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BreakDown Tournament IV - Royal Palm Beach, FL - 5.31.08


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Yeah you pretty much don't know what you're talking about. The list has been updated you just got to look through dustloop.

Check dustloop yourself, no point in filtering through all their unorganized information. Test hasn't been top for a good minute.

Eddie wasn't top in Slash, Sol/Ky were.

The game may be balanced to where almost any character can win, but that doesn't stop Eddies and Slayers from OCVing teams and getting top spots in lots of tournaments. It takes years of dedication for a lower tier character to do anything of worth.

I'm bringing GGXX to ZP this weekend to play some casuals between rounds of Smash, so if anyone wants to ask me any questions about the game's mechanics I'll tell you.
Did I mention im new to the community?
lol. Which is why I may not know a lot of things.
I played alot, but I never entered any tournaments because I always had melee to go to. But Brawl is boring, so GG Sessions are the new thing.
So yea. I only know what i've read, seen and heard. I wonder where I read wrong information from >___>
Everyone should convert from brawl to GG.


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
I bought it about two months ago but never got around to trying it out.

is there a good amount of smashers that play it?


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Laijin always offends someone somehow in his posts.

No matter what he says there's always something.

But, so goes for the misunderstood.
Thats pretty much true.

You call ~75% **** damage?
Well. I watched it again and I guess the only reason I said that was because he Robo-Ky does'nt hit like Slayer or Potemkin when he does combos. So the amount of damage he does in normal combos is'nt as high as those two.

Man..Slayer hits like a truck.


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
Thats pretty much true.

Well. I watched it again and I guess the only reason I said that was because he Robo-Ky does'nt hit like Slayer or Potemkin when he does combos. So the amount of damage he does in normal combos is'nt as high as those two.

Man..Slayer hits like a truck.
I hate you.


Smash Lord
Feb 12, 2006
Boca Raton
Eh, no. My boyfriend has been here pretty much the whole time telling me not to worry about any of you. Truly, I was nice to every single person who has ever spoken to me and to be attacked like this for no reason. And yeah, several comments were attacking me, I don't mind certain comments. Its funny, but certain ones cross over into just being total *******ish. And Stripesorbars, you should talk about wanting attention. You were the one screaming at the top of your lungs the whole tourney just to get everyone to look at you? Oh I noticed you alright, pretty sure everyone there did. I said nothing bad to anyone to provoke this and I don't deserve it.

I know it's funny. I don't have problems with certain things. Ask anyone. But I get the same **** whenever a new game starts up. Card games, Naruto.

I was talking to your GF. The one playing the Pink DS? She was really nice, says she plays Marth. I didn't get her name though. She seemed really sweet.
bumping this because i havent been on smashboards in forever and i dont think anyone should forget what a stupid, butterface'd girl Rieshu is.
Lol calling Pete out for "wanting attention". I love these kids that think they're badass because they started going to tourneys for brawl. You don't know **** about the community and what a terrible piece of crap it's turned into.
MLG Orlando 2006 is what it's all about. XD


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
Oh god, rofl.
Welcome back, Mike.
Look at you thinkin' you can bump threads just because I MAKE you go to the occasional Brawl tournament.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
I don't think that's true at all. Ryan saw her at this tournament while I was in Orlando and then I saw her at the one this past Saturday, don't remember seeing her at any other ones.


Smash Cadet
Mar 25, 2008
Haha. I've been playing in WiLLs tournys for forever. **** I've been going since Naruto GNT3. I'm flattered yall think I'm some kinda Smash Groupy girl. Cause seriously, I don't give a **** about what you dirty loney little c-u-n-t-s say about me. Nah, I don't think I'm bad cause I go to a few tournaments, but I've seriously most likely been to more game tournaments then any of you between all the card games I've played, Naruto, and Smash, so you can hate all you want, it's laughable. Just cause I don't run up to every single one of you and suck everyone's d!ck yall can hate all you want. And yall can ***** and moan because you're not as good at brawl as you were in melee and most of "this community" have just moved on. The rest of you are so bored with this game you need to pick on a chick, I'm seriously roflcoptering. WiLL has been the only one building a positive Brawl community and if you b!tches wanna hate then go right ahead. If you weren't such p-uss-ies then you wouldn't flame me in a thread and maybe say some **** to my face, cause I haven't had a problem with anyone. I've been nothing but nice to people but you big manly men wanna start something with a chick.

