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BreakDown Tournament IV - Royal Palm Beach, FL - 5.31.08


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
you lost to a guy i destroyed in the first round.. wtf happened that day doodah?

so you are calling riot garbage?
What the fvck does that mean?

You act like your good because you beat who?


Then you act like its ok you didnt get 1st because of who you lost to.

2 good people.

Get the **** outta here with that ****.

I never said I was good.

Infact, I hate this game and I suck at it(if you can sidestep you beat me).

If I played MK it'd be another story.

I was stateing a fact.

If you don't get top 5 in a tourney that has less than 50 people, you're garbage.

Your 2 crew mates got top 3, what happened to you that day Sabin?

Also, I was supposed to play you instead of the Olimar kid who beat me apparently.

You beat him, then I played him and lost, so basically the kid got tripple emliminated, which is why I'm pissed at Will's bracket cuz I got ****ed by some kid who lost twice already.

Not everything everyone says is a threat to you Sabin, you're not that big of deal like your buddies are.

Edit: Also, Olimar/DDD matchup johns


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2006
Northridge, CA
ice got 1st. afro 3. projekt 7. me 9.. thas pretty good for a crew.

i lost to linguini, thats what happened to me. he got 2nd. what's your point?

if you played MK you would still lose to random scrubs. otherwise you would have tried switching off your DDD by now. I don't love the game either but I mean.. try out a new character or something.

I beat plenty of good ppl that day. including the guy who got 4th at pnt the following day, loranzo. hrnut. hiroshi. and had a pretty even match with linguini.

it is ok I didn't win. I played a solid tournament.

go run outside and smash another controller. you are so bitter lately man. just try to enjoy the game for what it is.


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
More johns coming from you sir.

I thought you played other fighting games?

I figured you would know not to make excuses by now.

Say what you want, but johns.

Anyone can win at this game.

It's just a matter of who sidesteps and then gets punished for trying to punish a sidestep.

You've seen me twice since Brawl came out, I'm not bitter lately, I'm always bitter.

Don't try and just show up to one tourney and tell me how to act.

I've been goin to tourneys for a while, I know how they run and work.

I'm not gonna let some scrub come in and try and take my fun away.

HRNUT (Honey Roasted)

Smash Master
May 19, 2008
Orlando Florida
wow...i'm gonna leave now cuz this is turning into an emofest...one more thing, no one should feel as if they suck, just figure that you had a bad day, because i've heard lots of good things about doodah but now he's claiming that he suck...wills bracket was kinda screwed up, so you have a legitimate reason to be pissed i would be pissed too.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2006
Northridge, CA
I do play other fighters. What johns did I make. I said I lost to linguini lol we had a close match. anyone clearly can't win at this as there are a solid 10 ppl in the state who get top placings constantly.

correction, you are always bitter. you playing GG now? what character are you playing?
you are just going to get upset and bitter if you try to take it seriously. takes a lot to be really good at gear.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2006
Northridge, CA
o man.. bridget was only decent at best in Slash.. in AC he got nerfed again.

poor bridget but I respect you for trying. he is pretty frustrating. lol


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
johnny is the kind of character who would throw a penny between two jews and watch them fight to the death over it

i use baiken, cause anyone who can just create tatami mats by stomping the ground is god in my book


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
Psh baiken is gay and ugly (i think baiken is the female ninja with one arm right?)

True gangstas use Robo-Ky and Jam 100% of good players use Jam its a fact cuz i said it AGREE WITH ME


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
Awesome, so me Frobro and GDX all play crap characters(LOL, Johhny is just as bad as Bridget)!

We should all play together!

Also, I don't think Bridget is that bad.

But I'm sure my mind will be changed in the coming months.


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
Yeah but im horrible at the game. I dont understand anything and EVERYTIMEI ASK , ANYONE, they give me the biggest bull**** response. Like if i ask icekid how he does anything with potemkin he'll be like "well ig otta teach you 2d fighters first and you dont know that". And i always erupt in anger and start yelling saying just teach me how to do that and he doesnt.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
It's pretty gay if that's true.

I'm bad too, but I can beat comps.

And I played SF2T and a bit of MvC and MvC2.

