I play just about all of them, but I focus mainly on snake, ddd, wolf, and marth. you make it seem like nades and tilts are easy to perform when half of the time you have to cower in your shield hoping they hit that grenade on the floor. there are tons of options that players can use against snakes nades and its VERY easy to avoid his tilts. you guys make the utilt combo seem broken, as if most characters don't have ******** combos at 0% so what if snake has a staple combo, it only happens at low percents. you guys have to realize that snakes tilts are SUPPOSED to be powerful, seeing as his smash attacks are projectiles, or really laggy. his strongest tilt does 18% if you hit with both hits, but since most players hit the ground/tech you only get to hit them once, which scores 8%, which happens to be lower than most characters ftilts. you mentioned tech chasing, yeah, thats a possible follow up for ftilt, but its not guaranteed. I will agree that his utilt hitbox is still ********, but I think the damage output and the power is fine GRANTED you don't hit them a mile away (which wouldn't happen if it was smaller)
what everyone also seems to forget to mention, is that IF snake gets hit, he is ****ed for days. his recovery is less than mediocre, not to mention he is big and heavy, so he is combo bait. IMO it all balances out.
also, fox is one of the lightest characters in the game. don't get falling speed mixed up with weight.