Hey Kupo, i'm not against you or anything but I totally don't see a point in changing the water mechanics. Maybe in Jungle japes, but in Isle delfino?
I gotta pass.
Also I saw that you wanted to remove auto jabs. Why?
Pikachu's jab is nearly impossible without them.
Well, half the game is getting an opponent off the stage, the other half is keeping them off. The choices you make trying to get back or being over zealous should affect how you recover and this is an aspect that makes smash really exciting. Water mechanic as it is now at its simplest form is an extension of the stage. Those stages
are walkoff stages (except japes for obvious reasons) They have all the qualities that makes up walk offs by being able to land on something near the blast zones and renewing all of your recovery options that were lost due to the past choices you made. (ie, you could have lost your second jump in an attempt to get back but you can get it back anyway) A lot of risk of going off stage is also minimized as well. Swimming, I feel, is much like gliding and footstools. The mechanic is bad design goes against the nature of smash.
Also, swimming feels very messy and poor and breaks up the flow of the match. The occasional 1 minute "Water battle Mini games" don't add much to competitive smash either. By removing swimming and adding a twist (moonlike gravity which doesn't have to be very floaty, just less than the air)you can add a whole new aspect to those levels to make matches more exciting, enjoyable and that keeps the essence of smash in mind. (not to mention the fact that you possibly make a stage more playable)
As I said, Delfino isn't "too" bad but I think trying it out there should be encouraged in case it proves to truly enhance that stage. Pirate ship should definitely be changed to this though. I can picture the stage becoming much better and seeing how that stage is halfway there to trying this out, no better place to start.
As far as auto jabs, the code as it stands removes the IASA from the jabs (I think) which is what breaks many jabs. This is why it should be fixed so it works properly. Also, maybe you can make it work by adjusting or adding (I have no idea how PSA works) IASA frames with the current code and maybe it'll work. But in any case, the code just needs to be fixed which I am positive is more than doable.
What I meant is that we should take things one step at a time. The Character meta-game isnt developing because there's always changes being made. So if we work on fixing the characters first then the gameplay fixes should come right after, or vice versa.
No. Wrong. Game mechanics first, character changes second. That is the most efficient way to do things because when the proper mechanics are in play, that one change you were thinking about implementing may end up not being needed after all.
I had a fairly long post that all boiled down into flaming kupo for yelling at other people because they arent doing what he wants them to do, instead of just going off and doing it himself. If you want something done right...
Yea, cause I'm a coder. I did the work in how extensively I picked apart the game to find ways to improve it. I did the work and time into explaining my reasons and tried to put an emphasis and an importance on game mechanics before but got the "IDC" response in reply. I attempted to do the things I am saying by making my own set but look how that turned out. Its been 4+ months later and you still haven't gotten the message. If I were a coder, I would have made all those codes by now.
and where's the proof that the wii's "core engine" is so inferior to the cube's? Last i checked, you could play Melee on a Wii, so saying "we can never hack brawl to make it exactly like melee, but my idea is the closest we can get" is stupid, illogical, and, most importantly, an insult to every one of us who are working to make brawl a better game than it is, both originally and at the present time
I said Brawl's core engine, not the Wii's you idiot.
EDIT And what do you care about whether or not we can fix brawl to make it as good as melee. You already made it perfectly clear that you don't want that.