Wasn't good at those either and I wasn't good at Smash.
Alvin (Garbanzo) convinced me to start bringing my dreamcast and my 2 controllers to tourneys so we can play MvC2, cause i still have a non-burnt copy of it with all chars/almost all costumes unlocked

i thought about buying accent core for the wii, but i think it'd be too weird using a GC controller. I can't do any 2d street-fighter style fighting game with a control stick. I have to have a pad. which means i gotta re-buy a PS2 just to buy accent core (cause i gave my ps2 to one of my cousins who didnt have any consoles)

and speak for yourself. baiken is awesome. The main reason I love her so much is cause she has a small move list, and they arent relatively hard to pull off. She's more based on reading opponents and doing whatever move you want rather than combo all day. plus, i have ****** fingers and i cant do all that fast **** in fighting games too well (which is partially why i sucked in melee so much)


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
I'll play anyone at MvC2 i own with servbot, but i dont actually play the game i just think servbot is a robot!@


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
if im able to come to brawl bash this saturday, i challenge you in MvC2 seibrik. and right after that, we can finally have our $5 chess MM


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
Lol its true pretty much anything with military technology or w/e on it amazes me. Thats why snake is superior to all because he has a RPG, same with Roboky he just shoots you with his missles.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2006
Northridge, CA
baiken is alright.. but theres barely any good baiken players in general. and definitely not many in FL haha.. maybe 2.

bridget IS really bad.. you will find that out in time. Fun and hard to play at high levels but just overall lacking.

and anji/johnny are bottom tier of AC.

personally I feel johnny is worse because there is some amazing anji players in japan and although there are also great johnny players.. they don't do nearly as much out there.

eddie > all anyway so whatever. no one is better than isa. period.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2006
Northridge, CA
i use anji too.. so does juan carlos.. Anji does ok.. but he can't win without tension. same with johnny. they rely on tension bar and their damage output, life, and overall matchups are awful!

anji has no good matchups. even or worse. anji = yoshi lol.. johnny has 1 or 2 good matchups 1 being anji.

ISA is the the best japanese player. used to be best sol, then picked up eddie and is hands down best player.
He hasn't lost to shounen who is the best testament player and probably the 2nd best player only to isa.

and yes, slayer IS awesome.. and broken. slayer is top tier for a reason heh


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2006
Northridge, CA
eddie/slayer are top.. right under is testament.

testament is just as well rounded as the other 2. but eddie has more favorable matchups by like 1 or 2.. and slayer's only 'bad' matchups are potemkin and testament is maybe 5.5/4.5 in tests favor.

slayer destroys the cast though. jams hardest matchup. eddie also has the only 7-3 matchup in the game vs. potemkin.

best testament player is shounen.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
You guys are actually talking about Guilty Gear.
Well. I'll clear some things up by posting the official tier list for Accent Core:

S: Testament, Eddie, Slayer
A: Baiken, Potemkin, Jam, May, Millia
B: Axl, A.B.A, Zappa, Robo-Ky, Order-Sol, Faust, Venom
C: Sol, Ky, Dizzy, Chipp, I-no
D: Anji, Bridget, Johnny

Eddie was top tier in Slash in I think. But Testament definantly takes the cake in Accent Core over Eddie.
The thing about Guilty Gear is that the tier list matters so little since the game is so balanced. Holy Order Sol was dead last tier in Slash, and a Holy Order Sol player won Evo or some big tournament like that last year.
Besides. Combo videos in Guilty Gear are like. 928520 times more exciting to watch than any brawl video that can possibly be made. You guys tell me **** like this is not creative?: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Jun9CdQ4Lm8


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
ISA is the the best japanese player. used to be best sol, then picked up eddie and is hands down best player.
He hasn't lost to shounen who is the best testament player and probably the 2nd best player only to isa.

and yes, slayer IS awesome.. and broken. slayer is top tier for a reason heh
I don't think Isa is that consistent: He lost to Kaqn, who is a pretty good Millia player. But no whrre near as good as Nakamura or Woshige. So if he played either of those two he would most likely get rocked even harder: http://youtube.com/watch?v=2uFQE9zwx_Q

I honestly think Ogawa is a lot better. :\ but he loses to Woshige here:


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2006
Northridge, CA
ok laijin you are wrong lol sorry that is all old.

for starters thats an old tier list for japan. it has been updated since and top is eddie/slayer, test underneath them.

eddie has been top tier since he was playable.

slayer has always been high/top

order sol hasnt done anything really ever. Kaqn is one of the only decent HOS players and even then no.
so that is incorrect information as well.

your links and information are also old. Kaqn plays a variety of characters. I am not sure currently but at the time of those vids playing millia or order sol Isa was a Sol main.

as the game progressed Isa became a top sol player in japan one of the top 2 definitely. But he couldn't beat Shounen, the best player, and current 2nd best player in japan.

