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Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2004
Keilor Victoria
Since Balanced Brawl got it's own thread here I thought I'd make a thread about the other Brawl hack, Brawl+

Thread Guidelines:
  • Please no one-liner posts. I'd like to encourage intelligent discussion.
  • If you haven't played the official 4.1 set (ie: played it in the early stages of brawl+), haven't played the game at all, have just watched it being played or have only played it for some small amount of time (ie: 5 mins) then you shouldn't be posting your opinion on the game.
  • The topic is brawl+ and the possible birth of competition using Brawl+. Stay on topic.

For me, Brawl+ is what Brawl should have been. Brawl disappointed me in it's pace, gravity and mechanics that did not favour competition (random tripping, ledges and so on).

Advantages I see in Brawl+ being used for serious smash competition
  • Regular Updates: We are stuck with what we have with Melee and Vanilla Brawl (bugs, non-competitive elements, large amount of characters that are not tournament viable and so on), Brawl+ on the other hand doesn't have those problems due to it being updated regularly.
  • Execution barrier: In Brawl+ you don't have to be such a controller ninja (compared to melee). Instead you can focus more on being better than the other person.
  • Designed to be competitive: Unlike vanilla brawl, Brawl+ is designed with tournament play in mind (see all the changes that fix things that hinder tournament play)
  • In essence Brawl+ combines a fixed brawl roster and stages with melee-style combos and gameplay without the execution barrier of melee. Basically a combination of the best of brawl and melee.
  • (for melee fans): While melee was a great game, it's past it's 7th birthday and the competition has vastly shrunk compared to the "glory days". Brawl+ is an evolution of melee. The game is old and tired, whereas Brawl+ is young, fresh and really fun.

You can download the latest official version of Brawl+ here:

You can view the changelist here:

If you find that your input feels "wrong" please read this article:

tl;dr version of buffering article:
As for how Brawl+ implements this buffering system: for every 10 handicap, you gain 1 frame of time for the buffer window. At a handicap of 0, there will be no buffering at all, while at a handicap of 100, it will be at the default Brawl buffering window of 10 frames, or 1/6th of a second. Anywhere in between works as well; a handicap of 40 will result in a 4-frame buffering window, and a handicap of 70 will result in a 7-frame buffering window. Any handicap over 100 defaults to 10 frames, since 10 frames is the max for the buffer window. If you don’t know what handicap to use, feel free to try different values until you find one that feels “right” to you. Buffers are personal preferences, just like control schemes, and it is up to you to decide which value to use. Remember, Handicap no longer changes any damage dealt to your character, it only alters your personal buffer window.

Brawl+ Rules:

The following is an adaption of the Brawl Rocky rules to fit brawl+, which were an adaptation of the ruleset developed by AiB's Evo 2009 Tournament in Las Vegas.

General Rules

  • 4 Stock.
  • default Brawl+ Time Limit (If time does expire, the winner will be determined by first stock, then percentage. In the event both are tied Sudden Death will be played out).
  • Best of 3 throughout the whole tournament (Losers Finals and Championship Finals best of 5).
  • No items.
  • No stalling (via ledge or otherwise). Any infinite chain grabs must be ended after 300% to prevent excessive stalling.
  • Avoiding an unreachable position of combat to purposely run down the timer is stalling. Tournament organisers will have full discretion to disqualify offenders at will.
  • Standing infinites are only banned when used to stall.
  • No player/team may counterpick a stage they have already won on earlier in the current set (Dave's Stupid Rule).
  • In the event of a dispute of controller ports, colours and stage strike selection order, Rock-Paper-Scissors will come into effect.
  • Your controller, settings, and name tag are your responsibility prior to the start of the match. Always check you are using the correct settings and everything is working BEFORE a match is played. If a match is to be restarted due to controller functions or incorrect settings, it must be agreed upon by both parties.
  • Any action that can prevent an in progress game from continuing (i.e., freezing, disappearing characters, game reset, touching the equipment, etc.) will result in a forfeit of that match for the player that initiated the action. You are responsible for knowing your own character, and will be held responsible for triggering one of these effects or any conduct preventing the match from finishing.
  • Metaknight’s Infinite Cape glitch is banned.
  • If a player successfully ends the match with either Bowser or Ganondorf’s over B attack by suicide, then the player who initiated the move wins. If a player ends the match by swallowing with King Dedede or Kirby, and it counts as a tie the player whom initiated the swallowing wins. Unless the character breaks out prior to death and is shown winning the match. In which case, that stands as the correct result.