I'm usually not on smashboards because the site takes so long to load and crashes like 5 times a day. So yall can talk **** about me all you want. Its so lulzworthy.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2006
Northridge, CA
how is this thread alive? ...2 months old lol

I just read these last few pages today and I think its all quite funny.

wtf is wrong with some of you? who cares lol , seriously.

any guy who would complain about any female involvement in a sausage fest room called Smash Brothers is crazy or gay.. or both.

all I will say is rieshu has been involved in tournaments for long *** time. (gotta be like 4-5 years now, right?)

Hell I have known her for about 5 years and shes been playing in card/video tournies since.

she has never beaten me in any of them though .. ooooo burn rieshu. she'd win at WoW though if I played or they had some form of tournament.

ok then.. see everyone at willvo if you are going.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
LOL @ fun bags still trying to get attention.
oh doodah...lol

please come to tourneys again :(

reishu always seems so..angry. i dunno why. I cant say its a girl smasher thing, because gingerr/marin/bossmagnet are all nice on the boards and at tourneys. I cant say its a general smasher thing, cause everyone is more or less chill, minus the occasional "oooooooooooooh!" or "dere you go chip". cant say its a people sucking at this particular game thing, cause we have plenty of people who arent good in brawl that come to tourneys and arent mean or anything (especially me, lawl). so...i dunno what the deal is, but reishu has to chillax alittle


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2006
Kissimmee, FL
I've never seen Rieshu angry although I've played her or just talked to her at many tournament/anime conventions in the past 3-4 years. Now on a forum where she gets picked on whether she posts or not, and when people revive it with the single purpose of insulting her, I can see why she could be showing some type of anger.


Smash Lord
Jan 6, 2007
Orlando, FL
I complemented her marf skills and she got angry...


i'd still chaingrab though ;)


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
Yeah for real. Even way earlier in this thread, she was getting kinda *****y about the fact that people happened to notice she had ****...as if she didn't want people to notice she had **** >.> lets be real.

Whatever, glad I don't have boobs so I don't have to worry about this crazy stuff!

Life After Death

Smash Champion
May 27, 2008
Bronx, NY
Haha. I've been playing in WiLLs tournys for forever. **** I've been going since Naruto GNT3. I'm flattered yall think I'm some kinda Smash Groupy girl. Cause seriously, I don't give a **** about what you dirty loney little c-u-n-t-s say about me. Nah, I don't think I'm bad cause I go to a few tournaments, but I've seriously most likely been to more game tournaments then any of you between all the card games I've played, Naruto, and Smash, so you can hate all you want, it's laughable. Just cause I don't run up to every single one of you and suck everyone's d!ck yall can hate all you want. And yall can ***** and moan because you're not as good at brawl as you were in melee and most of "this community" have just moved on. The rest of you are so bored with this game you need to pick on a chick, I'm seriously roflcoptering. WiLL has been the only one building a positive Brawl community and if you b!tches wanna hate then go right ahead. If you weren't such p-uss-ies then you wouldn't flame me in a thread and maybe say some **** to my face, cause I haven't had a problem with anyone. I've been nothing but nice to people but you big manly men wanna start something with a chick.

I'm usually not on smashboards because the site takes so long to load and crashes like 5 times a day. So yall can talk **** about me all you want. Its so lulzworthy.
hey at least your **** are big. no hate thought you was cool at the tourney


Smash Master
Dec 16, 2007
there is some mad negativity going on in this thread.... Rieshu is a pretty cool girl, ehs plays Marth and doesn't afraid of anything


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2006
Kissimmee, FL
Yeah for real. Even way earlier in this thread, she was getting kinda *****y about the fact that people happened to notice she had ****...as if she didn't want people to notice she had **** >.> lets be real.

Whatever, glad I don't have boobs so I don't have to worry about this crazy stuff!
This is almost sig worthy.
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