Isa is now an eddie main and is hands down the best player in GG in all of japan.

learn your facts please. Isa BEASTS shounen who is the best testament period.

and dogura makes robo ky happy.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
ok laijin you are wrong lol sorry that is all old.

for starters thats an old tier list for japan. it has been updated since and top is eddie/slayer, test underneath them.

eddie has been top tier since he was playable.

slayer has always been high/top

order sol hasnt done anything really ever. Kaqn is one of the only decent HOS players and even then no.
so that is incorrect information as well.

your links and information are also old. Kaqn plays a variety of characters. I am not sure currently but at the time of those vids playing millia or order sol Isa was a Sol main.

as the game progressed Isa became a top sol player in japan one of the top 2 definitely. But he couldn't beat Shounen, the best player, and current 2nd best player in japan.

Isa is now an eddie main and is hands down the best player in GG in all of japan.

learn your facts please. Isa BEASTS shounen who is the best testament period.

and dogura makes robo ky happy.
If its an old tier list. Why is there not an update on dustloop? That tier list looks pretty accurate to me in my opinion. Testament, Eddie and Slayer being where they are when it comes down to the damage they do with random pokes, average combo abillity, wake up game, etc etc.

A Holy Order Sol did indeed win a very large tournament(Like I said. I think it was Evo. But im not sure.) in Slash.

Kaqn does play a variety of different characters, but he still has one of the best Millia's out there. I've seen his HOS, its alright. I personally think his Millia is better.

I've never seen any of Isa's recent matches. But one person destroying another does'nt automatically flip the tier list.

Find the new tier list your talking about and post it. Im pretty curious as to what it says.


Smash Hero
Sep 11, 2005
Kissimmee, Florida playing melee! (f*** brawl, th
flaming teddy bear in a circle of fire is also pretty sweet.

If you want to see the best bridget.. watch this or anything by him.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=AcoCQWsQL10 Ruu is best bridget and plays with Shounen.
You guys are actually talking about Guilty Gear.
Well. I'll clear some things up by posting the official tier list for Accent Core:

S: Testament, Eddie, Slayer
A: Baiken, Potemkin, Jam, May, Millia
B: Axl, A.B.A, Zappa, Robo-Ky, Order-Sol, Faust, Venom
C: Sol, Ky, Dizzy, Chipp, I-no
D: Anji, Bridget, Johnny

Eddie was top tier in Slash in I think. But Testament definantly takes the cake in Accent Core over Eddie.
The thing about Guilty Gear is that the tier list matters so little since the game is so balanced. Holy Order Sol was dead last tier in Slash, and a Holy Order Sol player won Evo or some big tournament like that last year.
Besides. Combo videos in Guilty Gear are like. 928520 times more exciting to watch than any brawl video that can possibly be made. You guys tell me **** like this is not creative?: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Jun9CdQ4Lm8

all in all, this game looks fvcking awesome/crazy/fun/fast/exciting.....coo' beans.


projekt 84

Smash Rookie
Feb 6, 2008
You guys are actually talking about Guilty Gear.
Well. I'll clear some things up by posting the official tier list for Accent Core:

S: Testament, Eddie, Slayer
A: Baiken, Potemkin, Jam, May, Millia
B: Axl, A.B.A, Zappa, Robo-Ky, Order-Sol, Faust, Venom
C: Sol, Ky, Dizzy, Chipp, I-no
D: Anji, Bridget, Johnny

Eddie was top tier in Slash in I think. But Testament definantly takes the cake in Accent Core over Eddie.
The thing about Guilty Gear is that the tier list matters so little since the game is so balanced. Holy Order Sol was dead last tier in Slash, and a Holy Order Sol player won Evo or some big tournament like that last year.
Besides. Combo videos in Guilty Gear are like. 928520 times more exciting to watch than any brawl video that can possibly be made. You guys tell me **** like this is not creative?: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Jun9CdQ4Lm8

Yeah you pretty much don't know what you're talking about. The list has been updated you just got to look through dustloop.

Check dustloop yourself, no point in filtering through all their unorganized information. Test hasn't been top for a good minute.

Eddie wasn't top in Slash, Sol/Ky were.

The game may be balanced to where almost any character can win, but that doesn't stop Eddies and Slayers from OCVing teams and getting top spots in lots of tournaments. It takes years of dedication for a lower tier character to do anything of worth.

I'm bringing GGXX to ZP this weekend to play some casuals between rounds of Smash, so if anyone wants to ask me any questions about the game's mechanics I'll tell you.
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