Set Format (In Order of Procedure):

  1. Players choose their characters for the first match*
  2. Players start the stage striking procedure**
  3. The first game is played, using the stage chosen during step 2
  4. Each Player/Team may announce one stage to be banned during counterpicks
  5. The losing Player/Team of the previous match announces the next match’s stage from either the Starter Stage List or the Counter Stage List
  6. The winning Player/Team of the previous match chooses their character/s
  7. The losing Player/Team of the previous match chooses their character/s
  8. Repeat steps 5-7 until the best of 3 or best of 5 set is complete.
*Double blind character selection may be called for the first match. In which case the players will each write down their characters on a sheet of paper and exchange them.
**One Player/Team will strike 1 stage, then their opponent will strike another 2 stages, leaving 2 stages in which the first team will strike 1 leaving one to be played on.

Starter Stages:
  • Battlefield
  • Final Destination
  • Smashville
  • Yoshi’s Island (Brawl)
  • Pokemon Stadium 2
  • Wario Ware

Counterpick Stages:
  • Pokemon Stadium (Melee)
  • Delfino Plaza
  • Castle Siege
  • Battleship Halberd
  • Frigate Orpheon
  • Rainbow Cruise
  • Brinstar
  • Lylat Cruise
  • Jungle Japes
  • Luigi Mansion

Additional rules for Double's Play

  • Stock sharing is allowed.
  • Team Attack is on.
  • In team matches, the ports will be selected in a 1221 fashion. Meaning a player from Team 1 (if need be Rock/Paper/Scissors can be used to determine this Team) will select one port first, then both players from Team 2 will make their selection, then the remaining player from Team 1.

Fully Awesome Brawl+ vids:


Some Jpn Brawl+ (why teching is important):

Ganon smashing things:



Suntan Luigi

Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
Bethlehem PA, Lehigh U.
I agree with you Plasia. Today was the first time I played Brawl+ and I pulled off an awesome combo with falco that I could otherwise never have pulled off in regular Brawl. It felt awesome to be able to actually use Captain Falcon and knee people without a tremendous afterlag. I approve of Brawl+.

Jei Jei

Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2007
Kings Park, Melbourne
Thumbs up to this game, unfortunately all the characters I play are so retardedly different that I had to resort to Sheik and Fox to win lol.
Hope someone starts holding Brawl + tourneys ;)


Smash Ace
Mar 14, 2009
Melbourne / Darwin
Today was the first time i really gave this game a try. was awsome :).

@ Jei: ohh i found out you can do wingdashing with pit its just different timing due to the lower buffer.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
I loved brawl+!

Peach CAN KILL in this version and also do more ka-razy combos than she could in original brawl!

They also put in Ness' 64/melee baseball bat sound! <3


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
I believe SA held the first proper brawl+ tournament :p

I still prefer regular brawl though. Its just annoying when character can throw out retardedly powerful aerials all day with barely any landing lag whatsoever and you cant punish. especially as Sonic normally whenever someone if in the air you can punish them somehow by catching landing lag with a grab, usmash, spindash or spring or something. Its as if all your knowledge of spacing, avoiding landing lag and proper defensive play loses to people who just throw out aerial hitboxes all day long.

.. Hence why I use Lucario and Jigglypuff haha. Pound is so broken. Pound -> uair spam -> rest


Smash Champion
Apr 13, 2008
Gold Coast - Australia
I've got it and played it. It's fun. kinda like melee if you were capable of picking any character and having maximum techskill with them lol. also <3 brawl+ falcon. and ganon!


Professional Nice Guy
Apr 21, 2007
Amazing Land
dthrow usmash usmash uair uair upb works on like every character in brawl+ with olimar



Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2004
Keilor Victoria
I updated the original post with some buffering info. If you tried Brawl+ and thought that the control system felt "wrong" then please read the linked article.

I've never been to Stigma B so I have no idea whether it would work there or not.

If we get at least 3 setups of Brawl+ for the next couchwarriors I'd like to setup a trial tournament for it. If it's successful and positive we can look at starting a proper ranbat for it.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 30, 2008
i agree instread of just dismissing it like some bais (see you en tee) see what happens with i tourney i like very much


Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2006
Adelaide, South Australia
Switch FC
1787 8077 0889
Already did a Brawl+ tourney in Adelaide at Streetgeek and will do regular comps of it and vanilla brawl.

As a Melee player I love it and as a Melee Falcon mainer its the absolute shizznit.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Hey Plasia, I like the ruleset, and I'm sure you're happy to rile up debate on specifics too!

I'll start off with stages.

