like a deaf ****** at times (which i have a tendancy to be also)



Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2009
Why don't hax and s2j exchange some tips with each other? it seems like they have different strengths and weaknesses and can benefit from learning from each other.


Smash Ace
Nov 17, 2007
Vegas, NV
Good **** guyes!

glad I met a couple of you. Bummed I missed others. . . I think I crossed paths with weon like 80 times (im pretty sure he posts here) and didnt say a word to him =S
my bad, I was a mix of shy and tired for the larger part of that weekend.

Good stuff in the MMs rocky. you seem really consistent with mostly everything you did.
Im really tempted to try making it for hte tournament in norfolk . . .
I just need another reason to go (like a hype concert or two) and the time to, which will be difficult, so not promising much atm.
. . . and I owe you a dollar. . . or a krona even =p

i almost **** brix too cause i thought i died off the bottom before he did rofl
Holy ****, seriously!
I had no idea how to react when everyone started screaming and so I had to wait until the winner screen came up

REally good **** btw
I know you think you were playing badly, but I think you kept together moreso than a lot of people would in that same spot.
(I know i'd be FHing like an *** if I was there)

Deleted member

part 2

As i stated earlier, I predicted at Apex I would do pretty good or pretty bad. Here were the list of people I wanted to dodge at Apex.


probably PP

Bad but winnable IMO:

Cyrain(?)-supposed falcon slayer

Anybody else I would not mind playing in bracket.

Pools was MEH. Top 2 making it out for each round of pools is not a good format IMO and causes some problems like people going 3-1 in their pool then not making it out. Some pool imbalances completely screwed over people while giving not as good players a free ride out.

I promise I will roast APEX more in-depth in another post lol since this was just one of many problems... looking through the forums a good number of people don't seem to have the full picture, or at least the Melee side of things that could have gone way better. APEX was no doubt an epic tournament with 2nd highest entrants ever for Melee, but the Big House was run wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better

APEX was still "good" though because of the homeys there and Melee itself. The tournament-running aspect of it was pretty bad and explain why i think so later


I got 1st seed in round 1, then in Round 2 the other first seed was Tope. Pretty unlucky IMO. Tope completely wrecks Falcon and is 0138081303813x better vs falcon than the other shieks. Unless I absolutely play like a huge douchebag I don't think I can win, and not interested in playing like that at all. Might have to cop out and go my mediocre Falco next time


Played Bladewise Round 1. GGs

By sheer bad luck or sheer ******** bracket rigging or getting 2nd seeded in round 2 pools , I got Armada 2nd round again for the 3rd national in a row.

1st game on Dreamland I was playing very well. But on his 2nd to last stock i had a read and my C-stick inputted an up-air instead of a Knee where the knee would have gotten a kill. For the first time in a while I got really mad and played like shiet for the rest of the set.

Armada plays like an ashole. I was rushing hiim down fairly hard and first match went to 5:34~. ghey

The fact that 30+ people walked up to me and hoped that I could beat Armada prior to matcb/ were sad that I lost to Armada after made me feel even ****tier.

so, Losing to Armada is one of the saddest smash experiences of my life. Guess im not championship material and can't perform on the big stage.

At the very least, if they rigged the bracket (I doubt it), I hope they realize I suck vs. peaches and should stop


After I lost I played Th0rn who I beat pretty convincingly ( he seemed off) and Westballz who can honestly get top 7. We used to always trade sets in soCal but this time i pooped on him. And I'm sad that we had to play.

Faced TOPE again. GG. Got my *** beat down even harder than in pools. Wish Wes beat me so he coulda got top 9

so that's how pools/bracket for singles went for me. Bad luck= pretty ****ty. Good luck= pretty good. I had more bad luck IMO although me losing to Armada is me being bad and not so much luck.

I played quite badly in teams. I don't know if its because me and lovage stopped practicing teams together and we also ONLY team together for bigger tourneys or if i suck

CHUDAT (and kage) ***** the **** out of us in teams. Chu dat is a beast and severely outplayed us. Kage ***** me TOO I GUESS

think we got 9th. disappointing. lost to Hax+jman. I got ***** hard

Deleted member

part 3: Javi

I was curious on how Javi would do/ how good he was. Atlus, the socal player who flew him out with his own money, constantly hyped up the twins for at least a year. Most people thought Javi would suck ****

I came late on Thursday and everyone who already played him told me Javi sucked **** or they were highly unimpressed. So I decided not to go look for him and play him or watch his matches

Someone told me Javi beat PP last day of APEX and i **** brix. I hella wanted to play this guy so bad. My blood was ****ing boiling and after Javi lost to Hungrybox I ran the **** on stage and asked him for a MM.

Just facing someone who you know ***** hella hard with an aggressive, fearless style makes me want to play them. These are the people who I want to play the most.

Javi did sit down with me and play friendlies but it was clear he was not interested in me at all. He went shiek first game, I beat him, then I played his sandbaggy fox and he left after i gave him my thanks. He probably wanted to go eat and hangout with his friends, but I was hella sad. People like him are the people who I want to play in bracket, not the floaties or homeys from your own region..

to date, I haven't watched any of his matches/ seen his matches at APEX but I hella want to play him in his serious mode. Maybe at the next national he will come again, hopefully..

Deleted member

WTF NAKAMARU you were there? why didn't we play?

u 2 rocky i saw u plug in then u left


also, just ask w/e u want about apex or me and i'll tell u truthfully, don't think most care about my experiences in apex especially since i got pwnd


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
WTF NAKAMARU you were there? why didn't we play?

u 2 rocky i saw u plug in then u left


also, just ask w/e u want about apex or me and i'll tell u truthfully, don't think most care about my experiences in apex especially since i got pwnd
Lol, we did play! I was on the TV with you and ZoSo. I won a match on yoshi's by meteorcanceling you into the stage at the death line. xD

I had fun dodging the ref's at the start of friday with you niko. Haha. I think we went around to like 7 different TVs in the hour it took for them to call teams.

Deleted member

Lol, we did play! I was on the TV with you and ZoSo. I won a match on yoshi's by meteorcanceling you into the stage at the death line. xD
hahahah **** i thought u would be an asian dude (unless u were asian i already forgot lol)


and that's definitely the first of which I would talk about why people running apex blew. the gay azzz ******* referrees who would not let us play friendlies and make us wait for no fuken reason for an hour. lame as ****.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 8, 2009
whats with all these random threads about throw into knee this is 2012 people why are we still talking about this ****?

I MISS WENBO AND roneblades and dare i say it 0room :|
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