So sorry this is late due to moving in to college
I'm honestly getting sick of you people spending all your time attacking the intelligence of those who disagree with you.
I hope the bolded is being taken with a grain of salt.
Whining babies who don't know what they are talking about
Do you guys actually read what you are writing? Ok, I want to generalize here for a second. A lot of you seem to suck at the game and this fact proves itself to be true with most posts I am reading. Most of it has to do with people making such a big deal and blowing things out of proportion. It has to do with people saying how this mechanic change will destroy characters and say that its going to be too hard to recover. So to explain, I have to bring out badass melee and its evil twin, smash 64 because it is apparent that most of you don't know much about them competitively.
So one general thing I see a lot is that
"reducing ledge grabbing will make recovering too hard."
Do you even know what "too hard" actually means? You have a game where you can REVERSE GRAB and you have a game where recoveries are soo much better than before and you have a game where you can air dodge INFINITELY and you have a game that is slightly more floaty as well and you have a game where everything is a meteor and you have a game where you can meteor cancel and you have a game where you can wall tech moves and you have a game with a grab range that extends beyond the ledge pretty far and you have a game where you can ledge tech if you missed a sweet spot and a game where you can hack in to rebalance OP things. Lets look at these and see if the other games have these Brawl specific mechanics as well.
Reverse grabbing Brawl
Melee 64
Air dodge Infinitely Brawl
Melee 64
Floatier game Brawl+
Melee 64
All meteors Brawl
Melee 64
Meteor Canceling Brawl Melee
Wall teching Brawl Melee
Decent grab range Brawl Melee
Hackable for Competition Brawl
Melee 64
Ok lets look at the results. Wow. Brawl+ seems to have NO strike outs at alll! If reducing the grab range in Brawl+ will make edge guarding so pointless and easy to a point where recovering is impossible, then what does that say about Melee and 64? I guess you obviously couldn't recover at all in those games. Edge guarding obviously was a piece of cake in Melee (as easy as mashing dsmash) and 64 is just a terrible game because of how harsh the ledge was (not to mention that recovering is not possible.....oh wait...have you seen the last stock of this? And that is Link who has the worst recovery in the game!).
Are you seeing all the help that Brawl has over Melee (and even more than 64) and yet you are also saying that a little reduction in grab range will make recovering "too hard?" In comparison to 64, there is NO way you can say that recovering would ever be "too hard" in Brawl+.
Another thing that people are doing is making it all about themselves and what will happen to "me" and "my skills" instead of whats better for a healthy competitive game. Everyone forgets the fact that this new mechanic change won't
only affect you but the other player as well. So if you mess up and are off the stage, then you are at a big disadvantage and have to work really hard to get back on but if they mess up, then the tables turn. Somehow no one had a problem with this when they played the past two games but somewhere along the line, its going to be more of a problem then it ever was in the past. You really got me there because I don't understand that logic.
Especially marth gets absolutely ******** with these changes. It would be **** near impossible to recover against marth as, say, CF.
Ok, stop right there. It would be near "impossible" to recover you say? Let us look at melee.
Melee is no doubt a much more difficult game than B+. Technically its hard plus there are also a bunch of other mechanics that Brawl+ doesn't have such as CC, l canceling, NADT, shield drop lag,
roll ledge occuancy...Marth is also stronger than in Brawl+ but look at the matchup in melee. Its 50:50 until Falcon is off the stage then Marth has soo many options. But does this mean he can't come back? No. You have ledge teching (which really saves his *** since he can not safetly sweet spot) and he also has the Down B jump reset. Does this mean that he can't compete against Marth? No. So seeing how Falcon still has a fighting chance and can still recover in Melee which is a much harder game to do
anything, given the right tools, I see no reason why Brawl+ it would be "impossible" but not in Melee. Oh yea, and his side b is also a viable recovery move as well so there really is no excuse.
You guys seriously need to open your eyes and realize what you have. This game helps you out in so many ways than before that I laugh when I see people stating things that weren't a problem in the past two games suddenly become a problem in a HACKABLE game! Melee didn't hold your hand. Melee didn't get in the way of the players. It gave you the tools to survive if you were good enough but Brawl+ is the exact opposite. You guys really have it easy and should be the last to *****.
C.J. said:
However, just because it's rational and competitive to you, doesn't mean what they're suggesting isn't rational and competitive to them as well. Just because you don't see the rationale behind it doesn't mean it's not there. You're saying, it needs to be harder on the person recovering. Everyone agrees, however, they also think that it should take more work to get a gimp than what you're trying to make. Still makes it more competitive, but, competitive towards the side opposite your own. It makes getting gimps harder. Harder means more skill. More skill promotes more competition. What they're saying still is rational, and still promotes competitive play, they've just not gearing it towards the same side you are.
But the truth is its not more competitive. Read this post to understand what Competitive really means.
In smash, you have to realize that there really is two games going on instead of one. You have the onstage game and the offstage game. The goal of the onstage game is to knock the other person off and the goal of the offstage game is to keep them off. You can really view this as two separate games combined into one great game and thus, your mechanics for both games must be solid if you want the whole game combined to be solid. Where one game lacks, the whole game suffers.
The smaller ledge range is more competitive because if you have two players where one is clearly more skilled than the other, then the ledge mechanics will support this fact because the better player will know how to recover and the worse player get gimped more often. With a bigger ledge range, the mechanic won't reflect this because its giving more help to the lesser skilled player. The smaller ledge mechanic is more competitive because the better player will come out on top more often as opposed to the more forgiving mechanic.