Starter Stages:

* Battlefield
* Final Destination
* Smashville
* Yoshi’s Island (Brawl)
* Pokemon Stadium 2
* Wario Ware

Even though they've extended the bounds of Wario Ware (I believe) I'm not sure whether or not it's optimal for a starter due to that + the stage size. It's a bit of a mute point though because of;
Yoshi's Island Brawl - It has a composition that is different to the other neutrals (non-flat). Also the current starter list has 6 stages, were stage striking to be considered, it would be best for there to be 5 or 7 stages, and out of the current starters Yoshi's Island and Wario Ware stick out the most... And out of the counterpicks lylat, or luigis are possible contenders... (but have their own issues)

Counterpick Stages:

* Pokemon Stadium (Melee)
* Delfino Plaza
* Castle Siege
* Battleship Halberd
* Frigate Orpheon
* Rainbow Cruise
* Brinstar
* Lylat Cruise
* Jungle Japes
* Luigi Mansion

With the removal of many inescapable infinites, stages which were LEGAL in melee, but not in traditional brawl could be worth bringing back into brawl+ competitive play.
I'm thinking Corneria, Green Greens? Maybe even Green Hill Zone is possibly a viable CP now.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
why GHZ?
personally, the banning of it in normal brawl is a bit silly when a number of equally bad stages are allowed. but the final point (permanent walk off) still applies to B+?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2004
Keilor Victoria
hey shaya, I'm more than happy to discuss the brawl+ ruleset, it's my hope that Brawl+ takes off and having a consistent ruleset for all of Australia is a great start.

What I did to make it was to take the Rocky ruleset and modify it with help from the guys in the #brawlplus gamesurge irc channel.

I really have no idea about warioware, to me it has always been some ****ty casual stage. I only put it in because the #brawlplus people convinced me.

I'd like more opinions about stages please.


On another note, I heard many melee players saying that brawl+ was not "technical" enough or it being "tryhard melee". I'm perplexed by this considering the possibilities the brawl+ engine allows (ie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZBImJv8HbQ&fmt=22) and the emphasis on DI and teching to escape combos.

It's also perplexing the resistance I've been getting from players for Brawl+. It seems to me that people are just unwilling to let go of their precious melee/brawl to give brawl+ the chance it deserves.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 14, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Are all the codes ported to PAL? When i played brawl+ with iso (for like 3 hours), i found a few chars (like marth) seemed incredibly imba, and a ton of moves seemed quite useless, like, i could always land an aerial/combo from a dthrow with peach.. while the rest of my throws still had fail knockback/hitstun and no followup capabilities. Thoroughly enjoyed actually being able to punish people hard from a correct tech-chase, and the faster speed. Those were my first impressions anyway.

I guess its relatively early days though, and every problem can and will be potentially fixed. Ivy is also rockin in it.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2004
Keilor Victoria
Yes all the codes are ported to pal (there is a pal 4.1 available from the site).

4.2 is coming soon and there'll be a delay before that gets ported to pal, however this delay wont be a problem in the future (see: http://brawlplus.net/project-sa-and-brawl/ )

Just out of interest, what version were you playing Enigmalik?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 14, 2008
Sydney, Australia
I was playing 4.1 PAL version. i asked if all codes were ported because, the character select screen for me wasn't changed (couldn't select individual transformations), and i thought it was in the ntsc version, so i was unsure if all the character codes had been ported aswell.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Custom Character Select screen is not standard/not ported maybe?
Even though it makes me wonder about pokemon trainer then...

Wario Ware is pretty darn close to a neutral though.
I just think maybe Yoshi's Island should be moved to CP.

Brawl+ has come to irk me a bit. Whilst it's goal, bases, ideals were okay, I think they've often taken too much "melee" for it's own good. But whilst this has transitioned throughout the project's life span (i.e. started off with melee sheik clone, now has good kill power in fsmash and her most powerful aerial is bair: fair became a combo move) some things are becoming too long winded.

Marth -was- imbalanced, but he has had HUGE issues in balancing correctly; as a character who became 'one who could only combo off of failed techs'; I think Marth is one of the most constantly adjusted chars in brawl+.

I've kept my distance from brawl+ for a while because of how much change seems to be going on. I just want to play marf :( But inbetween one side going "LETS MAKE HIM THE EPITOMY OF MELEE MARTH" and the others going "LETS JUST COMPLETELY LIKE REDO EVERYTHING"; ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2008
What happened to the Wifi training stage. I believe that should be nuetral an it comes with Brawl+ 4.1.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Oh yeah, completely forget about the wifi training stage.

it replaces "new pork city".

But... it's pretty much a final destination... smaller edges... maybe slightly bigger.


Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2008
Oh yeah, completely forget about the wifi training stage.

it replaces "new pork city".

But... it's pretty much a final destination... smaller edges... maybe slightly bigger.
it better than FD imo, but still different enough, especailly the edge game, to have them both in.

the neutral stage list would be

* Battlefield
* Final Destination
* Smashville
* Yoshi’s Island (Brawl)
* Pokemon Stadium 2
* Wario Ware
* Wifi Training stage

that makes 7 stages ideal for the stage stiking format

also Luigi mansion is in counterpicks, i assume that is the collapsed version of the stage.
why is that not considered nuetral? edges/lip?

i cant see much reason to not have it as a nuetral as well, maybe even instead of yoshi island brawl. or am i missing something here?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2004
Keilor Victoria
Luigi mansion has strange edges, also it's really quite large, I believe it respawns after 90seconds or something as well.

I really like that neutral stage list btw :)
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