yo, it was a good tourney. 40+ players? wow, i thought it was going to be like a 20 man tourney. i got *****, but its ok, cuz i felt i did learn a lot. i used game and watch for the first time seriously and was doing pretty well. i got past my 1st round with gdub when my kirby couldnt do it. and then i had to fight sabin's MK, so i didnt dare play MK. im notorious for failing against MK's but i actually held my own and each game was hella close, i know i could have taken either game given the right circumstances. gg's sabin. i'll try harder next time.
gdx/hrnuts: great riding with you guys.
equi: wow, thanks for the housing, and the most intense chess match in the car. BTW, you are so freakin good dude. your wolf is so ****. i have mad respect for you.
afro: lol your great man. it was fun that friday night. gg's at the tourney, you ***** me. good job on 3rd.
everybody else: see ya around
BTW, i got lik 20-30'somethingith place.
I GOT *****, LOL.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
next time negrotiators.