The only people against CCing are the people who might be receiving the shorter end of the stick here - rather, it could largely change the viability of characters.
In Melee CCing made garbage characters even more garbage. Efficiently CCing would render Roy's moveset to mostly grabs and *rather* telegraphed smash moves. Neither of those two options are good enough given the fact that Roy was garbage to begin with. We could argue he would *still* be trash even had CCing not existed as it did in Melee,
but the fact that it was there and hampered his viability in high level play even further tells us how potent it can be against characters that may still not be able to keep up with the big boys of the higher tiers.
It would also lead to new countermeasures in B+. CC Falco shine was a good gtfo tactic that punished the opponent for trying to punish Falco "incorrectly." With moves like Luigi's UpB with invincibility on frame 5, Fox's and Wolf's shine, and even moves like Snake's ftilt and frame 2 (?) jabs like ZSS's, it could add a whole new repertoire of potentially potent tactics (most obvious would be Snake probably) that were otherwise not as potent due to Brawl+'s..."fickle" shieldstun mechanic.
Also CC Fox shine, alongside its new JC capability will lead to harsher punishments from Fox from his previously mediocre invincibility move. Considering this is the same community that complains that Marth's Dolphin Slash is *too good*, I'm doubtful for how well this will be received.
Although all of this is assuming the mechanic itself (not the timing) is vastly similar to its Melee incarnation.
The mechanic itself may lead to more trouble than good. It could be more exploitable than expected, depending on how willing the players of B+ are willing to exploit and attempt to break the game.
Do we know that it's broken yet? No, of course not.
Can we safely assume it has the potential to vastly change the dominant strategies that currently exist in this game? Probably.
I feel like I missed a crucial part of information that would make my wall absolutely flawed. Oh well. +1 baby. <____<